
490 26 10

Words: 1117

After the dance lesson Logan returned to the library.

The feeling of the library comforted him, it's the place he liked to spend the most time in.

Logan then pulled out the book he was reading before and sat down at a nearby table. Soon he found out that the beast showed Belle his huge library and the girl was very happy and extatic. He understood that, he much more prefered books than being given a rose.

Then he looked at the clock it was 14:30. Soon in 10 minutes, he had to head out to be at Virgils place. He thought might as well take the book with him.

Logan went to his room to get a bag to put a book in. And soon he went out.

But before he got to the exit he heard,

"HEY LO!" behind him was a running Roman to him.

Before he could answer Roman was infront of him asking, "Can I come with you?"

"To where?" Logan asked confused

"Well I thought you wanted to meet the curse man, and since this is the only time you are free I thought we both can go." The prince concluded

His friend stared at him, "But don't you have anything to do?"

Roman scoffed, "No! If I had something to do I wouldn't be asking."

Logan paused for a moment, and thought about it.

"Alright, but should we bring Virgil with us?"

"Well, we didn't find out about how to lift the curse so, we should."

He sighed, "Alright let's go we shouldnt waste time." Logan already started heading out.

They went out through the back, because Logan didn't want to deal with a flirtatios Remington.

The boys walked through the village. Roman was charming as usual, giving cheerful greetings. Villagers didnt question anything when they were together, after all Logan was the protector. Always having a sword with him, incase anything happens.

House was in sight as they made it to the forest area. Logan and the prince had made it to Virgils house.

Logan knocked, and the door opened.

"Hi Lo,...uh hello princey I guess." Virgil looked at them confused, Roman never came with him.

"Hey emo nightmare, want to go on an adventure?"

...."Maybe? Not with you though."

Roman gasped and put a hand over his heart, "How dare you! I thought we were getting along!"

"Yeah, we are. Roasting you is my way of saying, you are an idiot prince friend."

The prince huffed and turned his back to Virgil.

Logan sighed, "Well Virgil, we were thinking of going to the curse man. And we thought we should bring you with us."

Virgil shivered, "I don't know L, why?"

"Well prince Roman who is acting like a bratty baby, informed me that you didn't know how to lift the curse is that correct?" Logan asked,

The emo chuckled but quickly covered it up with his hand, meanwhile Roman said "You do know I am ranking above you right?"

"That is right. Alright I guess I'll go. And with you too Ro." Virgil mumbled unwillingly.

"Hmp, fine. Let's go nerd and emo."

And so Roman lead the way to the classy cave. As they were walking, the prince didn't speak at all too ofended.

"You think we were too harsh?" Virgil asked

"No, I don't think so. He will talk to us in no time."

Virgil nodded, and soon the snakes appeared. Logan was confused, Roman shrieked in fear and clinged on to his protectors arm.


The snakes fled, they don't hear like humans do but they feel vibrations of sounds and the princes was a big one.

The emo laughed full heartedly and it was no use hiding it. The starboy looked at him, a slight flush fleeding his cheeks but quickly shook his head.

"Prince Roman can you explain, what minions? Who is the slimy man?"

Roman let go of Logans arm once the snakes fled and realized he made a fool of himself.

"Well, the snakes belong to the slimy boi and I believe they spy on people and collect iformation. The slimy boi is the curse man which we are unfortunetly going to." His head drooped,

Logan just nodded along. Still confused, how could snakes get information anyways? The prince certainly is eccentric.

Then they passed along some trees, and walked up on the hill where there was the cave.

Roman knocked on the door. Then the door opened with sparkling gold glitter and when it disappeared, appeared Deceit.

"Oh! Hello, why if it isnt the prince and impossible curse boy. And whom may you be?" He said with a flair to his voice.

"He is my teach and nerd friend." Roman interrupted before the one who was asked could speak.

Logan cleared his throat in annoyance, "Good afternoon. I am Logan Gnosis, the protector and advisor of the royal family."

"Cool, cool. Don't come in." Deceit walked inside.

And the two walked inside right behind him meanwhile Logan was like, "But he said not to come in."

Virgil turned around and grabbed his hand and pulled him along. "He speaks in lies Lo. It may be confusing but you're smart."

The starboy blushed at the compliment and sudden phsyical contact but kept a straight face.

As they walked, Logan noticed so many things neatly placed. Jewelry, dolls, furniture, mirrors. Most of them looked old but beatiful. Honestly the dolls are the creepiest because most of them are life like.

He didn't expect this really, he more or less expected like a fortune teller place with a glowing ball, books, and even the man himself. Expected some old guy but hes pretty young like Logan himself.

On top of that he had hetachromia eyes, and vitiligo skin which meant some patches of skin is lighter and that was half of his face.

"Now come sit down at my table to be granted your shallowest desires of knowledge." Deceit was at the table in a chair that had prints, ornaments main colour gold.

The boys sat down in the chairs. Logan was catious, yes he was very intruiged but as said he doesnt believe in this nonesense.

"Hello Dee, so last time you made my black eyed friend feel bad and that was unforgiveable. But you didn't even say how we can even lift the curse!" Roman said with an aggresive tone to his voice.

Deceit laughed cheerfuly, he lived aggravating Roman. "Yes indeed peasent. And it's complicated, you can't do it without giving me information."

The prince growled, Logan looked at Virgil. He put a hand over his and he nodded.

"What do you need to know?"

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