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Before Virgil knew it he ran at him in full speed, black tears dripping down his cheeks. And Remus was running right back at him.

They crashed in a tight embrace of emotions. It had been years since they saw eachother. Emotions came crashing down like waves at an ocean.

Virgil cried in his shoulder meanwhile Remus stroked his back comfortingly, it was an emotion and full of snot reunion.

Roman looked confused more than ever, especially that the guy looked so similar to himself. Meanwhile his protector felt a pang of jealousy in his chest, he wanted to go over there and rip Remus off of starshine.

But he saw how much both cared for eachother. Guessing it was the ex Virgil told him about in the beggining.

Soon enough they pulled away, Remus stroked those tears off his cheeks. And Virgil managed to smile at him in happiness.

"Hey Vee."

"Hi trash man. "

Remus chuckled at that, "You tickle me emo. "

Both sides just chuckled, in laughter. To the others they shined bright.

"Vee what happend to your adorable face?" Remus asked in confusion.

Virgil sighed sadly at that, "I got cursed."

"BY WHO?!" He yelled in anger.

"I don't know. But Dee over there knows how to break it. " virgil pointed at Deceit,

"Oh Janus? Yeah makes sense, hes smart like that. "

All except Remus looked at Deceit,

"Janus?" They all questioned in unison.

Deceit sighed angrily, "Goddamn it you rat man. None of you call me that ever otherwise I'll attach a cursed object to you not even looking."

Roman gupled, Logan and Virgil nodded.

The pair pulled away from the embrace.

Then Remus and Roman looked at eachother.

Deceit laughed heartily, "It seems like the twins have reunited."

"THIS TRASH GOBLIN IS MY BROTHER???" Roman questioned in confusion and disgust.

Remus then looked at the royal clothes and rude remark and said.


Virgil couldnt help it and howled in laughter, even Logan chuckled.

"Yes, for some reason Remus was kidnapped at birth and ended up in a diffrent kingdom. Now being the long lost prince."

Everyone just stared at him.

"How do you have so much information obtained?" Logan questioned.

"I have my ways, don't question it. Smirk. " deceit said.

"Did he just say smirk?" Virgil questioned.

"Yes indeed." Logan answered for him.

Virgil and Remus walked back to the table. Now everyone learned something from this trip, the long lost prince. Curses are indeed real, and Remus is back.

Logan's chest was blaring with emotions. His eyes were like daggers, wanting to cuss out everything.

What the fuck, Virgil said that the ex broke up with him. Why did they hug like that, why does Virgil seem so...happy?

The last thought saddened him but not much, because if Virgils happy so is he.

The same boy he was thinking about looked at him in concern,

"Are you okay Lo?"

Logan nodded with a straight face, "Yes Virgil, I'm alright."

Emotions are alarming. As he sat in his own silence the rest were chatting.

"How do you know eachother?" Roman pointed at Deceit and his supposed twin.

Deceit hummed, "It was such a long time ago yet I remember it like it was yesterday, I was in some deserted building exploring, then I found him. He was on a blanket, bleeding on his cheeks, he was drenched in rain. I walked over to him, he didn't seem homeless just hurt. And I just gave a lending hand, at first asking questions he seemed genuine of what happened,

so I took him to my place. And here we are now,this rat lives with me. "

He said this story with a fond voice, Remus just smiled through it all.

Out of everything nobody expected this.

"AWWWW, mr snake man seems to not be so bad after all! Sounds like a perfect start to a romance book!" Roman cooed excited,

Deceit looked at him in disappointment, "I will never like you arrogant prince Roman, but thank you for not seeing me in such a bad light anymore."

Remus sneered at the royal pain. "How do you know them?" He asked in curiosity.

"I will explain that, if you don't mind." Logan spoke up.

The already irritated man didn't mind and waved for him to go ahead.

"Well mister Remus, to my knowledge your twin and his significant other went with Virgil to this place, because Roman thought Virgil was cursed. And when he found out how he looks like, he was very distraught and I wanted to know why and when I found out it was curse related I didn't want to believe it, and now here we are. Is that enough of an explenation?" He explained calmly.

Remus nodded, "Whatever nerdy wolverine. And wait this obnoxious prince managed to force someone to date him?"

The prince huffed in annoyance. "EXCUSE ME? First of all-

And the chatter went on but

Then the advisor realized something. Time. He looked at his wrist clock and his eyes winded. We only have 10minutes to get back to the palace!

Logan grabbed Romans hand, "We have to go Roman, we have to get back to the palace otherwise I will have to explain things then not be trusted by your father anymore!" He said in a rushed voice, creases in his face.


He wanted to but couldnt.

"No Roman, you may argue with your twin later! Virgil do you want to go back with us?"

"I will just slow you down. I will get back on my own time. " unexpectedly Virgil said that,

"Okay." And then started heading out with Roman almost jogging and tripping on the way out.

Remus sighed, "Anyways want to catch up Virgil?"

"A-are you sure? Are you not mad at me?"

He just chuckled, "I'm not, it's okay my dear emo. I just want to know if you are okay now."


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