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Words: 538 

Then the boy in glasses and black polo shirt pulled out from his bag some books.

"Here are some books I brought for you, from the palaces library."

Virgil's corner of his mouth turned upward, "Thanks L, I appreciate it. Which ones did you like the most?"

Logan's eyes lit up. "I'm glad you asked but are you willing to litsen to me go on and on?"

He just sighed, "Of course, and just so you know I don't get bored of you talking to me. So please talk."

"Well there is this book about a charecter who has Thyroid cancer and was diagnosed since 13 but now she's 17. And her mother has decided she has depression as the side affect, because she didn't socialize, go outside exetra. So her mom told her well more like forced her to go to a support group in the heart of jesus christ. And one day she meets a boy who change's everything. I wont go on I would like you to read, but thats the base of the story."

He said all this with a dream like wonder, Logan liked to read realistic thing's not those fairytale one's though, he hasn't tried just yet.

Virgil nodded enthusiastically, "It sounds intresting, I will read it sometime. I may also get an idea of how it is for a person to deal with cancer."

The boys continued talking until someone knocked on the door.

Virgil got up from the couch to answer, he opened the door to see Roman and Patton.

Patton engulfed him in a hug, "Hiya Virge! How have you been?"

He smirked at his cheery friend, "I've been okay."

Then Roman dramatically said, "We missed you dearly!"

Virgil snorted, "It's only been like 3 days."

"Yeah so?"

The poor soul sighed at the eccentrics. But remembered his fellow friend who's not as eccentric as the other two.

"You guys gonna come in or what?"

Without words the two walked in, what Virgil didn't notice were their intertwined hands together.

When the pair walked in they saw a known face, Roman laughed nervously, "Heyo teach..."

Logan got up, "I'm sorry I lashed out on you, I've been just dealing with things. But I support your relationship as long as you feel well and happy."

"Well I'm certainly happy! And thank you, of course I forgive you." Roman beamed at him.

The pair sat on the couch and so did Logan. Then Virgil got in with flowers to put in a vase for decoration.

Then Roman noticed a purple flower behind his ear, "Say Virgil, you look nice with that flower behind your ear. Is it from someone special?"

Virgils cheeks tinted pink, "Thank's princey. And none of your buisness."

Roman made an offended noise, "When the matters of love are at hand, it is my buisness to help."

Love, huh.

"Sure whatever. " Virgil shrugged it off as if it was nothing.

Logan cleared his throat, "Since we are all here, I want to access a situation."

His friend's looked at him, "What situation?" Patton asked.

"The situation where you think Virgil is cursed. I would like to know where you got that from."

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