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Authors note: Spoilers for beauty and the beast. I'm saying just in case, someone hasn't seen it.

Words: 1225

The curse didn't get mentioned for a while. Altough, it's been at the back of Logans head for a while. Days passing by and the question still linger's,

Are curses truly real?

He didn't want to believe it, but what other explenation was there for how Virgil looked?

Currently he was in the library on a short break. Then he noticed a fairytale book called "Beauty and the Beast."

Logan looked curiously at it, intrested since one time Roman came to him sobbing about the book, how perfect it is and love conquers all. He was still amused by that incident.

Curiosity killed the cat, but what could harm Logan reading a book? And he's not a cat.

And so he pulled the book out of the shelf. He doesn't have much information of the story, all he knows is from the cover of the books words. Beauty and the Beast.

He looked at the summary on the back of the book.

An arrogant young prince and his castles servants fall under the spell of a wicked enchantress, who turns him into the hideous Beast until he learns to love and be loved in return. The spirited, headstrong village girl Belle enters the Beast's castle after he imprisons her father Maurice. With the help of his enchanted servants, including the matronly Mrs. Potts, Belle begins to draw the cold-hearted Beast out of his isolation.

Logan snorted, Story about love? Expected from Roman, but why would the prince imprison Belles father? And why has the prince fallen under the spell of the enchantress anyways?

Soon he will find out, he was intrested to know why Roman liked these kind's of things and how it related to the real life right now.

As he began reading, he understood that Belle liked to read books, just like he did and that the man, Gaston was unbearable to deal with.

So far Logan doesn't like the beast. He appearently was too vain, and judged too quickly by looks. Logan knew better not to judge someone by their looks, from his own experience.

And now even more so by imprisoning the father even though it was merely a mistake of how he got there.

As he continued reading he was immersed in the book, reading through pages. Intrested to see how thing's will play out, how could Belle handle the beast's rude action's.

The beast was incredibly rude and unnecessarily mean. But his enchanted servants helped him understand his actions, but when he protected Belle from the wolves, he proved not to be bad and eventualy became more calmer than aggravated.

Then he made it to the part where the beast had to show Belle something, before he got to it he heard someone calling out to him.

"Sir, Gnosis." He heard a woman speak,

Logan looked up and saw a maid, "Hello, what is it?"

The maid fiddled with her apron, "Sir, you have to attend to the prince, he wanted me to send you the message."

Then he remembered,
Roman's dance lesson.

"Thank you for telling me miss. You have my gratitude, I will be on my way." Logan quickly put the book away and started heading for the ball room.

The maid bowed as Logan passed her.

Roman was sitting on a chair, in the ballroom wondering, Why is Logan late? He never is late.

The door opened, and stumbling in came Logan who had pink tinted cheeks with a little bit ruffled hair.

The prince wanted to laugh, he had never seen Logan looking embarassed before, especially late.

Roman indeed couldn't help it, he chuckled. "My! Bespeckled teacher, you look simply divine!" He was smiling ear to ear.

But the advisor just merely scoffed, his cheeks tinting more red rather than pink, he bowed to Roman, "My apologies your highness for being late to your lesson."

He still had to be proffesional, now Logan dearly regrets even going to the library.

Roman is just amused not even mad that hes late, "It's okay Lo! Mind explaining why you are late to the class of the art that is dance?"

"Your vocabulary is flowery as ever. And yes indeed I will explain. It's embarassing to say, but on my break I went to the library and started to read the book you cried about, Beauty And The Beast."

He didn't want to murmer but he did, the advisors supposed to be confident, but how can you be? When you strictly say you don't read or believe in fairytales.

Roman looked at him bewildered, then smirked, "You don't say, my bespeckled teacher who only reads realistic books, read my recommendation!" He said cheekily, but grinned.

"Yes, yes I know your highness. Let's get to the lesson, we are late as it is. Shall we?" Logan held out his hand for the prince to take. He quickly wanted to get over the fairytale subject.

Roman smirked, and got up "Why of course! Altough, I would prefer my darling. But I must admit you are a splendid dancer." And so the prince placed his hand into his hands.

They got into the waltz pose. Logan placed his hand on Romans back, and Roman placed his hand on Logans shoulder.

As they danced, Logan was counting so the prince can accurately follow the steps. "One, two, three." Repeatedly, Roman followed those words carefully.

Then Logan stopped counting once Roman got into the rythm, it was silent then the prince spoke up. "Hey Lo, how do you like beauty and the beast?"

As they were dancing, Logan was caught off gard by his voice. He mistepped but quickly got back to the rythm, "Well I got to the part where the beast had to show Belle somthing. But the book is unexpectedly intresting. "

Roman smiled, "Oh, really! That makes me happy, it's certainly magnificent. Belle is a sweet darling, but you my poor friend were left on a cliffhanger! You were left out where the good things start to happen!"

The boy in glasses quirked an eyebrow at him in curiosity, "Oh?"

Prince babbled on as they danced, his eyes were filled with excitement talking about fairytales. All that amazement, as much Logan hated to admit it, he liked the princes happy presence and sparkling eyes.

Romans, auburn hair shined from the sun coming in from the windows. To say the least he looked like a true prince.

Unexpectedly when Roman was talking, Logan twirled him.

He knew that Roman loved twirls, as children they practiced dancing together.

The prince smiled at him, "Fiiine, let's just continue."

"Actually your dancing has gotten better, you don't step on my feet as much anymore." His teacher complimented him.

"Oh dear lord! I remember you canceling a lesson just because I hurt your feet too much that they hurt. I still feel bad about that, sorry Lo." Roman ducked his head of the embarassing memory.

The advisor just sighed but smiled, "It's quite alright Roman. I know you didn't mean it. I accept your apology."

The two enjoyed eachothers company even though they could bicker for hours, but no matter how much they argued one fact didn't change, their friendship never changed.

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