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This is where everything begins of Virgils trauma, and past experiences.

Words: 1230

   From the very beggining our small boy Virgil was malnourished, he hasnt been fed well. Our parents are supposed to be our protectors and guardians...right? Not for Virgilius.

One day Virgil was sitting in his onesie and drawing, he loved drawing. The drawing was of a sun and bright happy. Once he was finished adding touches. The small boy got up to show his parents because he liked his work.

He walked to the kitchen where his father was, and tugged on his leg. "Papa! Look! Do you like it?"

His father scoffed, "The fuck is that?"

Virgil stood in confusion, "Huh?"

"Obviously I don't like it! It's pathetic excuse of an attempt! Just like you."
The last line stung his poor little heart. Tears trickled down his little cheeks. "Papa I'll try harder!"

"Try all you want but nothing will work, since in my eyes you will always be a mistake."

Of course it was only a drawing of a sun and nothing more but his father associates Virgils birth with his failing marriage with his wife.
Virgil ran away to his room. He was only an eight year old boy. He thought it was a joke, jokes yeah just jokes, his father wouldnt say those things. Our little boy walked over to his mother to confirm his thoughts.

"Mama, papa was only joking about me being a pathetic mistake right?" He said with hope in his voice.

His mother chuckled sinisterly, "Why would he joke about the truth?"

Virgils heart broke, once again he ran away and hid in his room. He never knew why all this happend, why his parents thought that. He was doing everything right, throwing away all empty alcohol bottles, cleaning rooms, and not complaining.

His mother stormed inside of his room and yanked him by the hair, "Why are you crying?! You should be grateful that you have a home!" She hit him hard on the arm.

Virgil screamed in pain.

The next day he went to school he wore a big sweater even though it was burning hot while others were in tshirts and shorts. He couldnt bare to show his bruises.

He was walking through the hallways his head down, when someone tapped on his shoulder. "Hey Virge, whats wrong with my bestest friend?"

Well atleast he had his best friend Kara, he was crazy in many ways but kind, he trusted him. "Kara, I'm fine! Really my face just looks sad. But I'm happy see?" He faked a smiled and kept his feelings in.

Kara nodded, he didn't question it, why would he think of the worst anyways? "Okay! Lets go into the class we call hell." Virgil chuckled at that.

In class they passed notes to eachother, smiled at eachother.

Kara was the only happiness, until he was taken away by a car crash at the age of 10. He wasnt allowed to go to the funeral, his parents had to be there.

The only happiness he got was taken away, he lashed out in drawings that always were happy because he pretended he wasnt on the verge of breaking.

He was fifteen.

Most nights he would look out of the window into the night sky and wonder what did he do in his past life to deserve this? Or maybe he was just that worthless, for anyone to not want him. He started to develop loss of appetite, and insomnia. Everything felt numb.

And once he gained friends again, they left him out of the nowhere, when he was feeling down he was basically ignored by anyone who knew him. Then there was Remus he took advantage of the situation and became Virgils friend.

It had been months since they met.

Of course he was catious. Because all anyone did was leave, everyone leaves at some point it's inevitable.

Once they became friends, one day at school Remus came up to Virgil, "Hi emo, I want to show you something today at school."

Virgil agreed, so after school he stood near the entrance. Remus came up to him, "LET'S GO!" He excitedly yelled.

"Alright sheesh." Virgil didn't handle people like this well but who cares let's give it a try?

As they were walking, Remus slipped his hand into Virgils, "Is this okay?" He asked out of caution, "I don't know Remus is it?"
He just chuckled, "If you don't want to let go then it is. What do you say? Want to let go of this hand? Or would you rather touch my juicy ass?"

"Jeez Rem, that's a bit much. Fine I'll hold your hand." Virgil chuckled none the less. He became the emo of the school, wearing black clothes, being too skinny from malnourishment. But he learned to cook on his own and actively avoid his parents.

In his vision came an abondoned open house, it was far away from the city, "Beautiful isnt it!"

Virgil just looked at him in confusion. What the fuck Remus?

"Uh I guess. Only you find it pretty though." The house was crumbled that only our local crazy Remus would find it very pretty.

"You tickle me emo!" He exclaimed, "Now come on lets go!" Remus pulled him inside. Then they stopped inside and Remus pulled out a blanket, "I came prepared, we wouldnt want to sit on the dirty ground!"

"Well yeah, but I honestly don't care and I thought you wouldn't care either."
Remus chuckled, "You are right I don't, then lets sit on this dirty ground! The blanket will keep us warm!" Remus plopped himself on the ground, and patted the spot next to him for Virgil to sit. He did, Remus draped his arm around him, Virgil put his head on his shoulder.

In a long time he he hasnt had this kind of warmth from anyone, so he just cherished this moment.

"Tell me Virge, what do you feel right now?" Remus asked.

"Safety and warmth." Virgil said honestly.

"Thats wonderful." Remus almost purred.  "Virgil I know you don't feel safe at home, would you like to live with me?"

Virgil looked up at him shocked, "Are you sure? Im alot to handle, I'm a complete mess!" He didn't want to burden anyone.

"And you think I chose to be friends with you, without those traits?"

Virgil paused, "Well...no but still I-
He couldnt finish, Remus already kissed him on the cheek. "I'm positive, I like you more than anyone else, sure some people have great asses but I like yours more. I love you, I'm sorry."

Tears streamed down Virgils cheeks, for the first time he hears those sweet words directed at him. "I'm sorry Virgilius! I know you don't feel the same but I uh-" Virgil just hugged him tighter than anything in this world. He wanted this feeling to last forever. The whole universe was against him but not Remus not sweet, crazy Remus.

Authors note: I hope it isnt too bad, I feel bad for Virgil experiencing so much trauma but yknow life isnt all fair with butterflies and rainbows.

Also heres past Virgil

Also heres past Virgil

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