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His face fell, "What do you mean?"

A few tears streamed down his face, but he quickly wiped them, "It's just...can I talk to you guys?"

Remus quickly ushered the poor distraught boy inside, Janus saw Virgil just so sad and he had to get up, and whispered to Remus, "I think we should bring him inside."

His eyes widened, it was their place, Janus showed it to nobody other than him. But Virgil...he deserves to see and feel comfourtable. And so Remus nodded, and led Virgil inside their royal looking house.

"W-what is this?"

"It's our place. Did you honestly think we lived in a cave dear?" Deceit said with a smile on his face,

"Honestly, yeah." They chuckled and sat down at the sofa.

"What happend?" Remus asked,

"The day you two stormed out and when you left...Logan told me that he loved me."

Remus sighed, "Shouldn't have it gone well? You both are so into eachother, that I just want to rip both of your hearts out just for you to see."

Virgil smiled sadly, "Yeah, after he said he loved me. He said he's sorry...in so much shame and sorrow. I can't even, he seemed so guilty and before I could say anything he said Don't worry...I'll be fine. And left before I got to say my feelings. I thought he would come back, but he didn't and now I'm worried out of my mind. What if he's been overworking? Hurting himself? Starving himself! IT'S BEEN A FUCKING MONTH!! WHAT IF-"

Remus just hugged him and said, "Chill boo, chill."

Virgil just cried into his shoulder, shuddering breaths. Janus hasn't heard anything about this but Remus has been telling how frustrated he is about those two not getting together. And so hes intruiged, but feeling sad for them.

But a thing he noticed a few more cracks appeared on Virgils face, Oh poor boy, those cracks were soon to be gone too. Janus thought sympathetically.

After a while Virgil pulled away and breathed in and out. And looked at them, "Rem what happend on that day?"

He sighed and looked at Virgil, "Well...the thing is he ran out since he couldn't stand us flirting anymore and just with us almost kissing-

Janus eyes darkenend, "You what?"

Remus kissed Janus cheek, "It was then, I thought I couldn't have you and so I tried to make Logan jealous because his expression reminded me so much of you and basically I tried to replace my feelings from you to Logan."

Virgils face looked lost, "Thank satan, in that moment I thought you liked me like that. Continue please."

"Alright. So after all that he just broke because the nerd was keeping his emotions inside all this time. Of course I ran after him, and found out that he had a crush on Roman once but Roman didn't like him in that way and chose Patton. He basically think's that if he ever loves someone, he will ultimately lose them. And just, lord the poor boy, both of us opened up about our emotions. Nothing really bad happend, I just have no idea why he would isolate himself from you." He said in one go, just remembering this hurts his heart,

"He doesn't want to feel more pain and rejection." Deceit said simply,


Janus sat up straight, "Virgiliu's, I may not know what is exactly happening but I think it's best to see him soon or preferably this week. It doesn't seem good, do you have any other information?"

He nodded, "Yes, Roman said that he looks more pale, sharper jawline, dead look in the eyes. And just sounding so awful, I need to see him but I don't know how my face still isn't normal."

"Do you want the boy?"


"Do you want the boy or not?" Janus asked,

"Of course, I do."

Janus stood up and patted Virgil on the shoulder, "If you want him then you won't care how you look to others as long as you get to him and see him. What I can say is, be honest and brave. Be straightforward about your feeling's, try not to think of the what if's. It is obvious Logan won't come to you, take a step forward to him and pull him out of the abyss as he did for you. He need's help, and I think you can help him take that first step forward Virgil."

Virgil hugged Janus, it was unexpected. But he accepted it, just talking about feeling's to great people can help so much it has been proven to help a person both pysically and mentally. But he now knew what to do, if Logan won't come then Virgil will. And that day is tomorrow.

"Thank you." He looked at Janus and Remus. "Thank you, both of you for litsening. And thank you Janus I will do what you said. Enough about me, so both of you are dating?" He said with so much appreciation then smirked at the last sentance.

Janus blushed but Remus just pulled him by his waist, his boyfriend just said, "Me? A classy man with this rat? Totally not. " he said smiling,

They chuckled, "I'm glad, I was thinking when either of you would say anything."

And so the boys laughed and chatted about everything. It's like Virgil has two seperate friend groups, Roman and Patton, Ethan and Remus. But Logan was always with him in both. Soon they will finally talk.

After all it's time.

Heey It's me ya goirl moonshine. And I hope this chapter is satisfactory to you all who read this, we are nearing the Analogical climax of thing's.

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