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     It was getting late and dark, Logan's dad didn't want to wake them up but it was for the best to wake them up, he didn't know if either of them had anything important to do the next morning.

He went over there, a slight smile arose on his face. What he saw was utterly comforting, Logan and Virgil closely next to eachother sleeping, it was rare to see Logan like this, getting close to someone like this.

Then he went over and gently shook them and said, "Come on boy's time to get up. Don't want you to be uncomfortable in the morning from sleeping here!" He quietly said yet loud enough to hear.

Virgil was the first one to open up his eye's, he looked around realized where he was, the library still. "How long have we been asleep?"

"For a couple hours, but it is getting late. You should get going to sleep properly."

He nodded, looked next to him there was Logan still sound asleep like a baby, Virgil sighed.

Fuck, I don't want to wake him up. For once he look's so at ease and comepletley..ugh I don't even have the words to explain it. But maybe I could carry him home? And not wake him up? I don't want to ruin his peaceful sleep.
"My boy, what is on your mind?"

Virgil looked up and said, "Huh?"

"You seem lost in thought. Don't want to wake him up?"

He nodded, "I was thinking maybe carrying him home, he is light as feather for me to carry, it wouldn't be a problem."

"Knowing Logan, I think he wouldn't like to wake up someplace else when he knew he was not there in the first place. I'll let you figure it out." Victor left, it was like a head's up for Virgil if anything.

He thought about it, ...he does have a point, fuck it I will carry him home, and leave a note for him to read. Besides I won't be out and about.

Virgil put in Logan's bag the books they had.

And so he picked Logan up, it was terrifying how light he was. Really worrying but it will be okay.

He said his goodbyes to Victor and left.

Mini timeskip to the morning.

Logan woke up in a room he didn't recongnize at first, he shivered last thing he remembers is the library he fell asleep in, he didn't remember getting up and going somewhere, but once he got up he noticed a note.

Hey Lo, this is Virgil.
We fell asleep at the library I presume your dad owns?
Anyway hope you didnt have a mini heartattack when you woke up, I carried you home, well my home that is. I am in the house somewhere, when you read this find me.

Ah so that explains it, but what does he mean by mini heart attack? You can't exactly have a mini heart attack, in any case I did not have anything of the sort.

Logan looked out of the window, it was the forest, how does Virgil not get creeped out sleeping in the forest? There could be animals, people or diffrent entities wandering around.

He shook his head, got up to take a shower and get dressed.

Once he took a shower, he combed his black hair back so that water droplets wouldn't fall on his face. He remembered his bag in the room it was right next to the bed, he picked it up to get dressed.

Logan wore a blue plaid shirt with short sleeves, and some black pants. And the medallion, it felt almost wrong not to wear it out of the palace. He has had it for so long, it was the first thing he was given when the role was assigned as the protector.

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