Chapter 5

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"Joe?" Rami asks while getting up to hug him before Ben even has the chance to get up. If Ben hugs him now he might only make it worse. Without having those intensions. Rami wraps his arms tightly around the boy.
"It's alright. I've got you." Rami says. He uses the exact same words his best friend Afya used to say to him whenever he had a panic attack. She was the only one who was able to get him calm until she passed away. It was almost twelve years ago. Everything had happened so fast. Rami never got the chance to tell anyone how big of a scar she left behind. She had made him a lot stronger and way more confident then he used to be. Now it is Rami's turn to make Joe stronger and more confident. And to be there for him as a friend.
"Are you okay?" He feels Joe nodding his head against his chest. Rami slowly lets go of the Joe.
"Just had a really rough dream about last night. Instead of getting the wine you all hated me. And then I woke up and you weren't there. I thought you left." He whispers the last part. Ben could hardly make out what Joe was saying but it hurt him. It hurt to see his best friend so sad. The only thing he wants is to give Joe a hug but every time he tries he can feel the muscles of the older boy getting tense. Almost as if Joe is really scared of Ben. Which breaks Ben's heart. The only thing he wants is to see his best friend happy again.


Every time Rami sees a chance to talk alone with Gwil either Ben or Joe walks in. In the evening he is tired of trying. He needs someone to talk to. So he decides to text Gwil during the movie.

I need to talk to you. Without the boys. I will go to your bedroom try and come up with a reason to follow me.

Gwil takes his phone out of his pocket as soon as it starts buzzing. Without reading the text Gwil looks at Rami with a raised eyebrow. Rami doesn't say anything but nods towards the phone, as a hint for Gwil to finish reading. After Gwil is finished reading the message he simply nods at Rami. Before turning back to watch the movie, pretending nothing happened. Rami stands up from the couch. All the heads are turned towards him. Without saying anything he walks away. He can feel the gaze from three pair eyes on his back as soon as he left the room.

It takes a few minutes for Gwil to walk into the room, closing the door behind him. He leans against the wall while raising an eyebrow at Rami who is seated on the bed.
"Two things before I tell you. First of all please don't be mad. Second of all please don't tell anyone. Do you promise that?"
"Uhm. Sure?" Gwil says while his face turns into a frown. Rami tells the whole story. From Joe being scared in the evening until the messages in the morning.
"Well, it explains some things." Gwil mumbles as soon as Rami is done with the story.
"We have to be sure this is a real thing before we will try and help Joe." Rami nods. He expected Gwil to take this exactly the way he did but for a second he thought Gwil might be mad about Rami reading private messages.
"What about we leave for the store tomorrow. Just the two of us. Then we can see how Joe reacts. If he gets nervous or anything, and maybe Ben reacts in a different way too?" Rami nods at the plan from Gwil.
"Let's do that. Then we can discuss a further plan while we head to the store." They give each other a high five before walking back to the living room. The movie is still playing.
"Sorry, I had to make a phone call." Rami says while he takes his spot on the couch next to Ben again.


The next day they all hang in the living room. Not really doing anything.
"I am going to the store to grab something to eat for tonight. Rami can you maybe join?" Rami pretends to be a little annoyed and sighs. Gwil rolls his eyes at him.
"Let's make some plans after we come back. See you soon guys." Before Joe and Ben can argue the two are already heading out but not after seeing the reaction of the two boys. Joe feels himself getting nerves. It is quite a long time ago he has been alone in a room with Ben. One side of him wants to tell him everything but the other says to keep quiet until they are at least almost done shooting. So it will not be more awkward during their workdays together. He can hear Gwil starting the car outside. Joe looks at his phone to keep himself distracted from Ben.

Meanwhile, Gwil and Rami discuss everything they saw.
"Joe definitely became nervous. Did you see his face?"
"Yep, he is definitely in love. Poor guy." Gwil stops in front of a red light before talking again: "But did you see Ben? I don't know what it was but there was definitely something going on in his mind too." Gwil parks the car at the supermarket.
"I think we just need to give them some more alone time here and there. So Joe has the change to properly talk to Ben is he wants to. Maybe you can talk to Ben tonight? Just what he thinks of this whole coming out thing. He has been awfully quiet since it all happened."
"I can do that." They are now inside the store. Which makes them be careful of the words they choose. It is possible for a fan to overhear them. And although the cast isn't announced to the public yet. People can always post things later.
"I don't think there is any more we can do right now. So hopefully Ben tells you something interesting tonight. Otherwise, we just have to give them some time here and there. We will see what happens then." Gwil nods in agreement before grabbing his shopping list and searching for the right items.


After they come home Ben is seated alone in the living room.
"Hey. We're back." Rami calls out. He is the one carrying the shopping bags. The one in his right hand is obviously heavier as he walks slightly to one side. 
"Where's Joe?" Gwil asks when they walk into the living room.
"He wasn't feeling well. So he went to bed. He told me to wake him up when you were home."
"We can also make lunch first? Then we wake him up when it's ready. That way he can sleep a little longer." Gwilym suggests. Everyone walks into the kitchen, making everything for lunch ready.
"I will wake him up now." Rami wants to stop Ben but Gwil grabs his arm. Shaking his head. When Ben leaves the kitchen Gwil starts whispering: "Joe asked for him. Let them have this moment together."


Hi my friends,

How are you doing today?

I'm thinking that I might upload chapter 6 tomorrow (I am not sure about it) but would you guys like that?

Byeee Xx

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now