Chapter 57

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"There is one date that isn't in here. That is because I didn't take anything physical with me. Do you remember our second date?" Ben asks. He takes a deep breath while he looks Joe in the eye. Joe doesn't even need to think a second before he knows which date Ben is referring too.
"The one I planned where we went stargazing?" Joe asks. Ben nods slowly.
"Yes, that one. Right after our first kiss, we saw a falling star. Both of us made a wish. And I hope I can make my wish come true." Joe's eyes widen when he sees Ben standing up from his chair. Ben walks over to Joe before he lets himself sink to one knee.

"From the day I met you I knew our bond would be different than I ever had with anyone. We grew closer together. And soon our friendship developed in a relationship. You are a wonderful person. I love the way you laugh every time you see something funny. God, your giggle will be my death some day. I never met someone who is so funny, kind, amazing and cute as you are. And you are so hot too. It's good that you don't have eyes in the back of your head because you would have caught me starring at you way more times than you've already caught me now. You helped me through a lot of things. The things with my father, with Mason and the struggle with my appearance. And that with your own life not being easy on you. You stayed with me in the darkest times. In those times you brought the light to my life. I never could have wished that I could call someone like you my boyfriend. Actually, I think we need to upgrade that title. So Joseph Francis Mazzello the third, will you make my wish come true and will you marry me?" Joe has tears streaming down his face. During his speech, Ben had difficulties opening the little black box because his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Joe has a shaking hand slapped in front of his mouth.
"Yes, Ben. Oh my god." Joe says in between sobs. Ben grabs Joe's free hand and carefully slips the ring around his ring finger. After the ring is on Ben stands up and grabs Joe by his waist to have him also stand up. He lets his arms hang around Joe's waist to pull him into a kiss. The latter's arms move to hang loosely around Ben's neck. The kiss is sweet and meaningful.

After a few minutes, Ben pulls away. He uses his thumbs to wipe away Joe's tears. Joe almost starts crying again the moment he looks Ben in the eye. As soon as Ben notices that he grabs Joe in a hug.
"I love you." Ben whispers into Joe's ear. He rubs his hand over Joe's back while holding him close.
"I love you too. More than anything in this world." Joe whispers back. Neither of them makes an attempt to move away. They realise how perfect they are for each other when they are just holding each other close.
"That's good." Ben whispers. They stay like what feels forever in each other's arms. Ben feels a few tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. He never could have guessed that his moment would have come. Especially not with the man of his dreams.
"Are you crying?" Joe says before pulling away far enough to look at Ben's face.
"Nerves." Ben chokes out before looking at his feet.
"Hey, honey. Look at me. Or better look at my hand. I said yes. There is no need to worry." Joe moves his hand in front of Ben's face to show him the silver ring with the dark blue stone in the middle. Even in the little light from the fairy lights, the stone sparkles.
"Look at this beautiful ring. It means that I said yes Ben. And if you're still doubting it. Yes, I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Every minute of my life even. You're the most wonderful person I met. The most handsome, kind, sweet and caring human being on this planet." Joe says. Before pulling Ben into a kiss Joe removes Ben's tears with his thumb. Exactly how Ben did it with Joe moments ago. After pulling away they join each other in another hug.

"I have another small surprise for you." Ben grabs Joe's hand before leading him towards the forest. With the flashlight from his phone, he shines to the ground so they don't trip over anything. Although Joe almost tripped over a branch that had fallen from the tree Ben, however, was quick enough to catch him.
"Is this the moment you're going to murder me in the forest?" Joe says with an unreadable tone in his voice. Ben stops in his tracks, causing Joe to bump into him. Ben slowly turns around.
"Wait, what?" Ben looks at him with a surprised expression on his face.
"That is what happens in movies." Joe simply shrugs.
"Murder you? Then I can't spend the rest of my life with you. That would be sad. Just hang on, baby. We are almost there." Ben still has Joe's hand in his own and pulls him forward again until they stop at a little house.
"This is ours for tonight. Everything we need is already inside." Ben hands Joe the keys so he can take a look for himself. Joe basically runs towards the house to open it. It is a one-room cabin. The bedroom, living room and kitchen are mashed together in a cosy way. The only other door leads towards the bathroom. Joe runs over and flops himself down on the bed.
"This bed is amazing." He says while bumping up and down. Ben shakes his head at the man laughing before sitting down on the couch. Soon joined by his fiance.

"Did you tell anyone that you were going to propose to me?" Joe asks after a while. Ben shakes his head. He had put an arm around Joe's shoulder so he could keep him close.
"Well, I asked your parents permission when they picked me up from the airport a few weeks ago. But other than that no." Ben explains. Joe looks up at him.
"Can I call them, please?" Ben simply grabs Joe's phone from the table in front of them and hands it to Joe. The latter immediately searches for the right number before dialling it.  His mom is the one to pick up. Joe turns his phone so Ben is also in the frame.
"Hey mom. Can you grab dad really quick?" Joe says. He tries to hide his excitement but fails miserably. By the moment Joe's dad joins Joe's mom on the couch Joe has a huge smile on his face.
"Mom, dad, this lovely man next to me asked me to marry him today." Joe lets his head rest on Ben's shoulder. The first reaction they get is a high pitched scream from Ginnie.
"That is amazing. Oh my, I'm so excited. Joe, we need to shop for clothes to wear at their wedding. And and and-" She has turned to look at her husband who immediately had painted a huge smile on his face.
"Mom, relax. We just got engaged. The wedding is still far away." Joe says while shaking his head laughing.
"Congrats Joe. And you too Ben. This is great. I love both of you." Joe's dad simply says.
"I love you too dad." Joe says while looking at the screen. He moves the camera so they can see the shiny ring on his finger. The ring that is put there by the love of his life. The love of his life that he is going to marry.

Hey guys,

The chapter y'all have been waiting on! It's here! They are engaged...

Anyways, this is I think one of my favourite chapters. Although, their second date might top it. What about you? What is your favourite chapter?

I hope y'all have a good weekend. 


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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