Chapter 25

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A very early upload I know. So, to be sure, check if you have read the last chapter before reading this one! Read until the end to see why I uploaded again in such a short period of time! Have fun reading Xx


Joe can hear a gasp coming from his mother. His father stays silent. Joe cracks open one of his eyes. His mother has her hands over her mouth. Her eyes are wide open. In contrast with her husband who has a hint of anger in his eyes.
"Is this a joke Joe?" He asks so calmly that it almost scares Joe.
"I am afraid it is not. I can show you my chest too. You'll see that it is unfortunately very real. I have to warn you though. My chest looks worse compared to my face." When neither one of his parents say anything he hands the phone to Ben. He hears his mother gasp as soon as she sees Ben. Joe struggles getting out of the bed. Ben immediately notices him having difficulties.
"Joe, lay back down I will hold the phone so they can see it." Ben has put the phone down so he can help Joe back in bed. Before grabbing the phone to turn the camera so Joe's parents can see everything. In the way, Ben holds the phone it is impossible for Joe to see his parents. Ben, however, can see everything. He can see the tears forming in the eyes of Joe's mother. That is the moment Joe's father wraps his arm around his wife. Ben turns the camera around while he lays down next to Joe again.
"I am sorry that this happened mr. and mrs. Mazzello. I knew my dad would not be happy but I never saw this coming."
"Dear, don't apologise we don't blame you. I am just really shocked that this has happened." Mrs. Mazzello says.
"What happened to your dad?" Joe's dad has leaned closer towards the camera.
"He got taken by the police. We don't know what is going to happen yet." Joe answers the question for Ben. He still hasn't talked to Ben what he thinks about it. Although Ben's dad has abused both of them it is still his father. Joe can only imagine how it would feel if his dad would get locked up.
"Do you want us to book a flight and come to visit you?" Joe's mom asks.
"I think we will manage together. You should focus on the dance studio." Joe gives them a reassuring smile. Although from deep inside he knows he wants nothing more than his parents to visit him. But he can't ask them to fly all the way from New York. Especially not in the middle of the show season for the dance studio.

The rest of the call is about everything that happened. His dad wants to know what exactly happened so both of them as briefly as possible as they don't want to recall every single thing. After a while, Joe turns the conversation towards the dance studio. He lets his dad tell all the stories. Here and there both Joe and Ben jump in with random questions to keep them distracted from everything that has happened that day. After a while Joe's mom suggests the two going to bed. Which they both happily agree with. They say their goodbyes before ending the call. Both of them quickly discuss what to tell Rami and Gwil. 

Now they are just laying next to each other. Joe has turned his head towards Ben slightly. While Ben is looking at the ceiling Joe is staring at his boyfriend. Although he tries not to make it too obvious. As soon as Ben turns his head towards Joe the latter moves his eyes towards a spot on the wall. Ben leans in to give Joe a kiss on his forehead.
"Don't pretend like you weren't staring at me." Joe let his eyes rest on Ben's face again.
"Sorry, I just can't believe I now can stare at you all I want without having to hide it." Joe turns his head down in shame. Ben immediately notices and leans in to kiss Joe's forehead once again. Which results in Joe moving his head up once again.
"Can we cuddle please?" Joe asks.
"Anything you want, honey. As long as you tell me as soon as I hurt you, alright?" Ben has already opened his arms for the older boy to crawl into. Which the latter does without hesitation. Ben has to suppress a hiss as soon as his boyfriend places his head on Ben's shoulder. Ben knows that if he lets Joe know that he is in even the slightest bit of pain he will stop cuddling him. And all Ben wants at the moment is to make Joe happy. After all, Ben is the reason all of this happened to Joe.

They stay silent for the rest of the evening. Ben has used his free hand to play with Joe's hair. As soon as he started with his actions he could Joe feel relax under his touch. After a little while, he feels Joe's head getting heavier as he falls asleep. Ben looks at his lover with a great hint of admiration in his eyes.
"Gosh, you're so cute. I am so sorry that this has happened. My dad is just the biggest asshole ever. But we should be fine now. We will never go and see him again. I am so sorry I put you through this. I don't get why you would still stay with me after all of this. You're the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. I will make sure no one will ever do something like this to you again. If I need to train harder to get stronger so I can kick some ass I will. Because it hurts to see you like this. All I ever wanted is you to be happy. You're so beautiful. I don't get why you don't see that. I wish I could pull off looks as you do. You are just perfect in every single way. Goodnight my love." Ben kisses Joe's forehead before closing his own eyes. Soon drifting into a restless sleep.

What he doesn't know is that the man in his arms wasn't asleep at all. With his eyes closed and his breathing under control, Joe has listened to every single word Ben had said. It took him a lot of strength not to smile or blush at the words. It was a miracle that Ben didn't feel his heart starting to beat faster with every sentence. Joe tries to cuddle Ben even closer before falling asleep too. 


Hi lovies,

It's my birthday!!! That is why I decided to upload earlier. It's literally 12.01 am. I don't have a life. 

I consider all of your comments on this story as a gift every day. I honestly love to read your comments and some of them really crack me up. It makes me happy to see that people actually enjoy this story so much. Since I was an eight-year-old girl I had this dream of becoming a published author. Over the years I became more and more self-conscious about my writing. I didn't share my writing with anyone for years. I was too scared to let other people read anything. It was until I had the idea of this story that I decided to share it with someone. Anonymously of course. Therefore is your support and lovely comments something that brightens my day every day. I still worry about this story too much, but from your comments, I think most of you like it, don't you?

Anyways, have a nice day. I'm going to celebrate (actually most of my friends are coming tomorrow, but hey. I will just have a Joe marathon here. Also, a very good way to celebrate my birthday lmao.

Xx Itsametaphorjoe

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now