Chapter 88

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After some rental you hear at every wedding, it's time for the betrothal. The officiant starts speaking again: "Ben Jones, will you have Joe Mazzello as your partner in life? Will you love him, care for him and respect him? Will you cherish his uniqueness and respect his individuality as you enter into this union of love and trust?" Ben looks up from the ground to meet the officiant's eyes. Although, it isn't the official word yet the temperature rises in the room.
"I will." Ben takes a deep breath before meeting Joe's eyes for a second. The officiant repeats his words, but this time has them dedicated to Joe, the latter doesn't look away from Ben while saying: "I will." They both share a smile.

While the officiant reads the first reading Ben and Joe don't take their eyes off each other. Only once Joe looks over to his family to see his mother with tears of joy in his dad's arms. The look of love that both Mary and John are giving him, makes the smile on Joe's face even bigger. When he looks back at Ben, the latter has a huge smile on his face as well. They lock eyes before Ben closes his eyes for a few seconds. He takes a deep breath before looking at Joe again. He still can't believe that he is marrying the love of his life. His thoughts are interrupted by Rami who subtly coughs to catch Ben's attention. He nods his head towards the officiant who is about to begin with the vows. Ben takes another deep breath. This is the moment everything is going to be official.
"Benjamin Jones, do you pledge to love Joe and throughout your years together, to be honest, faithful, and kind to him? Do you pledge to give to him the same happiness he gives to you, and to respect him for who he is, not who you want him to be?" The officiant speaks loud and clear. The whole room gets silent immediately. All the eyes are locked on Ben.
"I do." Ben tries to speak as loud and as clear as possible, his voice low. Joe takes, what looks like a relieved, breath.
"Joseph Francis Mazzello the third, do you pledge to love Ben and throughout your years together to be honest, faithful, and kind to him? Do you pledge to give to him the same happiness he gives to you, and to respect him for who he is, not who you want him to be?" All the eyes move towards Joe. Joe looks Ben in the eye while he starts speaking: "I do." Loud applause rips through the whole room.

Soft piano music starts to play. Everyone turns towards the door. Leah, Joe's little niece, walks in with a pink, small pillow with on top two shiny gold rings. Most people let out a collective awh when they see Leah walking towards Ben and Joe with her cute pink dress and her hair is carefully styled into beautiful curls. Both Rami and Gwil walk forward to take over the little pillow as soon as she is in the front. Leah walks back to her dad, who kisses her forehead while he tells her that she did a good job. Gwil and Rami stand next to the officiant. Gwil holds the pillow in front of him so Ben can take the ring. Both him and Joe wrote their own words for the ring exchange. Ben grabs the first ring and holds it in his own hands. He takes a deep breath and tries to relax as much as possible.
"The fitting of this ring with its unending circle symbolises my infinitive love for you. The placing of this ring on your finger, is the fulfilment of my dreams, to have you as my best friend ever, my love, my husband, to live as one forever." Joe lets out a small awh before Ben grabs Joe's hand. He carefully slips the ring on Joe's finger. When it's on fully Ben holds Joe's hand a little longer before letting go. By now Gwil has passed the pillow on to Rami who is holding it in front of Joe. After letting his eyes glide from the ring to Ben's face he grabs the ring.
"I give you this ring as a reminder that I will love, honour, and cherish you. In all times, In all places and in all ways, forever. With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love. My everlasting friendship. And the promise of all my tomorrows." Joe says. His nerves are boiling away with each word. He grabs Ben's hand in his own. That is the moment he notices that Ben is shaking.
"Are you okay?" Joe whispers. He pretends to be fiddling with the ring while he looks up at Ben for a brief moment.
"Just excited and a little nervous. Don't worry." Ben whispers back. Joe smiles before slipping the ring on Ben's ring finger. He rubs his thumb over the back of Ben's hand a few times. Officially he needs to let go of Ben's hand, but there is no way that he is going to do that. He intertwines their fingers before looking up at Ben. Who immediately seemed to relax a little.

Rami and Gwil walk back to their own places. The officiant walks back towards his own microphone.
"Throughout this ceremony, Joe and Ben have vowed, in our presence, to be loyal and loving towards each other. They have formalized the existence of the bond between them with words spoken and with the giving and receiving of rings. Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and husband. You may now kiss your husband!" Ben frees his hand from Joe's grasp and places both hands on Joe's face. As carefully as he can he moves forward to kiss Joe, the latter wraps his arms around Ben's waist to pull him closer. Their kiss goes under loud cheering from the whole room. People stand up to applaud. There is no doubt that the loudest cheering comes from behind both of them. Gwil, Rami, Lucy and Chace loudly cheering and whistling to the two.  

When they pull away they keep standing close to each other, fingers intertwined. They forget the world around them and instead stare in the eyes of each other. Joe nearly jumps when the officiant starts talking again.
"The ceremony of marriage in which you come to be united is one of the first and oldest ceremonies in the world. It is a beautiful gift in that we give ourselves totally to one another. Marriage is the blending of two hearts, the union of two lives into one and your marriage must stand, not by the seal on your wedding certificate, but by the strength and power of the faith and love you have in one another. I wish you all the luck in your marriage together. Now it's time for everyone to celebrate your marriage together." Ben grabs Joe's hand in his own before turning around to face the aisle.

As soon as I was born to love you starts playing they walk towards the exit under loud applause. They are followed by Chace, Gwilym, Rami and Lucy. Ben and Joe sit down in the open Cabrio next to each other. The groomsman and Lucy will join the main part of the family in the next van. Under a loud cheering, the car leaves. They get driven to their party destination. As soon as they are out of sight Joe leans over so he can snuggle up to Ben.
"We're married," Ben whispers.
"I know. It feels amazing." Joe says before looking up. Within seconds their lips are connected. Ben lets his hand rest on the side of Joe's face while their lips slowly move over each other. 
"Gosh, I love you so much darling." Ben whispers when they pull away. Their foreheads resting against each other.
"I love you too. So, so, so much." Joe whispers before connecting their lips once again. Their fingers intertwine making their rings move against each other. As soon as they hear the sound they both look down. Both of their left hands are laying on top of each other. They look up at each other with a massive smile on their face.
"This is going the best thing that ever happened in my entire life," Ben says. He pulls Joe against his chest. That is how they spent the rest of their ride. Curled up against each other. Here and there they whisper sweet nothings in each other's ears. Other than that they just enjoy the presence of one another. 

Hey guys,

Here take some more wedding stuff because why not? I had so much fun writing this chapter. One of my favourite chapters to be honest (maybe it's only because it's the wedding but still)

How are y'all doing?


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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