Chapter 79

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Joe got woken up the next morning with kisses planted all over his face. Ben has one hand placed on Joe's chest while he lets the other run through Joe's hair.
"Morning, babe." Joe mumbles. Ben smiles before placing his final kiss on Joe's lips. 
"I made you breakfast. I thought you'd like some better breakfast than hospital food." Ben says. Joe opens his eyes for the first time that day. A huge smile spreads on his lips as soon as he sees Ben hovering above him. 
"That is so nice of you. Thank you." Joe says. He moves to sit up straight, his back leaning against the headboard. Ben disappears out of their bedroom before coming back with a huge tray full of food. Joe feels his eyes widen while he looks at the massive amount of food.
"Holy-, babe, how long did this take?" Joe asks after grabbing the tray so he can place it on his lap.
"Like, almost an hour. I'm going to get mine. I'll be right back." Ben places a quick kiss against Joe's lips before disappearing. Joe looks at the amount of food on the tray. He has a full plate full of English breakfast. Ben knows all too well that Joe loves it when Ben makes him a proper English breakfast. Next to that is a plate of waffles with warm cherries. Which has to be Joe's favourite. Ben also placed another hard-boiled egg on the tray. Joe carefully lifts the coffee and orange juice onto his nightstand so he won't spill anything.

A few moments later Ben comes back with an equally big tray. Filled with the same foods, except for the waffles. When Joe stares at that place on the tray he can't help but wonder why Ben would leave that part out. He absolutely loves waffles.
"I was hungry while cooking, so I already ate my waffles," Ben says when he sees Joe's confused expression. 
"Want to watch a  movie or something?" Ben asks before passing the remote control. Joe starts browsing through the movies until he finds something he knows both he and Ben will probably enjoy. 

The movie is already over halfway when Joe finally finishes his breakfast. He couldn't be more full, but he knows how hard Ben worked to make it. That's why he didn't want to leave any leftovers. He places the empty tray on the ground next to his bed. Ben had already finished and did the same. Joe stares at Ben for a bit before scooting over. He places his head in Ben's lap. Ben can't do anything but smile. He lets his left arm droop over Joe's waist. He uses the other to draw circles over Joe's shoulder. He knows how much his boyfriend likes that, even though Joe never said it out loud. So every time Ben sees the chance he tries to think of it. Sometimes, like today, he doesn't even think twice about it. After a minute or ten, Joe turns his head so he looks at Ben. He keeps starring at Ben until the latter looks down. Ben's lips immediately curl into a smile. He bends down to press a kiss on Joe's forehead. He feels his heart jump into his chest, just by the sight of Joe in his hold.
"I love it when you do that," Joe says. Ben's smile widens even more.
"Forehead kissing?" He asks, just to make sure. Joe shakes his head.
"Well, that too. I meant when you draw figures on my shoulder. It makes me feel really safe and comfortable." Joe says.
"I already knew that, love," Ben says. Joe's eyebrows furrow for a few seconds before he looks up at Ben again.
"How?" He asks. Ben chuckles softly.
"I am you fiance. I know you well enough to notice the stuff you like." Ben explains. Joe nods slowly.

"Or dislike for that same matter. I know for example that you don't like this." Ben places a hand on Joe's side, slightly higher than where he usually holds him. Joe squirms away a little as soon as Ben places his hand there. He doesn't know why, but it feels really weird.
"Okay, you are right. You know me too well." Joe says. Ben smiles in victory.
"Just my undying love for you, darling," Ben says. 
"Cheesy." Joe mumbles. Both of them have already forgotten about the movie that is playing on the television. Joe gets up to situate himself on Ben's lap instead. 
"But you do love this cheesy man, right?" Ben says. He raises his eyebrows and pouts a little.
"You could say that you are as sweet as some kind of cheese." Joe grins. Ben slaps his hand in front of his eyes. He lets his head hit the headboard behind him. 
"I thought that there was never a possibility for such a sexy and hot man like you to ruin a romantic moment like this," Ben admits. Joe lets out a low rumble of laughter.
"You underestimate my capabilities, Benny," Joe says before letting his fingers weave through the blonde strands.
"I know I do. You are pretty amazing, you know?" Ben says before placing a small kiss on the column of Joe's neck.
"I have been told, yeah. Not as amazing as you, though. Nobody is as amazing as you are," Joe says. He leans forward a bit to give Ben more access. 
"That is nice of you to say. I love you." Ben says before placing more kisses on the skin in front of him.
"You know that I love you too," Joe says. He pushes Ben away slightly, only to bend down himself. He places a kiss on Ben's lips.
"I do," Ben whispers in between kisses. 

Hey guys!

I originally wanted to upload this chapter later this week but it's so cute that I couldn't keep it from you. I bet y'all really like this chapter. Especially the ones that suggested having more completely Hardzzello chapters. Well, here you go.

Take good care of yourselves. I love y'all!


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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