Chapter 32

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The next morning Ben is the first one to wake up from the alarm. When he cracks open an eye he sees that Joe is slowly waking up. Ben decides to pretend that he is still asleep, just to see what Joe is going to do to wake him up. Ben closes his eyes and slows his breathing down. He can feel Joe stirring when he wakes up. Then he leans over Ben's body. Soon the alarm is turned off. He can feel Joe's eyes fixated on his face. It takes everything that he has in him not to open his eyes to look at the beautiful face in front of him. Suddenly he feels lips pressed against his own before they move towards his cheek.
"Benny wake up." Joe's voice says softly before going back to attack his cheek with kisses. Ben let it happen for a few seconds so he can enjoy the attention he gets. After that, he opens his eyes and in one swift motion he flips both of them around. Without giving Joe a moment to realise what is happening he dives into a kiss. Ben pins Joe's right hand above his head so Joe can't escape. Because Joe is taken by surprise is takes a few seconds to kiss back but when he does he dives right in. His free hand is pressed against the back of Ben's head to pull him closer. After a while, Ben pulls away he flops down on the bed next to Joe.
"That was the hottest way of waking up. You should do that more often." Ben pants.
"I love you Benny." Joe has turned his head to the side to look Ben in the eye.
"I love you too princess." Ben kisses Joe's nose before getting out of the bed. His actions earn a giggle from Joe.
"Let's get ready. Otherwise, we will be late on set." Joe groans before he also gets out of the bed.

They both get dressed. They both slept in so they didn't have time to eat breakfast. They grab a banana and an apple from the fruit bowl next to the breakfast area to eat while Ben drives them to set. People are already waiting for them behind their chairs to do the make-up and help them put on their wigs.

They need to reshoot the I'm in love with my car scene today. So they all sit down in the kitchen and start to roll.
"I put my heart and soul into that song." Ben says while he turns around. He locks eyes with Joe before turning his gaze towards Gwil.
"And no one is to speak about that." Joe has slipt into his Deacon accent and has changed his posture.
"And you don't like it because you want your songs on the album." Ben exclaims angrily. Joe can't help but notice how cute Ben is when he tries his best to sound angry.
"It's not that Roger." Joe locks eyes with Ben on purpose. To see if he would break his role. Which he, to Joe's surprise, doesn't.
"Then what is it?" Ben almost roars back at them.
"I'm in love with my car? Maybe it's not strong enough?" Gwil exclaims. Joe nods towards Gwil as to agree with him.
"What does that even mean?" Ben let his eyebrows move together in a frown as soon as he looks at Joe and Gwil sitting on the other side of the bar.
"Oh, I know I am late. What did I miss?" Joe nearly jumps from Rami walking in. He almost forgot that was what was going to happen.
"Discussing Roger's car song." He leans on one arm as he swings with his fork. He gives Rami an all-knowing look before turning back to Ben.
"Is it strong enough? That's all I'm asking. If I am on my own here then I apologize." Gwil says the last part with a great deal of hesitation in his voice. Joe still amazes him over the similarities between Brian and Gwil. The latter has studied and remembered every single mannerism Brian has. Which worked out great. And their physical similarity was also amazing.
"How does your new song go then?" Ben grabs the paper that is placed in front of Gwil. He lets his eyes scan over a few lines before pretending to read a line out loud: "You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese." Gwil shrugs.
"It's good."
"Wow." Ben let his arms fall down by his side. His face flushes with anger.
"You know, with my hand on your grease gun. It's very subtle." Gwil let one of his fingers glide over the paper in front of him.
"It's just a bit weird Roger. What exactly are you doing with this car?" Joe swings dramatically with his fork while speaking as he looks at Ben with a slight smirk on his face.
"Please children. We could all murder each other, but then who would be left to record this album?" says Rami.
"Statistically speaking most bands don't fail, they break up." Joe has turned himself around to face Rami.
"Why the hell would you say something like that?" Joe shrugs instead of answering.
"Roger there is only room in this band for one hysterical queen." With that Rami leaves the room.
"I know why you are angry Roger." Gwil says.
"Why?" Ben has turned himself around again.
"Because you know your song isn't strong enough." Gwil says while he shots Ben an all-knowing look
"Oh is it? What about this? Is this strong." Ben says while he starts to grab various items from the counter before throwing them towards the two in front of him. As soon as he grabs the coffee machine Joe and Gwil yell in sync: "NOT THE COFFEE MACHINE."

"And cut." The director says as they said their last lines. Rami pokes his head around the door to hear what the director has to say.
"That was really good guys. I am going to watch it back really quick but I think I want to do one more. To see how it works out if Roger is even angrier." The director says while walking over to his screens. Ben takes that time to walk around the counter. Slowly he makes his way towards Joe. As soon as he leans in for a kiss Joe turns his head towards the side.
"Hey, I want a kiss." Ben pouts. But instead of getting sympathy, Joe simply shakes his head. Ben eyes darken a little.
"Did I do something wrong?" He nervously asks.
"No, I just don't want a kiss right now." Joe knows exactly what he is doing. He knows the line between making Ben mad and sad is thin. But he makes sure to stay on the good side.
"Please baby. Tell me what is wrong." Ben has grabbed both of Joe's hand while his eyes are fixated on Joe's face.
"There is nothing wrong Ben. Can't you just leave me alone for a second?" That is when the director walks in. Joe let out a relieved sigh. He doesn't know how long he would have been able to keep up the act.
"That was really good guys. Ben, do you think you can do one where you are even angrier then during the last one?" Ben nods before taking place. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths to get into his role before he opens his eyes to wait for someone to call for action.


"Cut. Excellent job Ben. That anger was just the right amount. We have a ten-minute break planned." The director says. Ben immediately walks over to Joe.
"Well, I guess my plan did work?" Joe smirks as soon as Ben gets close.
"What plan?" Ben raises one eyebrow while he looks at Joe with a great deal of confusion in his eyes.
"I tried to get you angry so you would ace this scene." Joe smiles innocently at Ben.
"You are not mad at me?" Ben feels the muscles in his shoulder becoming lose. He didn't even know he was so tense.
"No, how could I silly?" Ben doesn't answer but instead dives into a deep kiss. His hands fly towards the side of Joe's face to cup his cheeks. Gwil coughs to let them know he is still there. Ben lets go of Joe.
"Sorry, Gwil. I couldn't resist this beautiful face." Bens words make Joe blush. Rami has come and stood beside Gwil. A huge smirk on his face. Joe raises an eyebrow at him.
"What? I just love seeing you two happy together." Ben gives him a smile before wrapping his arm around Joe's back.
"Let's get something to drink. I could use some water." Gwil says while standing up, soon followed by the others.


That night Gwil stands in front of Rami's room with hesitation. He doesn't want to do what he is going to, but he knows he has too. He knocks on the door before he gets the chance to walk away. It takes Rami a while to open the door.
"Hey, Gwil. What's up?" Rami says as soon as he sees Gwil standing in front of the door.
"Oh no. Are they at it again?" Rami says before Gwil even gets the chance to say anything.
"No, I just need to talk to you. Alone. Is Lucy here?" Gwil says while scratches the back of his head.
"No, she is out with some girls. Come in." Rami steps aside so Gwil can come in. Rami now worriedly eyes Gwil before the both of them sit on the bed.
"Spill it." Rami says Gwil takes a deep breath before he starts to speak.

Hi lovies,

Yes another chapter because I'm stressed out. I write and edit better when I'm stressed. And as I have written over 150K words this year I think it was a stressful year lmao. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

I have some pretty great news for you guys waiting in a few weeks. Stay tuned!


Xx itsametpahorjoe 

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now