Chapter 95 (xxx)

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Hey guys,
This chapter is a smut chapter. Which means that it is for 18+ only. Even if you are 18+ and don't want to read it, you don't have to. This chapter is not essential to read before reading the chapters after this. So, if you feel uncomfortable reading this or if you're under 18 years old you can just skip this chapter and read the next chapter. I'll try to upload the next chapter later today or tomorrow so you won't have to wait long.
Xx Itsametaphorjoe


Ben leans down to kiss Joe. He straddles Joe's body while doing so. Their lips moving together in a needy manner. When Ben grinds down his hips once Joe lets out a moan that is swallowed by Ben's mouth. Ben uses that time to slip his tongue between Joe's parted lips. Their tongues fight for dominance. Every time Ben grinds down they moan in unison. After a few minutes of their heavy make-out session, Ben pulls away. He places a few kisses on Joe's neck. Joe lets out some breathy moans. Short after that Ben moves up to whisper in Joe's ear.
"My dear husband. Can I make love to you?" The words send shivers down Joe's spine.
"Please." It came out way needier than Joe had intended, but that only made Ben smirk. Ben continues placing small kisses on Joe's neck before he pulls Joe up enough to get rid of his shirt.
"I am so lucky that my husband is so hot," Ben says before littering kisses all over Joe's stomach, sucking on a few spots. When he does, he enjoys the low moans that leave Joe's mouth. He lets his hands continue to roam over Joe's chest while he takes Joe's length in his mouth. Joe, who had his eyes closed in pleasure, lets out a low moan from the sudden warmth of Ben's mouth. Ben uses all the little tricks he knows that drive Joe wild. Sure enough within a few seconds, he feels fingers weaving through his hair. Joe lets out some curses under his breath when Ben takes him in all the way. Ben can't help but let out a small hum just from the sounds that his lover make. Those vibrations make Joe arch his back.

When Ben pulls off of Joe, the latter lets out a small whine.
"Don't worry, love. You're going to get the real deal here," Ben says from his place on the bed. He looks up to watch Joe's expression when his lubed-up index finger slowly makes its way from Joe's thigh towards his entrance. He sees the scared expression on Joe's face and immediately moves up the bed so he can lay next to Joe.
"Hey, what is wrong?" Ben places his hand on Joe's exposed chest.
"Nothing. Just. I haven't bottomed in a while. Promise me to go slow?" Joe mumbles. Ben leans in to kiss Joe. Short but sweet.
"That was already my plan, sweetheart. I'll prep you as long as you need. If you want to stop at any moment, the only thing you have to do is tell me. I don't want you to be uncomfortable during any of this. When you tell me to stop I'm more than happy to let you have the best orgasm by blowing you. Then you get top the next time, okay?" Ben's hand slowly travels lower before resting on Joe's thigh.
"Thank you," Joe says. He props himself up his elbows to give Ben another kiss.

"I love you," Joe whispers softly. Ben places a few kisses on Joe's neck before bringing his lips up to Joe's ear.
"I love you too, my beautiful husband." With that Ben crawls back to the edge of the bed. He lets his index finger circle around Joe's entrance again. He has squeezed a little more lube on his fingers before slowly pushing one digit in. Joe lets out a soft hiss before a small content sigh. Ben works the finger in slowly but steadily. He has his gaze fixated on Joe's face to make sure Joe is feeling okay. Once he sees the relaxed expression he adds another finger. He works up to three fingers.
"Please Ben," Joe whines. Ben stands up before kneeling down on the bed.
"Are you sure? I can prep you more?" Ben asks. Joe shakes his head furiously.
"I need you. Please." Ben smirks before grabbing a hold of his own dick. He lets out a low moan when he pumps it a few times. Joe's eyes flutter open at the sound.
"That sounds so hot," Joe says. He smirks when he sees the little shade of pink forming on Ben's cheeks. Ben ignores the comment and lines up with Joe's entrance.
"Tell me to stop or slow down at any time," Ben says before slowly pushing the tip inside. Both of them let out a moan. Ben keeps pushing inside slowly. It takes all he has in him not to immediately push himself inside fully. He bends down to take one of Joe's nipples in his mouth. Joe arches his back at the feeling. Moans are tumbling from his mouth. Ben takes it as a good sign and starts thrusting in and out slowly. He tries to focus on the expression's on Joe's face to make sure his husband likes every bit of it.

Joe seems to be completely lost in pleasure. He lets out moan after moan. I love you's tumble from both Joe's and Ben's mouth. Both of them completely lost in each other. Ben leans down to prep kisses along Joe's collarbone. Something he knows drives Joe wild. He doesn't use the trick too often but every time when he does, Joe's back arches of the bed. Moans and desperate groans leave his mouth every time Ben sucks a little harder on a spot.
"I love you so much," Ben whispers straight into Joe's ear. His low voice full of arousal causes Joe to let out a desperate groan. 
"I love you too." He manages to choke out. Ben's hand makes his way down Joe's body. He wraps his hand around Joe's cock. His hand strokes at the same pace as his thrusts. 
"Close," Joe warns. 
"Me too. Cum for me, my husband. I want to feel you cum." That is all Joe needs to push him over the edge. Ben's names roll off his tongue in the form of moans. Ben quickly pulls out before stroking his own cock quickly. Within a few seconds, his own cum hits Joe's stomach as well. I love you's and Joe's name tumble out of Ben's mouth. He lets himself fall on top of Joe. His face buried in the crook of Joe's neck.
"I love you," He whispers again.
"Love you too," Joe whispers back, still trying to catch his breath.

Hey guys,

For the people who have read it, what do you think? This is my very first smut chapter and I'm not sure if it is something I can get used to writing. It is really unnatural. 

Anyways, like I said I will try to edit another chapter to upload today or tomorrow. I have some classes today so I am not sure if I can make it today but we will see. You at least won't have to read that long.

Take good care of yourselves, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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