Chapter 76

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When Ben walks back into the hospital room Joe is laying in his own bed again, his phone in his hand. As soon as he sees Ben his face lits up immediately. Which causes Ben to smile. Ben places the notebook and the pencil case on Joe's nightstand.   
"Here you go." He sees that Joe is wearing a clean shirt again. That means he already got the chance to shower and eat dinner. Ben moves the hair away from Joe's forehead before placing a small kiss there.
"How was your dinner?" Ben asks. Joe shrugs. They both know that hospital food is usually not very tasty.
"Want some goldfish crackers?" Ben says. Joe's eyes lit up immediately.
"Yes, please." He says. Ben can't help but notice how much Joe sounds like a small child that is getting candy. Ben gets the bag of goldfish crackers out of his bag. Joe already holds out his hand so he can open the bag. Ben hands it to him while laughing hard.

Once Joe has had some crackers he looks up at Ben.
"I was wondering if we could maybe make a guest list for the wedding. I know it probably will be a long time before we actually get married, but I've been thinking about it a lot."  Joe says. Ben grabs the notebook and hops onto the bed.
"Sure. Is it a good idea to make a list together and then both add more people after that?" Ben asks. Joe nods before moving so he can give Ben more space on the bed.

After having their first friends and Joe's closest family members written down they come for a dilemma.
"What do we do with Brian and Roger? I don't want to push them in coming to the wedding, but I also don't want them to feel excluded. Especially Brian has helped us a lot." Joe says. Ben bites on the inside of his cheek while he tries to think of a solution.
"We could send Roger, Brian and Adam including partners a different invitation where we tell them that they don't have to come, but that we don't want them to feel excluded," Ben says. Joe nods while he scribbles a different list for those three.
"Er, Joe?" Ben asks while he stares at the list. Joe immediately notices the unsure tone in Ben's voice.
"Yeah?" Joe asks as relaxed as possible.
"Can I invite my grandma?" Ben says. He starts chewing on the inside of his cheeks while he avoids Joe's eyes.
"Sure, what is her name?" Joe asks. He already has the pen ready to write the name down.
"Wait, really?" Ben asks. Joe looks up at Ben, while nodding he looks Ben in the eye.
"Why not?" He says before taking Ben's hand in his own.
"I thought we were not going to invite any of my family members," Ben says. Joe raises an eyebrow at him.
"We never said that. The only one I would rather not have in our wedding is your father, but even if you want him to be there I will put him on the list." Joe says. Ben looks at Joe with wide eyes.
"My dad doesn't even deserve to be in our wedding. Neither does my mom. My grandma is the only one in my family that really supported me through everything. I would love her to be in our wedding." Joe hands Ben the pen so he can scribble her name down. 

While Ben and Joe are making a guest list Gwil is sitting with a guitar in his arms in a studio close to his house. Rami is sitting next to him.
"You could text Brian. He would be more than willing to help us." Rami suggests.
"I feel like bothering him if I text him." Gwil sighs. He let his fingers glide over the strings.
"You'll never. He loves you. It's just for a few notes. If there is one person that knows how to play it, it will be Brian." Rami says. Gwil sighs before getting his phone out of his pocket and he starts typing.

Dear Brian,
I hope that I don't bother you. For Joe's and Ben's wedding Rami and I want to play somebody to love as a surprise for them. As it will be the beginning of Bohemian Rhapsody and we think it fits. I only have some difficulties with the first line of the chorus. I can't seem to find a piece of sheet music that has the right notes. Would you mind telling me the notes?
- Gwil

Gwil reads his messages out loud to check it with Rami.
"You did end your message how Bri usually does, right? With his -Bri?" Rami asks. Gwil looks down and smiles when he sees that he unconsciously did that. He nods to confirm Rami's thoughts.
"You are Brian May. It's good. You can send it." Gwil hesitates for a few seconds. Rami grabs the phone from Gwil's hold before sending the message so Gwil can't have any second thoughts. 
"You're welcome." Rami grins. Gwil shakes his head before rolling his eyes. He starts playing the parts he does know. Rami starts singing along. It feels natural now, the two of them making music together. They get interrupted by someone calling Gwil. He places the guitar on the ground before grabbing his phone. He inhales sharply once he sees that Brian wants to facetime him. He picks up anyways.

"Hello Brian," Gwil says. As soon as Rami hears the name roll of Gwil's tongue he moves so Brian can see him too.
"Hi, Brian." Rami waves at the camera. Brian sits in what looks like the studio. He has put on his glasses and is looking at his phone.
"Gwilym, Rami, nice to see you two again," Brian says.
"Are Ben and Joe really getting married?" Brian asks. Gwil and Rami look at each other. Was it something they shouldn't have shared?
"Yes, they are. I don't know if we are allowed to tell you though. So, act surprised when they tell you." Rami says. Brian's eyes get bigger before a huge smile spreads across his face.
"Wow, I'm so excited. Rog, can you come here?" He calls out to somewhere behind the camera. Brian has his eyes focused on the other side of the room. After awhile Roger sits down on the couch next to Brian. 

"Hey boys," Roger says. 
"Guess what they just told me?" Brian has his head turned to look at Roger's reaction. 
"How am I supposed to know?" Roger asks while looking from Brian to the phone screen and back.
"Ben and Joe are engaged." Roger's eyes get big before his lip push into a smirk.
"Really?" He looks at Rami and Gwil who are both nodding.
"That is so awesome," Roger says.
"Anyways, Gwilym, are you in England any time soon?" Brian asks. He focuses on Gwil again.
"Next week I am. Just for a few days." Gwil says after thinking for a few seconds.
"I would say stop by at the studio and we will practise the song," Brian suggests. Gwil can feel his eyes starting to widen, but he desperately tries to keep himself calm.
"Really? You would do that?" Gwil asks. Rami pets Gwil's arm in excitement.
"Of course, anything for you Gwilym. Just text me when you are in England and we will figure a date." Brian says. Gwil nods and thanks Brian over and over again. They say their goodbyes before ending the phone call.
"Wow, I can't believe this," Gwil mumbles as soon as the line is dead.
"Well, start believing it then because next week you have guitar lessons from dr. May.

Hey guys!

Two days ago I wrote the very last chapter of this story (chapter 100). It feels so weird now. That part of me is just empty right now. For me, this story is finished. The only thing I have to do is edit the remaining chapters and uploading them for you guys.

For the people who are also reading, You don't fool me. I'll start editing another chapter to upload as soon as this one is up. So, expect a new chapter any time soon!


Xx itsametaphorjoe 

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now