Chapter 87

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Gwil places both hands on Ben's shoulder. He has tried the past two hours to get Ben at least a little calmed down, but nothing really worked. Except maybe putting on a random funny video he found on YouTube.
"Ready?" Gwil asks while looking Ben in the eye.
"Ready, Freddie." Ben roars. Gwil and Rami burst out in laughter. The joke became a huge inside joke in their friendship. Even on a day like this, it can't be left out. Gwil fixes Ben's black bowtie before looking Ben up and down. Ben is wearing his completely white suit with a black shirt underneath.
"Looking good," Gwil says before standing in his position. He stands behind Lucy and next to Chace.
"Doors opens in 20 seconds." One of the workers say. They stand behind the door. Ben's breath quickens while he counts down in his head. The workers nod towards each other before slowly opening the doors. When they are fully opened Lucy and Rami start walking. They are closely followed by Gwil and Chace. And a few steps later Ben. As soon as they start to walk down the isle excited whispers fill the room. Ben is too nervous to actually hear them. When they are upfront Gwil and Lucy bend left. Rami and Chace bend right. In that way, they leave an opening for Ben to walk to the middle. As soon as he turns around his eyes scan the room and end up falling on the isle with Brian, Roger and the rest of the cast and crew. All of them shoot a reassuring smile. 

I was born to love you starts playing. That is the cue for Joe and his dad to start walking. The doors open in an instant. Ben's heart starts beating faster when he sees Joe walking towards him, arms locked with his dad. Although it is a basic black suit it looks like it is made for Joe's body. It fits perfectly in every place. His hair is also carefully styled. Ben needs to try hard to not bite his lip. As soon as Joe and his dad reach the first row of benches Ben starts walking towards Joe. Slowly but confidently. He locks eyes with Joe before shooting him a wink. Just a way of saying that it's all going to be alright. Halfway through the rows of benches, they meet each other. Joe's dad hands Joe over to Ben , a way of allowing them to get married.

As soon as Ben hooks his arm through Joe's arm they walk to the front together.
"You look absolutely stunning, love," Ben says quietly.
"So do you, babe," Joe whispers before focussing on keeping his pace in line with the music. He had taken a quick glance towards Brian and Roger, who didn't know that their song would be the procession song. Both of them shared the same huge smile. When they are at the front Joe locks eyes with Rami for a few seconds, the latter gives him a smile. The officiant smiles at the two while they stand opposite of each other. He clears his throat before starting to speak:  "Friends and families! Joe and Ben are here today to happily proclaim their intention to marry. In doing so they are allowing us to participate in the celebration of a love which they have nurtured for some time. Their relationship is founded on friendship, respect and trust. Joe and Ben believe that marriage is essentially a human institution. Therefore this ceremony finds its deepest meaning in the celebration of being." During the words from the officiant, Joe and Ben never took their eyes from each other. Joe almost drowns in Ben's eyes that are filled with love and admiration. It takes all that Ben has in him not to run forward and grab Joe in a hug. 

When it comes to the speeches Ben and Joe agreed that Ben would be the person to start. Joe regretted that as soon as he looked Ben in the eye when Lucy handed Ben the piece of paper. Joe could already feel tears coming in his eyes. 
"From the day that I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were different than everyone else. I know that it sounds extremely cliche, but the way you talked and immediately seemed to care about everyone in the room just grabbed my attention. For me, it was a huge deal when I found out I was gay. With people close to me not being supportive at all. I knew I couldn't resist asking you on a date. That date had a bad ending, but we went on a second date. Just like we did during the rest of our relationship." Ben pauses for a moment to look through their guests before settling his eyes back on Joe, who has a tear making its way down his cheek.

"We have been through many things together. Somehow we got stronger every time something happened. You stayed by my side during everything I went through personally and the things we went through together. I promise you that I will stay with you forever. I promise that I will stay with you with everything you go through. I promise you that I'll always be at your side when you need me. I promise that I will protect you with everything I have in me. If I need to train harder to be able to keep you by my side for the rest of my life, I will. If I have to give up acting to be able to call you my husband the rest of my life, I will. If I have to do anything to be in your presence for the rest of my life, I will. I promise that I'll stay with you during everything. Joe, I love you. With all of my heart. Nothing has ever changed that and nothing is ever going to change that." Ben has difficulties getting through the last part of his speech himself. Tears are slipping down his own cheeks. Both Joe and Ben know that the last part of the speech had a much deeper meaning than anyone would expect. When Chace walks over to give Joe his speech, Joe wipes away his own tears. 

"To stay in the classic Queen atmosphere, Ben you are the absolute love of my life. Like you said yourself we haven't had the easiest road. Not at all. Today is to forget all of those things. I nearly lost my life at one point. Still, you were there by my side every single day. You talked to me while I was in a coma. The last few days of that same coma I was able to hear some things that you said. You sat there, completely clueless that I could hear you. Every day you would talk to me. Tell me how much you loved me. Each day you would tell me how your day was, what was happening in the world around me, how much you missed me. You pleaded me to wake up. It was the sweetest thing ever. You never left my side after that. Almost literally." Ben starts to laugh a little followed by multiple people in the room. Joe looks around smiling through his tears before letting his eyes fall back on his piece of paper.

"There are times I still don't believe that we are together. From the first day that I met you until our second date, I was in a phase of doubt. I was convinced that you were not gay. Besides, if you were I couldn't believe that you'd fall for someone like me. I cried myself to sleep uncountable nights. I have been on set with you for five months without being able to confess my love for you. That is why I still can not tell you enough. Ben, I love you." Joe looks up at the end to look Ben in the eye. Ben takes a sharp breath once the words leave Joe's mouth. His bottom lip is slightly trembling while he tries his best to smile.


This was part one of the Hardzzello wedding. I hope y'all are ready for the next few chapters??

I was thinking of uploading a new chapter every other day, what do you guys say?

Take good care of yourselves,


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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