A/N + extra chapters

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Keep reading for a fun surprise

Welcome guys,

100 chapters. It's unbelievable. When you have made it so far you have read 459 book pages worth of chapters. That is crazy, isn't it?

Thank you for reading this. The fact that you have made it so far, it probably means that you like this book. Which I want to thank you for.  When I started this fanfiction in June last year I had never written even a chapter in English before. As many of you know, English is not my first language. I wanted to try something else. Well, I think I succeeded quite well.

It's crazy for me to see that there are people here who have read this book since the very start and are still reading it. I could have never guessed that this book would have been such a success. By the time of writing this, this book has 31.1K reads. Which is so much. 

All the comments and all the messages I got from you mean so much more than you guys will ever know. I see every comment and message as a blessing. They make me so unbelievably happy. I have always dreamed about being an author and I feel like I am a little step closer in the right direction when I read sweet comments and messages you guys send me. I will never ask for compliments but if you ever want to compliment me, then I think now is the right moment ;D

I want to thank Joe Mazello, Ben Hardy, Gwilym Lee, Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon and Freddie Mercury for being the legends that they are. Without the existence of these people, we wouldn't have been blessed with the beautiful music Queen made, the amazing personalities they have and all the changes in society they have brought us. Besides, this fanfic wouldn't even exist if these people wouldn't have been so awesome.

I want to thank my best friend for being patient enough to help me brainstorm. To proofread every chapter for me and to hear me talk every day about this fanfiction. I want to thank her too for being the biggest idiot I have ever met. Love you, buddy. 

I want to thank all of the readers of this book. Especially certified-dumbstard for making waffles and eating ice cream every chapter. You are like the sweetest and purest person ever. 

Some people asked me if there is going to be a sequel to this story. I don't know yet. I wasn't planning on it. I right now want to focus on my other fanfiction, You don't fool me. If you are not reading that fanfic I would highly suggest for you to read it. It's a Hardzzellee fanfic. I bet you'll love it. Right now I have no plans for a third fanfiction but that might come later. Who knows.

To thank you guys for reading so far I have a little surprise. Under this author note, there are two extra chapters. These chapters I wrote for different chapters in this book but I erased them because they didn't fit in right. I didn't want the chapter to go to waste. So, that's why I am giving them to you now.

For the last time, 

Take good care of yourselves and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe


Extra chapter no.1
Context: This was originally chapter 21. The moment they visit Ben's parents for the first time and Ben goes inside and doesn't come out. 
Warning: This chapter has never been finished so it stops very suddenly. 

Right as Joe wants to walk back to the front door he notices an open window on the second floor. He tries to see the options to get in. The only reasonable option is climbing on top of the garbage can, then walking over the wooden fence and pushing himself into the window. He starts his way by pushing himself onto the garbage can. When he gets on the high fence it is hard for him to contain his balance. He carefully places one foot in front of the other until he gets ahold of the window. It is higher than Joe estimated. He grabs the window tightly. After a deep breath, he pushes himself up. With his right foot, he tries to walk a little against the wall, which makes it a little easier for him to get in. After he has one leg through the window he lets out a deep breath.
"At least my gym membership is not completely useless," Joe mumbles to himself. He pushes himself through the window completely. It takes a few moments before Joe realizes in which room he is. Based on the rugby and the big Queen poster on the wall it has to be Ben's old room. He wanted to stay and have a look around but he knew he has to look for Ben.

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now