Chapter 22

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As soon as the words left the officer's mouth Rami feels his face drop into a frown. The officer walks over to the house again, leaving the concerned Gwil and Rami behind. They stand there frozen in their place while they look at the house. Four police officers walk outside with a struggling mr. Jones walking in between them. Mr. Jones tries to escape the tight grip the officers have around his wrist, but as soon as he does the officers grip him tighter before pushing him forward.  He gets pushed towards one of the police cars. One of the officers places a hand on top of mr. Jones head to push him inside the car. He is soon accompanied by all four officers. Rami moves his hands over his ears as soon as the sirens are heard. Gwil watches the blue light on top of the car flicker before it races away. Right, when the car turns out of sight the door of the house opens once again. This time one officer walks out with mrs. jones in his grip. Just like her husband are her hands cuffed behind her back. Without her struggling, they walk over to the remaining police car. The officer helps her in the backseat before locking the car. His colleague that had been calling for the two ambulances still stands next to it.

"We take this car. Two go with the ambulances and another car is on their way to drive those two boys." He nods towards Gwil and Rami. The officer that had called the ambulance nods before he walks back to the two actors. 
"We will take you to the hospital as soon as possible. There are a few more questions we need answers too. We will ask them when we are at the hospital, alright?" Rami nods. Out of the corner of his eyes, Gwil can see Rami hopping on the balls of his feet. 
"Do you know what state Joe and Ben are in?" Gwil asks. He slowly feels himself getting more impatient with the minute. The police officer takes a look at his watch before shaking his head.
"But most of the time when they call for an emergency ambulance it isn't good." Rami starts biting his lip as a way to cope with his nerves. Gwil immediately notices the action.
"Calm down Rami. There is nothing we can do right now. Maybe you can call Lucy? She might get you a little calmer?" Gwil says. Rami doesn't say anything but just nods. He grabs his phone out of his pocket before he walks away to get some privacy. Gwil may seem clam, but his mind is racing. He tries his best to not to let the nerves shine through. As soon as Rami will notice that Gwil is panicking, Rami will get more nervous too. That will make Gwil's feelings worse too. The cycle is endless. 

Gwil takes a good look at the audience that has gathered itself on the opposite way of the street. He can hear the chatter from the neighbours as they try to figure out what happened.  Gwil's gets distracted by the sirens from the two ambulances and the police car that are coming closer and closer. The breaks squeak when the cars are coming to a stop. The police officers that was sitting behind the wheel walks over to the car where mrs. Jones is still sitting in. He discusses some things with the officers inside the car. After he backs away from the car, it races away. From the corner of his eyes, Gwil saw the ambulance nurses rush into the house.  From both ambulances, they grabbed a bed and carried it into the house. Right now, it takes all Gwil has in him to run towards the house and get inside. He knows that he will get in huge trouble when he tries to do so, but the thoughts of not knowing how his friends are doing kills him. He almost jumps when Rami appears next to him. He clearly has heard the sirens from the emergency vehicles. 
"I think I made Lucy more worried then I was before." Rami scratches the back of his head.
"Are th-" Rami stops in the middle of his sentence. A pair of three nurses come rushing outside the house. As soon as they are on the driveway they fold out the wheels of the bed before rolling it down towards the ambulances. Gwil stands on his tiptoes to get a better view. As soon as the bed gets closer he can see that it is Ben who is laying under the bright white covers. Those covers are pushed up until the brace that covers his neck. The brace gives Ben no choice, but to look up at the sky. A part of his cheek is dark red. His eyes are puffy red from crying. 

Gwil runs over to the ambulance to get to Ben. He is followed closely by Rami. They are soon pushed away by a police officer.
"I am sorry. We can't let you get any closer." The police officer has his arm in front of the two. Rami groans. They already pushed the bed inside the ambulance and are closing the back doors. The officer pushes the two boys out of the way before the ambulance rushes away. The sirens ring in the ears of all the people standing in the street.

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now