Chapter 84

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"Sweetheart?" Ben knocks on the bedroom door before opening it.
"They are almost here to pick you up," Ben says. Joe is sitting on the bed with his bag next to him. Their suitcases for their honeymoon are packed and left in the corner.
"Three days and we will be married." Joe whispers. Ben sits down next to him and pulls him close.
"It can't come quick enough," Ben says before planting a kiss on the side of Joe's head.
"I know you're worried but you will have lots of fun, sweetheart," Ben says before turning Joe's head with his fingers. He locks their lips in a meaningful kiss. Joe holds onto Ben's waist while deepening the kiss. They are interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Ben pulls away before pecking Joe's lips once again. He intertwines their fingers before pulling Joe towards the front door.

When Ben opens the door it reveals Rami and Gwil standing behind it.
"Mr. Hardy? May we kidnap your fiance?" Rami says before pointing towards Joe. Ben looks down at Joe who is attached to his side. 
"Mmm, only for this time," Ben says. Joe looks up at Ben before grabbing something from the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Ben? I know we aren't allowed to text or call the upcoming days. So I have figured a different way. Please read this tomorrow night when you come back." Joe hands Ben an envelope. The latter takes it immediately. After looking at it for a few seconds he tucks it away in his own jacket.
"I love you, princess." He whispers into Joe's ear before briefly locking their lips together.
"I love you too," Joe says before grabbing Ben in a short hug. Gwil and Rami smile at the two interacting.

After they pull away both Rami and Gwil step forward to lift Joe of the ground.
"You're coming with us, mr. Mazzello," Gwil says while he holds Joe around his torso. Rami carries Joe by his knees. Joe lets out a soft giggle when they start to carry him away. The sound immediately brings a smile on Ben's face. Once they are out of sight Ben closes the door behind them. He walks towards their bedroom. First, he places Joe's envelope on his nightstand. He is dying to know what is inside but he knows he has to wait. From the corner, he grabs Joe's suitcase. He lets himself sink down in front of their dresser before grabbing the small present he has hidden there. He inspects the wrapped box before burying it between Joe's clothes in his suitcase. He leaves it to be found somewhere during their honeymoon.

Joe is driven towards their party spot. Gwil and Rami haven't said a word after throwing Joe on the backseat. Both of them are sitting in front, Gwil has already texted Chace that they are on their way. One side of Joe is curious about what they planned for him, the other side doesn't even want to know it.

They stop at a big party hall. Rami opens Joe's door before helping him out of the car. They lift Joe in the air once again, receiving another burst of giggles. They step inside a small hallway. Chace and Lucy are standing behind a table full of stuff.
"Good afternoon lady and gentlemen." Chace starts as soon as Gwil and Rami put Joe down.
"In the rooms behind us are twenty of your good friends trapped, Joe," Lucy says while pointing at a door behind her.
"I have twenty friends?" Joe interrupts. Everyone bursts out in laughter.
"Stop, Joe. You're getting me out of character." Chace says while trying to stop laughing.
"Oh sorry, mister actor." Joe mocks before sticking out his tongue.
"Can you stop?" Chace asks. He rubs his hands over his face. As much as he is trying not to, he is still laughing.
"I can but will I?" Joe teases.
"Joe, stop," Lucy warns before she hits Chace's shoulder.
"Sorry, sorry." Joe throws his hands in the air as surrender.
"Oh, and you do listen to her?" Chace asks, trying to look mad.
"Of course, wouldn't want to make miss Boynton mad," Joe says. Another burst of laughter erupts through the room.
"Enough." Chace hits the table. It becomes silent immediately.

"Joe, it's your call to free everyone within an hour. Otherwise, they will not be able to come to your wedding." Chace explains.
"Once you have freed a person, they are officially on your team. Nobody excluding me knows the whole path through. I will walk by your side to record everything that happens. I can, however, not give you any hints. You have, however, an option between these three guys right here." Lucy waves her hand at the three.
"You can choose one of us to be on your team from the beginning and you can also choose one of us to help you with only one of the rooms. The other will be filming the whole happening. What is your choice?" Chace asks.
"You are actually making me use my brain on my bachelor party?" Joe asks, grinning wildly. 
"Yes, yes we are," Lucy says. Joe grins before looking at the three.
"Damn, this is hard." Joe lets his eyes glide between the three.
"I want Rami on my team," Joe says after a while. Rami yells something in happiness before standing next to Joe.
"Gwil, as my one room only card," Joe says. Gwil steps forward before patting Joe on the back. All heads turn towards Chace who has a hand above his heart.
"You have so much fate in me." He says before shaking his head in disappointment.
"I do. What can I say about it? You are you." Joe sticks out his tongue before looking at Lucy in anticipation.

"Whenever you are ready you can start. As soon as you open the first door the timer is set," Lucy explains. Joe nods before turning to Rami.
"We've got this, Rams," Joe says before grabbing Rami in a hug.
"We are going to kill this, Joey." They walk to the door to open it. The first room contains Will Malnati chained up by his waist to the wall.
"Finally my saviours." Will dramatically says. Joe looks at him with a disgusted look.
"Luc, can we skip room? Is that an option? I don't want to have him at the wedding." Joe says before winking at Will.
"Sorry, Mazzy. You've got to free him." Lucy says from behind the camera. Joe sighs loudly before walking over to Will. He grabs the chain in his hand to see what he needs to free Will.
"Number lock. We've got to enter a four number code." Joe says before joining Rami in the search around the room. 
"Here." Rami pulls out a piece of paper from the bottom of a trunk.
"The date everything was set." Rami reads out loud.
"I think either the date from our second date or the date from the proposal." Joe runs over before kneeling next to Will on the ground. He enters 9th of august, the date of their second date. The lock immediately opens. Joe gives Will a friendly hug before they walk to the door. Which doesn't open. 
"Another lock." Joe says.

They go through each room slowly. They are now stuck in one of the last rooms. Joe asked Gwil to help them with this room. Chace groans loudly from behind the camera.
"Joe, I know I am not supposed to help but are you really that stupid?" Chace says.
"Hey, be nice, will you?" Joe says before walking back to the other side of the room. 
"You've known me for quite some time now. You should know by now that I'm never nice." Chace says before following Joe with his camera.
"True, but can't you be nice for one day?" Joe says before bending down to check the lowest shelf.
"No." Between very obvious coughs Chace gives Joe the hint to look behind the painting on the wall. When Joe checks it he finds the key he needs to get to the next room.
"I am so smart that I thought of checking there," Joe says before walking to the door. Chace shoots Joe a death glare that is received by a playful smile from Joe. 

When he walks in the next room he sees three cardboard Ben's standing there. Joe runs over to hug one of them.
"Think of punishment in medieval times." Michael reads from the wall.
"I think you need to behead the cardboard Ben's," Rami says before grabbing a sword from the wall.
"No, no, no I can't do that." Joe dramatically falls on his knees in front of the three Ben's. 
"I would rather die than beheading Ben," Joe says before dramatically trying to cry.
"It's what you have to do to save us all. Please, Mazello free us from our hell." Rami says before placing a hand on Joe's shoulder. Joe grabs the sword before standing up from the ground. He takes a deep breath before beheading the three Ben's in one go. He watches the three heads fall to the ground. By this time Will has walked over to the door.
"It was already open, guys," Will says before stepping out of their last room.
"You mean that I didn't have to behead Ben?" Joe asks with wide eyes.
"Sorry man. Wanted to see you struggle." Rami says before patting Joe's back. 
"Rude," Joe exclaims before pouting.

After a few drinks, dancing and some karaoke songs, they decide to head home. Joe steps in the car with Rami and Lucy.
"Did you have fun?" Lucy asks when she turns around to look Joe in the eye.
"Plenty. It was really fun. Good planning guys." Joe says. Lucy can see how exhausted he is so she decides to leave him alone until they are at their house.

Hey guys,

Here is your I'm going slightly mad chapter for today. I asked on my Instagram (Itsametaphorjoe) which book you wanted me to update. Most of you voted for this book. That means I'll upload You don't fool me either tomorrow or the day after. 

I hope y'all liked this chapter! There are some pretty fun chapters coming up. So, stay tuned!


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now