Chapter 66

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"Who of you is Ben Jones?" An officer has walked into the room where everyone is sitting.
"Oh me." Ben puts his hand up in the air to get the attention of the officer on him.
"Could you come with me, please? I need to have some information about the victim and about the suspects." Ben nods. He stands up and without looking back he follows the officer. Gwil immediately turns himself towards Rami.
"Are you okay, mate?" Gwil asks. Rami has taken a seat next to Lucy. He pulled her against him while he nuzzled his head into her hair.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Rami groans without even looking up. Gwil quickly locks eyes with Eve before looking back at Rami.
"Don't take what he said too seriously. You know how much Ben cares for Joe. This is the second time this happened." Gwil says.
"That doesn't mean that it is okay for him to hurt my or Lucy's feelings," Rami says while pulling Lucy closer to him. Gwil hums. He knows he can say what he wants but Rami will keep his own thoughts.

A tense silence remains in the room until another police officer steps inside again.
"Hey, guys. I'm going to take y'all to the hospital. Two nurses will check on the ladies first before they will be asked some questions privately. Same for you guys." The officer says. Without answering the officer, they all get up and follow him out of the apartment. They get placed in the car. Eve in the passenger seat. Rami in the middle of the backseat. He holds Lucy's hand while the silence in the car remains. The officer tries to start a conversation, but he is only answered with short answers. He gives up halfway through the way and puts on music instead. 

Neither of them says anything when they get out of the car. Rami and Gwil are immediately separated and taken to a different room. The nurse greets them both the moment they walk through the door.
"We're rather short of rooms. Are the two of you comfortable with being checked in the same room? The only thing that I need you to take off is your shirts." Rami shrugs as an answer.
"No problem for me either." Gwil says. They step into the room. Rami immediately starts unbuttoning his shirt while Gwil takes off his sweater.
"Okay, as far as I am concerned you two only got kicked and punched in the stomach a few times. Didn't you?" The nurse asks before bending down to inspect Rami's waist.
"I did. Gwil got a hit on the back of his head too." Rami says. He knows that Gwil wouldn't have told the nurse that by the way, Gwil was trying to assure him that he was fine. Rami just wants to make sure that Gwil is alright. He can't have Gwil injured too. The nurse pushes on some spot on his torso to ask him if it hurts. When Rami confirmes that everything is fine the nurse moves on to Gwil. While Rami watches Gwil getting checked he buttons up his shirt again. The nurse checks the back of Gwil's head too. After making sure he doesn't have a headache they are free to go. As soon as the step out of the room there is a police officer waiting for them. He writes down their names and personal information before bringing them to one of the waiting rooms.

Once he walks away Rami walks over to Gwil with his arms wide open. Gwil immediately gets the hint and wraps his arms around Rami. With that, he traps him against his torso. He places his head on top of Rami's. Neither of them says anything they just hold onto each other for a few moments.
"We can't lose Joe. I can't lose Joe." Rami whispers after a while. Gwil gulps. Everything that has happened suddenly comes rushing in like a train. This time there is an actual chance of losing their best friend.
"We will not lose him. Joe is strong. He will wake up." Gwil assures in hopes to get Rami calmed down. More importantly to get himself calmed down. After a few more seconds Gwil removes his arms from Rami. He sits down on a leather couch in the waiting room. Soon joined by Rami. After awhile Ben walks around the corner.

"This time an actual lawyer will be looking in the case." Ben says as soon as he sees them. Gwil can see the stains on his shirt and cheeks from crying, his red and puffy eyes give it away too. From all the pulling and running his hands through his hair became an absolute mess. As soon as he sits down next to Gwil, Rami scoots away as far as possible. Gwil notices but decides to ignore the action.
"Need a cuddle?" He asks Ben, who only nods and places his head onto Gwil's shoulder.
"I don't want him to die Gwil. He can't die. I would be nothing without him. I just want to know if he is alright, but they won't tell me anything." Ben sniffles. Rami stands up from the couch. Without saying anything he marches away from his two friends. Gwil watches him turn around the corner before continuing stroking Ben's hair.
"Just ignore him. I don't know what got into him." Gwil says as soon as he sees that Ben's eyes have been fixated on Rami too. Gwil doesn't know what to say anymore. He keeps his arm around Ben so he pushes the latter into his chest.

After what seems like an hour Rami hasn't come back. Gwil debated whether to call him or not but he gets distracted by a doctor walking their way.
"Ben?" Ben had almost fallen asleep on Gwil's shoulder but his eyes flutter open immediately.
"Yes?" The doctor smiles at them.
"Would you please come with me?" Gwil tried to find a tone in his voice that gives away whether Joe is alright or not. He, however, fails to notice anything.
"Can he come along, please?" Ben asks before pointing at Gwil.
"If you wish. It doesn't really matter to me." The doctor says. Gwil removes his arm from around Ben so he can stand up. They walk towards the doctor's office.

"Anything to drink?" The doctor asks as soon as they sit down. 
"Some water would be nice," Gwil says. He hopes that the doctor is going to get it himself so he has a few seconds alone with Ben. Luckily the doctor walks towards the door. Once it falls in its lock behind him Gwil turns towards Ben.
"Whatever he is going to say we will get through this okay? I will be at your side every step. Whatever it takes I will help you with this, okay?"
"Thanks, Gwil," Ben says while his eyes are fixated on the floor. A single tear finds its way over his cheek.
"Hey, don't cry. First, listen to what the doctor has to say. After that, you can cry all you want." Gwil pats Ben's back at the moment the door opens again. The doctor walks in the room with three glasses of water. He places them in front of the two boys and takes one in his own hand.
"So, about Joe Mazzello." He says while looking up from his papers. 

Hey guys,

Man, do I like cliffhangers. Only when I write them though. Otherwise, they are no fun haha.

I wrote his chapter about 4 months ago. When I was reading it back to see what I had to edit I was surprised by some stuff I wrote myself.  I am such a good author, forgetting my own scenes. 

Anyways, I hope y'all have a good week!


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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