Chapter 93

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After seeing Joe dancing with his mother for the first dance Roger's eyes glide over the people in the room to find Ben, who is sitting at a table with his eyes fixated on Joe. Roger hesitates but decides to walk over anyway.
"Hey, I'm sorry that there is no one here for you to dance with for your first dance," Roger says. Ben sighs before taking his eyes off of Joe and looking at Roger.
"Nah, it's alright. Joe wanted to skip this dance but I told him to keep it in the planning, you know. It is his wedding too and I want to see him happy." Ben looks past Roger at a non-saying point in the distance.
"Do you still remember that time that your dad came to set?" Roger asks. 
"Yeah, unfortunately, I do. I never thanked you for sticking up for me, did I? I'm sorry. A late thank you. I guess." Ben looks at Roger with a small smile on his face.
"Remember that we were talking about me being like a dad for you?" Roger says while he rubs his hands over each other before wiping them off on his dress pants.
"Yes, I do. I honestly kind of feel that way," Ben says. Roger looks at the dancefloor before looking back at Ben.
"Do you want to er-" He nods towards the dancefloor before looking back at Ben, the latter's eyes slowly get bigger while a smile forms on his face.
"Yes, I would love that Rog." Roger smiles at the nickname Ben used. Ben seems unaware of his actions and stands up for Roger to take his hand.

Slowly they start to slow dance on the dancefloor. Joe looks up from dancing with his mom as soon as he sees two people approaching them on the dancefloor. His smile gets even bigger when he sees Roger en Ben slowly dancing around. He meets Brian's eyes on the side who looks at the two in awe. As soon as they lock eyes Joe nods towards the DJ before continuing to dance with his mother. Brian gets the hint and walks over to the DJ and asks to replay the song.
"I'm sorry mom but I want this moment to last a little longer for Ben. I know that this means a lot to him," Joe says quietly. It's hard enough for his mother to hear but not hard enough for the others to hear.
"You're so good for that boy. You made the right choice to marry him." Ginny answers while she locks eyes with Joe.
"I'm glad you approve of our relationship." Joe looks away for a few seconds to look at the dancing Ben en Roger. Both of them have a huge smile on his face.
"How could I not? The two of you are the cutest couple that I have ever known." Joe smiles at her answer.
"You know John and his wife are here too?" Joe makes sure to emphasis the word wife.
"Yeah, don't tell John. I like his wife, but you and Ben are way cuter." Joe shakes his head laughing. At that point, Ben and Roger pass them. Joe locks eyes with Roger and mouths a thank you. Which is received with a huge smile.

At the end of the dance, Joe walks over to Ben. It's time for their first dance together as a newlywed couple. They grab each other firmly. When the music starts playing they dance around the room slowly but confidently. They don't take the eyes of each other for a single second. Their gaze is fixated on each other while they dance around the room. Neither of them says anything, but it isn't necessary. They know that the other wants to tell them that they are loved. They know that. Today is the day that proves that. At the end of the song, Ben leans in to peck Joe's lips. Leah walks over to the two. She carefully tugs on Ben's suit.
"Uncle Benny. Can I dance with you too?" She asks. Ben almost tears up when he looks at the little girl in front of him. 
"Of course you can sweetheart." Ben grabs both of Leah's hands in his own. They goofily start dancing around the room when a new song starts.

Joe takes that time to look for Roger. He finds him talking to his parents. 
"Thank you for dancing with him, Roger. You just made his day. That meant a lot to him," Joe says. 
"No problem. And I think I didn't make your day. You did. He got to marry you. I talked to him at the bachelor party. He is absolutely over the moon that he got to marry you," Roger says before looking at Ben and Leah.
"She is cute," Roger says. Joe turns around to see Ben lifting Leah high in the air.
"He sure is. Wait. I didn't say that." Joe jokes. Roger raises his eyebrows.
"Well, you're not wrong there." Joe hits Roger's shoulder playfully.
"Hey, it's my husband who you are talking about," Joe says before looking back at Ben who is now walking their way with Leah attached to his hip.

"Joe, I have a new best friend," Ben says before moving his hand to tickle Leah a little. Leah lets out a massive giggle in response. 
"Should I be jealous?" Joe asks. Leah looks up and starts nodding her head up and down really fast.
"Are you going to steal my husband?" Joe asks, bending down a little to look Leah in the eye.
"No, no, he is your hubby but he is my friend," Leah says before doing her best to wrap her arms around Ben as good as possible. Joe places his hand on his heart.
"Pfff, I was scared for a second. I thought my adorable little Leah would steal by adorable big Benny," Joe says. Leah lets out more giggles. 
"But I'm more adorable right?" Ben asks. Leah looks up at Ben before looking at Joe.
"I'm sorry, honey. I have to give this title to Leah," Joe says before running his hand through Leah's hair. Ben starts pouting. 
"A look, uncle Benny is sad," Leah says before pointing at Ben's face.
"What should we do about it?" Joe asks.
"We should give him a kiss," Leah says confidently. Joe grins before wrapping his arms around Leah. He lifts her from Ben's touch. He whispers in her ear: "What about we both give him a kiss on the cheek? On each side. Would that make him happy again?" Leah nods enthusiastically. Joe lifts Leah to the right height so they can bend forward together. They place their lips against the soft skin of Ben's cheek. As soon as they pull away Ben has a massive grin on his face.
"Yay, we made him happy again." Leah starts clapping her hands enthusiastically. Which causes Ben and Joe to burst out in laughter.


Hey guys,

I hope this cute chapter can at least make your day a little better. 

This is personally one of my favourites. I wrote this chapter months ago because I was so excited about the idea. 

I hope y'all still like it. Seven more chapters to go, guys! I promise you, that the last chapter will be a long chapter to make up for the story ending. 

Take good care of yourselves and others.

I love y'all.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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