Chapter 91

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During their dinner, Joe and Ben talked to the various persons that were sitting at their table. Close family members of Joe, Ben's grandma,  the four actors and the members of Queen (and of course Adam Lambert).  At one point Ben walks over to the buffet. He had earlier heard Joe talking about wanting to try something but he wasn't sure if it was lactose-free or not. He doesn't see a waiter from the catering around so he walks towards the kitchen. On his way, he suddenly sees someone in the clothes of the catering company. He taps on the shoulder of the person. When that guy turns around Ben's eyes slowly get bigger. Mason stands in front of him.

"Ben, don't worry I already talked to my boss. I explained the situation. She agreed with me not working this shift. I don't want to ruin your wedding," Mason says when he sees the combination of annoyance and discomfort on Ben's face.
"Thanks," Ben says before turning around to walk away.
"Ben, please can I say one more thing?" Mason grabs Ben's arm. Ben turns around with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm sorry for what I have said that time. I shouldn't have. It wasn't my place, not at all. I am not saying this for forgiveness. I just want to wish both Joe and you the best. Congratulations on getting married Ben." Mason holds his hand in front of him.
"Thank you." Ben's voice is barely above a whisper. He ignores Mason's hand but instead steps forward to give Mason a hug.
"I missed you, man. I really do," Ben says when he lets go of Mason.
"I did too. I guess seeing you with Joe made me realise that it should have been us who were sitting there as best friends." Mason admits.
"We should have, mate. It's a shame that we lost contact over all those years." Ben says before quickly glancing around the room. His eyes fall on Joe who meets his eyes immediately. Ben makes a hand motion for Joe to come over. Joe immediately starts walking. He eyes Mason nervously.

"I'm prepared to give you another chance and give us some time to catch up but I do think that you should apologise to someone else first." Ben puts his arm around Joe's waist and pulls him a little closer.
"I'm sorry for what I said about you, Joe. I really am. I got jealous that Ben got a new best friend and all my walls went down. I want to apologise for that. I wish you two all the best in your relationship. I'm glad you found each other. Congratulations on getting married." Mason smiles at Joe. He keeps his eyes focused on Joe to see his reaction.
"Thank you," Joe says. Ben pulls him closer immediately. He gets out his phone and opens a new contact.
"Care to give your phone number?" Ben asks. When Mason is done going over the digits Ben closes the contact.
"We will keep in touch. If you don't mind, I'm going to enjoy my wedding," Ben says. Mason mumbles an 'of course, have fun' before wandering off.
"Did you make up with him?" Joe asks as soon as Mason is out of earshot.
"I did. If I can be honest with you, I really want to give him a second chance. If you are uncomfortable with that I-" Ben has no chance to finish talking before Joe grabs Ben's hand and starts talking, "I am glad you two made up. Invite him over some time," Joe says. Ben's lips curl up immediately.
"Thank you," Ben says.


After eating Rami and Gwil get on stage. 
"Ladies and gentleman. Can I have your attention please?" Gwil asks. The conversations that were still going on died down quickly.
"As most of you know Ben and Joe met each other because they were both actors in the same movie, Bohemian Rhapsody a biopic of Freddie Mercury and the rest of Queen. My name is Gwilym Lee and I'm the actor who plays Brian May. Next to me stands Rami Malek the amazing actor who fulfilled the roll from the one and only Freddie Mercury. Joe Mazzello is the one to amazingly portray John Deacon. Ben Ha-Mazzello is the one to portray Roger Taylor," Gwil explains.
"Yes, that is why Brian May and Roger Taylor and their new frontman Adam Lambert are here to celebrate this special day. Brian and Roger would like to say a few words. Give it up for her royal majesty Queen," Rami yells the last part. Loud applause rips through the room. Joe whistles on his fingers as soon as Brian and Roger walk up the stage. Roger is the one to take the microphone from Rami. He waits until most of the sound in the room has died down.

"I just want to say congratulations to the two husbands. The fact that you both met on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody makes me proud. Now, I'll just hand the microphone to Brian," Roger says before walking over to Brian. Some people look at him weirdly for his short words, but Joe and Ben burst out in laughter. They know this is typical Roger and that is what makes it even funnier.
"I'm glad your speech for me was longer, mr. Ben Taylor," Joe says. Which cracks Ben up even more. They get interrupted by Brian who starts to speak.
"Yes, thank you for your particular long speech Rog. Anyways, I remember the time Joe first told me he was gay. I remember you being scared. Scared on coming out, but more importantly scared because you were in love with your best friend. The person you stood next to on set for over 8 hours a day. The insanely hot guy that plays my best friend and hero mister Roger Meddows Taylor." Brian pauses for a moment when some people start to cheer. He smiles before winking in Ben's and Joe's direction. 

"You were scared to come out, but you were even more scared to admit your love to Ben. Somehow you managed to get yourself together. I might get older by the day, but I also remember the day that you two told me. I was the first one to know. I still feel honoured. Anyways, from that day on I have seen the two of you grow in your relationship. You two are one of the sweetest and gentle couples I have ever known. I remember that time where Ben wasn't mentally feeling that well. He walked off of set. Joe apologised to us before following him. After some time I decided to check on them. I found them in their dressing room. Ben fast asleep in Joe's arms. Joe apologised a thousand times before telling me that Ben really needed his rest. Just knowing that and taking care of each other like that is amazing. The way they care for each other is something a lot of people can learn from. The gentleness they have had since the first day is the same gentleness they still have. You two both have amazing personalities and have exceptional acting skills. Thank you for giving everything you had to make the best out of our movie. I love the two of you. I wish you two all the best in your relationship," Brian says. Adam walks on stage and some people start to cheer. 

"Maybe you should tell them about the present, Brian," Adam says as soon as he is close enough to the microphone to talk into it.
"I should, shouldn't I? We've got a different present for both of you. We already gave it to Rami to deliver it at your house earlier today. Joe, we know how much you love playing the bass. So we got you a bass guitar so you can always keep playing the songs you have played in the last few months. Ben, if you can already guess it we got you an entirely new drum kit. So, you two can jam together like the bandmates you have been during the course of shooting the movie." Brian explains. He watches both Joe's and Ben's eyes widen slowly. They turn to each other with their mouths wide open.
"For now we want to play y'all a song that is very typical for their marriage. It's called crazy little thing called love," Adam says through the microphone. Roger counts down and they start playing. Joe and Ben grabbed each other's hand underneath the table. 

They watched in amazement as Brian, Roger and Adam rock the podium. They can't help but sing along just like the rest of the venue is doing. At the end, Roger gets up from after his drum kit. He walks over to take over Adam's microphone.
"We have another surprise for the two of you," Roger says. It gets completely quiet in the room again. Roger keeps silent for a bit to build up the tension a little, making everyone curious about the surprise.


Hey guys,

And just like Roger is doing, I will build up the surprise a bit and I'll let you guys wait until the next chapter ; )

9 more chapters to go, guys! Can you believe this is chapter 91 already? I definitely can't.

Stay healthy, take good care of yourself!

I love y'all!


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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