Chapter 47

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Joe rushes through his house with a vacuum cleaner. He already cleaned the rest of the house. There is nothing more satisfying than to come home to a clean house. That is why Joe decided to tidy up the whole house before he needs to pick up Ben from the airport. As soon as Joe is done he proudly looks at the result. When he checks the time his eyes widen. He should have left five minutes ago. Immediately he rushes down to his car.

As soon as Ben gets off the plans he checks his phone. He has one new message from Joe.

Hi baby. I'm standing on the parking spot where I picked you up last time. I'm not coming in to avoid press

Ben types a quick 'on my way' back before walking to the luggage band. While he is waiting for the luggage he is nervously tapping his right foot on the ground. His arms are crossed over each other. His fingers are tapping along with a song on the outside of his arms. It feels like he hasn't seen Joe for months. They managed to text every day. Their video calls were limited, but therefore extra special. Words can't describe how much Ben missed Joe. Not only their time together as a couple but also Joe's attitude on set.

After Ben has grabbed his big black suitcase from the band he walks through security as quickly as he can. There is only one photographer waiting for him. Which is luckily less than normal. He ignores the man calling out his name. He pushes past him to the exit of the airport.

As soon as Ben walks onto the right parking lot he sees Joe leaning against their car. Ben catches himself biting his lip as soon as he sees Joe. Who wears tight skinny black jeans and a blue denim coloured button-up. A smile creeps onto Joe's face as soon as he sees Ben checking him out.
"Take a picture. That will last longer." Joe says as soon as Ben is close enough. The latter immediately wipes out his phone.
"Can I?" Joe nods. Instead of looking in the camera he looks at Ben's face. After a few pictures, Joe bites his lip on purpose while he looks Ben in the eye. The latter shoots one more picture before running towards Joe while he drags his suitcase along with him. Ben cups Joe's face with both hands and dives right into a very hungry kiss. It takes less than a second for Joe to kiss back. His arms have found their way around Ben's back to pull him even closer. Soon Ben's tongue runs over Joe's bottom lip. As soon as Joe moves his lips apart the slightest Ben pushes in his tongue. Their tongues start to fight for dominance. Although, neither of them is paying attention to who is winning. They are just happy to be in each other's arms.

After a few minutes, Joe pulls away. He lets his forehead rest against Ben's while starring into Ben's green eyes. After a few moments, Joe moves his head to tug it in Ben's neck. Neither of them says anything. They just enjoy each other precense for a few minutes.
"Making out in a parking lot, how romantic?" Ben says as soon as they pull away. The sounds of Joe's laugh fills Ben's ear which sends a rush of happiness through Ben's body.
"Let's head home. Shall we?" Joe says as he grabs Bens suitcase. Ben nods so Joe walks around the car to put the suitcase in the back.

In the car and during the dinner Joe made they talked about everything that happened the last two weeks.
"What do you want to do?" Joe asks after a little while.
"Can we just go to bed and watch something? I just want to cuddle with you." Joe smiles at the words. He still can't believe he gets the chance to cuddle with this man. They get up from the couch and walk towards their bedroom. As soon as they get in Ben starts talking: "I'm going to hop into the shower really quick. Can you pick a movie to watch? I'll be back in a minute." Joe nods. He grabs his pyjamas from the bed and puts them on. As soon as he grabs the remote from the bedside table he hears the bathroom door lock. Normally they would leave the bathroom door unlocked. As both of them are almost always home alone. Joe doesn't think much of it as it is probably automatism from sleeping in hotels constantly.

Within a few minutes, Ben comes walking out of the bathroom. He put on sweatpants and a shirt. Joe frowns. Most of the time Ben would just sleep in his boxers. Sometimes with some pants on, but never with a shirt. Ben hated sleeping with a shirt on. Before Joe can ask anything about it Ben starts to speak: "Oh honey you don't have to watch them because I like those movies. I know you don't like them." Ben says as soon as he sees the logo of a horror movie appear on the screen.
"No, I want to watch it." Joe says as he pats down for Ben to lay next to him.
"Are you sure? You shouldn't watch it because of me. I can just ask Rami. I know he loves these movies." Joe sighs loudly. He impatiently taps the remote control on his leg.
"I really want to watch it, Ben." Joe says. After hearing the tone in Joe's voice Ben gets into bed. He lays next to Joe without touching him. There is no way that Ben is going to tell him that he has already seen this movie. He knows that there is a major jump scare at the beginning of the movie. He will automatically see if Joe still wants to see the movie.

Joe stays at his side of the bed for a few minutes. He didn't want to make Ben uncomfortable. Although, he is almost positive that Ben wouldn't care. Joe wasn't to annoy him. When the jumpscare comes Joe almost hits his head at the headboard from jumping up. Ben grabs the remote control and puts the movie on pause.
"Let's watch another movie love." Ben says. Joe snatches the control back.
"No, I want to watch it. But please hold me?" Joe looks up at his boyfriend. Who immediately opens his arms. Joe rests his back against Ben's arm. The latter wraps his hand around Joe's shoulder. The latter let his head rest against Bens' shoulder. After they are all situated Ben turns on the movie again. With every little scare, Ben can feel Joe tense up in his arms. And every time Ben would draw figures on Joe's shoulder to distract him. 

When the movie ends Joe clings tightly to Bens shirt. After Ben turns off the light Joe presses himself fully against Ben. Almost leaving no space between the two of them.
"Thank you for watching it with me, my love. Next time we will watch toy story four or something." Joe mumbles something back in Ben's shirt. Ben can't make out what Joe is saying so he uses his finger to lift Joe's head. Who immediately jumps from the sudden new contact. After getting himself back together he knows what Ben wants: "I watched that. There is a jumpscare in there as well." Ben laughs at Joe. The latter immediately moves his head back into Ben's chest.
"Goodnight honey." Ben turns his head so he can kiss Joe's forehead.
"Goodnight Benny." Ben can barely hear the words, but he smiles once his mind figured out what Joe just said. He softly strokes Joe's hair before both of them slowly fall asleep.

Hey lovies,

They are reunited again! Finally!

For the people who don't follow me on Instagram (itsametaphorjoe). I took on this crazy challenge. It's called Nanowrimo (national novel writing month). You basically try to write 50K words in the month of November. That is around 1667 words a day. I'm going to be writing on my new fanfiction that I'll upload after this fanfiction is done. I hope that I'll be able to complete it even though I have very limited time. 

I love y'all

Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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