Chapter 14

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"Yes." Ben says after a little while. Joe is still standing next to the table. His phone in his right hand. He watches every move Ben makes. Joe lifts one eyebrow.
"Yes, what? Yes, you want me to leave? I am sorry I don't get it." Joe keeps his eyes focused on Ben.
"No, silly. Yes, I want to go on a second date with you." Joe's eyes get wide before watering up a little. 
"Really?" He can't believe that Ben gave him a second chance. 
"Yes, now give me a hug before I can make up my mind." Ben stands up and opens his arms immediately waiting for a hug from his older friend. Joe's heart starts beating faster with the second. He feels himself loosen up in Ben's arms. That is the moment that he realises how tense and how scared he was. 
"I am so sorry." Joe whispers.
"And so am I." Ben whispers back. He rubs his hand a few times along Joe's back before letting go.
"So, I will plan the other date? What about this Saturday?" Joe looks at Ben with a questioned look in his eyes.
"I would love to." Ben smiles while turning his phone on again. Joe jogs over to grab a single banana to eat as he didn't eat any breakfast yet.

On their way back to their floor they talk about their workday. They say their goodbyes when they stop at their rooms. Both of them need to get ready for the day. Once Joe is in his room he immediately texts Rami saying that it went alright and that they have their second date planned. After that, he steps into the shower. When he comes back he has a ton of messages from Rami.

I am so happy for you. You did the right thing.

Are you planning the date?

What are you going to do?

When is the date?

We should go on a double date sometime...

Joe shakes his head at the messages. Only responding to one of them.

I have something in mind. But I'm not sure yet

The working day passes slowly for Rami. He keeps himself entertained by the looks Ben and Joe give each other when they think the other is not looking. It doesn't help for Joe that one of the costumes Ben is trying on exposes most of his chest. Only a thin sleeveless jacket covers small parts. Rami can't help but notices Joe who is biting his lip while letting his eyes drift over every inch of Ben's chest. Rami pokes Gwil to get his attention. Gwil slowly turns towards Rami who mouths 'Joe' towards him. Gwil turns his head to the right. He grins at the sight. He wants to say something so bad but he doesn't want to make either Ben or Joe uncomfortable. So he decides to keep his mouth shut.

After the costume fitting, they are done for the day. All going their own ways to eat something and after that go to their hotel room.


Rami wakes up in cool sweat. His breathing is quick and deep. The feeling of his body shaking makes him closing his eyes again. That was a big mistake. He sees the same images again. With his right hand, he feels around the surface of his beside table searching for the switch to turn on the lamp. When it's on he blinks a few times at the bright light. He rolls himself out of bed. In his closet, he searches for a big hoodie. He embraces the warmth that the hoodie provides him. His phone is placed in a pocket in his jeans. As quiet as he can Rami leaves the hotel.


It's eleven in the morning. Everyone is on set except for Rami. Who is two hours late. Joe is on the phone with the hotel. Ben and Gwil are seated on either side of him on the couch. Ben is trying to contact Rami while Gwil is trying to see if Lucy has heard anything. While texting Lucy Gwil is listening to the phone call Joe is making, only hearing bits of it.
"Yes, one of our crew members is on his way towards the hotel. But we want to ask if you can make a card ready so he can immediately go to his room to see if he is there."
"Yes, I understand. I don't have the information about that guy but I can give you mine?"
"Alright, Joseph Mazzello. Born on 21st September 1983. Room number 352. The name of the guy that is on his way is Mitch Kaplan."
"Alright, thank you so much. I am sorry for the inconvenience. We're just really worried." Joe hangs up the phone and immediately starts texting Mitch to tell him that it has been fixed.
"Rami doesn't pick up his phone or anything." Ben sighs as the voicemail springs on once again.
"Lucy hasn't heard anything from Rami since 1 p.m. yesterday." Gwil turns od his phone.

"Wait, what date is it?" asks Joe. His mouth opens and his eyes slowly widen.
"4th of August, why?" Ben has turned on his phone to see what date it is.
"Damn it, how could I have forgotten? I should have never let him sleep alone tonight. Damn it, I am so stupid. We need to find him. Can I borrow one of your cars?"
"Joe relax." Ben has put both of his hands on both of Joe's shoulders looking him deep in the eye.
"You can borrow my car. What did you forget?"
"I can't tell. I promised. But please let me borrow your car? I think it is better if I go alone." After seeing the panic in Joe's eyes Ben walks over to his backpack. He searches for the keys before handing them over to Joe.
"Please be safe. And keep an eye on your phone. If we have any news we will let you know. Call us when you have found him." Ben gives Joe a hug. Who immediately after that runs towards the exit of the building.

Joe races through the city. He tries his best to follow the law, messing up here and there. There are a few places Joe hopes to find Rami. He isn't sure about any of them but it's the best way to start. Joe is very grateful for the good working navigation system in Ben's car as he doesn't know his way through the city. With every place he looks, he mentally checks off the place in his mind. He gets more nervous with every place he checks. He is afraid that he will run out of places anytime soon. He jumps up from the sound of his phone ringing. It's Ben who is calling him. Joe takes on the phone putting it on speaker.
"Hi Ben, news?" Joe carefully places his phone in his lap. While trying his best to focus on the road.
"Not quite. Mitch and another crew member are still at our hotel. It looks like Rami only took his phone. His wallet is still in his room. They finally convinced the hotel to look at the camera footage to see when Rami left. And if he left with someone else. You've got anything?" Joe hits the steering wheel when the traffic light jumps to red, making him wait.
"No, not all. I have checked a few places but I still have a few in mind. So I will keep looking. But I'm still driving. Is it okay if I hang up? I don't want to crash your car."
"Alright. We will keep you updated." The call ends. Joe races to his next stop.

It is a bridge in a less busy neighbourhood in London. He parks the car in a street close to the bridge. Now he only needs to find the little doorway to the passage leading to a place underneath the bridge. It's a very narrow opening between two buildings. The time Rami took him here years ago Joe thought he was going crazy by leading him there. At one point Joe needs to crawl on his hand and feet in a low part. When he peeks his head through the doorway leading to the end he sees a hooded figure sitting on the edge. His feet bungling in the water. When Joe sees the hooded figure he walks back a few steps. He immediately dials Ben's phone number. He hops on his feet in impatience.
"I found him. He is safe. I can't tell you where or what. I will take him to the hotel as soon as I talked to him. Please don't wait for us in the hotel. I first want to make sure he is okay." Joe whispers most of the phone call. Before Ben even can ask a question Joe hangs up. He walks back to the door again.

This time he walks through the door. Without making to many sounds Joe sits down next Rami.
"Hei." He says softly. Rami looks up and Joe can't help but notice how horrible Rami looks. He has dark rings around his eyes. His cheeks are a deep shade of red and his hair is all messy.


Hey my friends,

I love all your comments! I really appreciate the likes too. We hit #5 in the Hardzello tag and #1 in the Hardzzello tag. Thank you for that!

I promise that I'll update soon because I left you once again on a cliffhanger. (I'm sorry I wrote this chapter weeks ago. There is not much I can change without messing with the whole story now haha)

Have a nice day!

Xx itsametaphorjoe

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now