Chapter 29

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They were all happy once they got back to shooting. The four boys grew even closer after all they have been through together. Ben and Joe hardly got any alone time together. They were so busy shooting the scenes that were originally three weeks ago that they have longer working days. Instead of finding time to go on dates Ben and Joe would often try and eat some lunch together or they would go out for dinner. Although they were often joined by the others. Most nights they would sleep in each others hotel room. Most of the days they were so exhausted that they collapsed on the bed together after dinner. They talked for a few minutes before both drifting asleep.

Tonight was one of those nights. Ben went to Joe's room to watch a movie together. Their movie finished and both of them were laying cuddled up together on the bed. 
"Can I ask you a question?" Joe asks.
"Sure honey. What's up?" Ben asks with a slight hint of concern on his face.
"Can you maybe- Never mind it is silly." Joe buries his head deeper in Ben's chest to hide his red cheeks. 
"No, tell me." Ben pouts. He hopes that if Joe tells him that he knows Ben isn't going to judge him.
"No, it isn't important. Just forget it." Joe mumbles. 
"I want you to tell me." Ben moves away from Joe: "Or I will not talk to you anymore."
"That is not fair." Ben simply shrugs. He has completely let go of Joe and moved to the side of the bed. It takes only a minute before Joe tries to scoot over but Ben holds him away with a single hand. He simply shakes his head and turns over so his back is turned towards Joe.
"Ben come on. Don't be so childish." Ben ignores his boyfriend. Which is hard. Because all he wants to do is turn around and kiss him. But he knows that he needs to behave himself.

Joe gets out of the bed and walks towards the bathroom. Ben doesn't look up when he walks past him. Instead, he looks at the ground. He keeps his eyes fixated on a random spot until Joe walks back in. With a loud sigh, Joe flops onto the bed.
"Alright fine. But don't laugh at me." Joe says. Ben turns around with a smile on his face.
"I will not." 
"Do you remember that day that Rami was gone and he passed out in the end?" Joe asks. 
"The thing about Afya. Yeah, I do." Ben raises one eyebrow as he tries to guess what Joe is going to say next. He can see Joe rubbing his fingers over the palm of his other hand. A nervous habit.
"Well, you carried Rami out of the car into the hotel. And euhm I was wondering if you could maybe one time carry me like that. You don't have to if you don't want to." Joe has moved his head so Ben can barely see his face.
"Of course princess." Ben smiles softly. Joe turns his head towards Ben with his eyes wide open.
"Really?" Ben nods before pulling Joe into a kiss. When they pull away Joe starts giggling. Ben tilts his head sideways while he looks at Joe with a confused look. Has he done something weird during the kiss? Is he a bad kisser?
"Did you just call me princess?" Joe asks when he sees the confused look on Ben's face. Ben sighs in relief but immediately is replaced by more nerves.
"Oh yeah I guess I did. I will try and not say it next time."
"No, no, I think it is cute." Joe leans in for a second kiss.


The next morning Ben wakes up way before the alarm goes off. He grabs the chance to do something nice for Joe. He writes a small note saying he will be back soon. After that, he pats down his pockets to see if he got his phone, keys and wallet. He drives over to a nice breakfast place nearby. It takes him a few minutes to chose what he is going to get. In the end, he walks out of the restaurant with food for four persons as he wasn't sure what Joe would want.

When he opens the door to his hotel room he sees Joe already awake. He is leaning against the headboard, while he scrolls on his phone. Once he hears the door open he immediately turns his head towards the door. He can feel a smile spreading on his lips as soon as Ben walks through the door.
"Good morning love." Ben smiles while leaning in to kiss Joe's forehead, earning a giggle from the older boy.
"I bought us some breakfast." Ben lifts the bags he has in his hands.
"Isn't that a little much?" Joe asks. 
"Well, I didn't know what you liked. So I bought some extra." Ben shrugs. He gets everything out of the bags and places it on the rather small desk. Joe can feel his mouth water once he sees all the food.
"You know you didn't have to do this Ben?" He asks.
"I know. But I like to spoil you." Before Ben even finished his sentence Joe has already dived towards the food.


That day the director called out for a lunch break. Both Joe and Ben walked over to their trailers. There was almost noone to be seen. So without warning, Ben turns around and picks up Joe in bridal style. Joe lets out a little yelp while he is being picked up. His arms are tightly wrapped around Ben's neck.
"I am not going to drop you relax." Joe loses his grip a bit but lets his arms still hang over Ben's shoulders. Ben uses his elbow and foot to open the door to his trailer. He sets Joe down on the table as soon as they are inside. With his feet, he shuts the door behind him. Hungrily he smashes his lips against Joe's. The latter has his arms wrapped around Ben's neck. His fingers are playing with the little hairs on the backside of Ben's head. The latter has one of his hand on the back of Joe's head pulling him deeper into the kiss. The other rests on Joe's back. Joe lets his tongue run over Ben's bottom lip, asking for access. Which he gets without hesitation.

They are so caught up in their make-out session that they don't hear footsteps approaching the trailer. The door opens and Roger walks in. He smiles at the boys before he coughs. Ben jumps from the sound while Joe tries to see who walked in.
"I was going to ask if you would like to eat lunch with us. But I think you have some other snacks in mind. Use protection. Bye." Without Joe and Ben could even say anything Roger was out of the door.
"Maybe we should go to eat with them." Joe says quietly before hopping off from the table. Ben follows him out of the trailer. He tries to hide the disappointment that their moment is ruined.

Once they walk in the common room they both feel the eyes burning through their skin. Which has to be because Roger told the others what happened. Without saying anything both of them sit down on the empty chairs behind the big table. As soon as Joe looks around he sees Rami sitting with a huge smirk on his face. While Gwil looks from Roger to Ben to Joe to Rami and back to Roger.

After a while, Roger breaks the silence: "So, I was wondering. Who tops who bottoms?" He has a playful smirk on his face while he looks between Joe and Ben. Rami looks over at Roger with big eyes before he let his eyes glide towards Joe and Ben. The cheeks of the latter immediately turn to a light shade of pink from the sudden question.
"Roger, you can't ask that." Gwil says. Rami shoots a death glare towards his friend. Gwil ignores the look and keeps his eyes fixated on Roger. 
"Oh I sure can." Roger says while sticking out his tongue for a brief moment. 
"Brian please help me and say that he can't ask that." Gwil has turned his head towards Brian. He knows they often share the same thoughts. 
"Actually, I think I want to know the answer myself." Brian says while laughs at the fact that Ben's cheeks get pinker with the second.
"You all sound like 11 years old." Gwil says while rolling his eyes.
"If you want to know so bad. I usually top." Joe says while leaning back into his chair. He tries not to make a big deal out of it. Ben, however, is blushing harder than before. He looks at Joe with big eyes. Rami looks at both of them with a great deal of excitement in his eyes.
"So, Brian, where is Red Special?" Brian looks at Rog with big eyes before eying the exit of the room.
"Why do you want to know where Red Special is?" Rami asks while tilting his head towards the side slightly.
"Well, we made a bet what the answer to the question would be. If I was right I was allowed to play on red special for a few minutes but if I was wrong I needed to admit that being in love with cars and writing a song about it is weird." Roger explains with a huge smile on his face. The panic in Brian's eyes is clearly visible once Roger mentioned playing on his beloved guitar. 

Hi lovies,

I managed to edit this chapter in between doing homework. It's rather stressful with all the schoolwork right now. I edited as best I could in this little time frame I had. I'm sorry if this is not the quality you normally get from me. 

Have a nice day (or night) y'all.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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