Chapter 20

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Saturday rolls around very quickly. Since the two made love for the first time they haven't had a lot of alone time together. Most of their time is consumed by shooting and hanging out with their friends. They are now on their way to Ben's parents. Ben himself is driving. Joe had asked way too many times if he needed to drive. Every time Ben declined the offer. He barely got any sleep because he was way too nervous. Joe tried his best to calm him down but nothing seemed to work. His normal techniques didn't seem to work the slightest this time. So he finally gave up and held Ben close in his arms. He knows that it was something that calmed himself down so maybe it would work for Ben too. Otherwise, it would just be a sign for Ben that Joe was there for him.

When Ben finally puls into the driveway he turns around.
"I have to give you some instructions before we go inside. My parents are very strict. They want to be revered to as sir and ma'am. Try and remember that my last name is Jones and not Hardy. If they are being rude just stay calm and polite. I am really sorry I have to put you through this. You still can go back to the hotel if you'd like." Ben lets his hand run through his hair. Joe grabs the other hand.
"I'm not going back. I promised you I would come along and I will keep my promise. We'll get through this. Together." Joe wants to lean in to give Ben a kiss but the younger man pushes him away.
"I'm afraid that they are watching. I first want them to get to know you before I'm going to tell them." Joe sits back in his seat again. He is slightly disappointed that he didn't get to kiss Ben. The latter grabs a bottle from the inside of the door and swings it backwards.
"May I have a sip?" Joe asks. Ben shakes his head. He wants to put it back but before he gets the chance Joe snatches the bottle out of his hand. Joe doesn't take a sip but instead sniffs at the top of the bottle.
"Is this alcohol? Ben, how much did you drink today?"
"These were my first sips. I didn't want to drive with alcohol. Can I have it back? I need it." Ben holds out both of his hands towards the bottle but instead of giving it back Joe puts the bottle in his own door.

"You can't control what you do or say when you are drunk. We will get through this Ben. I promise. Let's not keep your parents waiting." Joe says while opening his car door. Ben does the same before walking over to the front door. After he knocks on the door he turns around to face Joe.
"I love you." He tries his best to smile.
"I love you too." Joe smiles back. He can feel his heart ache from how scared his boyfriend is.

Ben's mom is the one to open the door. Ben never looks her in the eye. Instead, he is staring at his own shoes.
"It's nice to see you again mother." He steps inside to make room for Joe who walks over to Ben's mom.
"Hello, mrs. Jones. It's lovely meeting you." He holds out his hand. Mrs. Jones looks at it with a disgusted look.
"You didn't say your name." She squints her eyes while looking at Joe.
"My apologies, ma'am. My name is Joe." Joe gives her a polite smile. She turns around and walks into the living room followed closely by Ben and Joe. Ben's father is seated on the couch. Ben walks over to him with his head bowed.
"Hello, father. It's nice to see you again." Ben's father hums in approval. Which seems to be enough for Ben to walk over to one of the armchairs and sit down in it.
"Hello, mr. Jones. It is a pleasure meeting you. Your house is really lovely." Joe holds out his hand. Which mr. Jones takes immediately. He grabs Joe's hand firmly.
"What is your name?"
"Joe, sir."
"Is that your full name?" Mr. Jones squints his eyes while looking at Joe. Something that makes Joe really uncomfortable.
"No, it's not sir. My full first name is Joseph, but that is also the name of my father and my grandfather. So to make it easier most people call me Joe, sir." Joe has his head bowed just like he saw Ben doing earlier.
"Alright, Joseph take a seat somewhere." There are only to seats left. One is next to mr. Jones on the couch. The other one is an empty armchair just like the one Ben is sitting on. Joe doesn't have to think long before making the decision to sit in the armchair. When he sits down he locks eyes with Ben for a second. When Joe sees the panic and the fear in Ben's eyes all Joe wants to do is run over and hold him tight. He knows better after seeing Ben freak out when Joe wanted to kiss him in the car. So he stays seated. Mrs. Jones comes walking back with a tray full of tea mugs, a teapot and some cookies. She places mugs in front of everyone before pouring them full of tea. She hands everyone a cookie.

After taking one bite of the cookie Joe can't help but notice how disgusting the cookies are.
"Did you make these yourself, ma'am?" Mrs. Jones simply nods as an answer.
"They are absolutely delicious." Joe tries his best to smile.
"What do you do for work Joseph?" Ben's dad asks.
"I am an actor just like Ben sir. We met on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody."
"Why are you friends with Benjamin?" Joe's eyebrows furrow for a few seconds before he reminds himself to relax his face. He thinks about the answer to the unexpected weird question before answering:  "He is an amazing and kind person to be around, sir. Because we're working together so much we became good friends really quick." Ben's dad nods in approval.

During their whole stay mr. Jones kept firing questions at Joe. Mrs. Jones barely said anything and neither did Ben. Until mr. Jones turned himself towards Ben.
"You should invite your best friend over more often. He is a good guy." He says.
"Actually he is not only my best friend but he is also my boyfriend." Ben still has his head bowed towards the ground. In that way, he doesn't have to see the reaction from his parents. Joe, however, watches every single movement. Mrs Jones eyes became wide while staring at Ben in disbelieve. Mr. Jones face, however, flushes with anger immediately.
"He is what?" Mr. Jones growls.
"My boyfriend. I love him, sir." Ben has his eyes shut. His fists are clenched. Mr. Jones stands up from his chair. In a very slow pace, he walks over to the chair Ben is sitting in. He places his hands on either armrest. Forcing Ben back in the chair.
"No, you don't. I let you free in your love life. But if this is what going to happen then I am going to search a wife for you myself. I give you one last chance. Do you love him?" Ben's chest rises and falls in a very quick tempo.
"Yes, yes I do." Ben shuts his eyes tightly while he waits for the impact to come. When it comes it hurts more then he remembered. He can feel the handprint from his father burning on his cheek.
"Stop that. Right now." Joe jumps up from his chair.
"Joe don't." Ben opens his eyes to watch what Joe is doing.
"Who do you think you are? You can't just hit your son because he does something you don't want him to. You should be happy that your son is in a relationship. Gender shouldn't change that. It may not the classic relationship but we are, if I may speak for the both of us, in a good relationship. I love him with all my heart and nothing is going to change that. You can't choose love. Because the love that is chosen isn't real. So please let us be." Joe has walked over to Ben gently pulling him out of the chair. He pushes Ben behind his own body. Mr. Jones walks over to the two. He wants to get around Joe but Joe does his best to shield Ben's body.
"I know that you're angry. But you shouldn't be mad at Ben. I was the one who asked him to be my boyfriend. You should be mad at me."
"Joe don't." Ben tries again. Joe sees a fist flying towards his face. He shuts his eyes so he doesn't have to see the rest.
"DAD STOP." Ben yells. Joe can feel the fist against the side of his head. The punch is so powerful that Joe falls from the impact. Joe can hear a loud scream coming from Mrs. Jones. Ben let himself drop on his knees next to Joe.
"Joe, Joe are you alright?" Joe opens his eyes. He locks eyes with Ben immediately.
"Yeah, I'm alright. I think we should leave Ben." Ben nods before standing up from the floor. He holds out a hand for Joe to help him stand

"I think it is best if we leave. Dad, don't bother searching for a girl for me. If you don't accept me for who I am then I think you don't deserve to call me your son anymore." Ben turns around, walking to the door of the room. He is followed closely by Joe. Right before they are by the door leading to the hallway Ben turns around.
"Oh and dad one more thing." Ben grabs Joe's face with both of his hands before hungrily smashing his lips against his boyfriend's. Joe is taken by surprise but gladly kisses back. He let his hands travel down Ben's back while slipping his tongue into Ben's mouth. He let his hands stay on Ben's button purpose. He even gives a little squeeze. After a while, Ben pulls away.
"Don't bother searching for a girlfriend for me. I'm happy with Joe." He grabs Joe's hand to pull him out of the house. Leaving his two parents behind with a mix of anger and confused feelings.

Hi lovies,

I this the right moment to say: I'm sorry?

This chapter is quite intense. Nothing compared to what is coming, but still.

I hope you have a nice day today!

Xx Itsametaphorjoe

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now