Chapter 73

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"Mom, please don't cry. I'm alright." Joe says. His hand is looking for something to hold onto. He ends up grabbing Ben's hand that is placed on his shoulder. Ben immediately notices his behaviour. He holds onto Joe a little tighter before bending down to kiss his forehead.
"You're okay, love," Ben whispers before turning his head towards the camera again. Joe's dad has pulled his wife close.
"An honest question. How are you doing? Did the doctors check on you yet?" Mr. Mazzello asks.
"They did. No brain damage. I do, however, have a headache and my arm hurts. They say that both are very normal." Joe rubs his head to emphasis his words. Mrs. Mazzello still has her head against mr. Mazzello's chest. She sobs slightly but turns her head towards the camera again.
"I'm sorry Joe. I really thought we lost you." She says. Ben starts rubbing circles with his thumb over Joe's hand. He knows Joe has heard this sentence over and over again today. He is tired of hearing the same sentence. Joe doesn't anyone to feel sorry for him. Ben knows that all too well.
"We can't call that much longer by the way. Nurses will come in soon to check on Joe. After that, he has to sleep. So do I, by the way." He wants to spare Joe the long conversation. Besides he knows how tired Joe must be.
"Is it okay for us to visit you tomorrow Joe?" Mr. Mazzello asks. Joe nods, his head pushing further into Ben's chest.
"Then I guess you two should go to bed. Goodnight sweethearts." Mrs. Mazzello says. Joe and Ben both say their goodnights before Ben ends the phone call. At the moment Ben places his phone down a nurse walks in.
"Look my favourite couple is here again." It is then that Ben recognizes her from the first time both Joe and he stayed at the hospital.

"Okay, Joe. I know you are tired, but we need to get these tests over with." Ben gets out of bed to help Joe to get up.
"First of all. Ben, can you sit down in that chair over there?" Ben raises an eyebrow but does at he is told. As soon as he sits down the nurse starts talking again: "Joe please walk over to Ben. When you are there bend down and try to touch his knees. Then try to bend down as far as you can." Joe does as he is told. When he is close to Ben he bends down. He is actually able to touch Ben's sock without any difficulties.
"Good, okay can you come here, please. Ben, can you help him to take off his shirt?" Joe is already trying to take it off when Ben gets there. With his one arm in a cast, it is a little more difficult. Ben grabs the hem of Joe's shirt to pull it over his head. Ben takes in every single inch of Joe's chest as soon as it gets exposed. He leans forward to peck Joe's shoulder before standing next to him.
"Perfect." He mutters under his breath.

The nurse checks on some spots on his chest. When she is done Ben helps Joe to put his shirt back on.
"One last question. How is your headache compared to right after the tests this morning?" Joe thinks for a few seconds before answering: "It was less the whole day. The last half an hour the headache became worse." Joe admits.
"That is not weird. That is just exhaustion. So, what is going to happen, every two hours a nurse will come in to wake you. We will ask some simple questions. It takes around five minutes. With that, we can make sure you don't have a concussion. I know it's annoying, but sleeping with a concussion is even worse." The nurse explains. Ben already helped Joe back in bed while he listened closely to what the nurse told them.
"Could you maybe wake me too the first time?" Ben asks.
"Sure, we will roll in a bed shortly. Joe, when the pain worsens either push the red button or wake up Ben. It's very important that you do that." Joe nods and with that, the nurse leaves the room.

"Goodnight honey." Ben leans down to connect their lips.
"Please, don't leave me," Joe mumbles quietly.
"I won't leave you, honey. I would never. Do you want me to sit next to you until you fall asleep?" Ben suggests. He grabs Joe's hand to assure him of his words.
"Please?" Joe asks hopefully. Ben grabs the chair to pull it next to the bed.
"Sweet dreams, love," Ben says before connecting their lips once again. He grabs a hold of Joe's hand before sitting down.

Joe is fast asleep when the nurses come in the room with Ben's bed. As careful as he can Ben slips his hand out of Joe's.
He tiptoes the nurses who are securing Ben's bed opposite of Joe's.
"Is it normal for him to get very emotional right now?" He whispers.
"Yes, that is more than normal. You shouldn't worry about that." The nurse answers. She checks if the wheels are locked in place before she smiles at Ben. Soon after that, she leaves the room.


Far after Joe and Ben got woken up for the first time Ben wakes up again. Sweat and tears have stained his shirt. His breathing is heavy and fast. Everything in the room spins around. Ben sits up to see if he has woken up Joe. When he sees the latter fast asleep he carefully gets out of bed. He sighs in relief when his feet hit the coldness of the floor. As quietly as he can he walks towards the bathroom connected to their room. He splashes some cold water on his face. The water feels ice cold against the flushed skin. He lets himself slide down with his back against the wall. Everything seems so real all of a sudden. The realisation that he could have lost Joe had been there the whole week, but now that Joe is awake again he can't help but realise that he couldn't have done anything without Joe. Besides, all the things he had to recall with his psychologist are still haunting him. Memories came flooding back within seconds. Memories he desperately tried to forget.
"Ben?" He hears Joe calling out his name, his voice is raspy from just waking up.

Hey guys,

I originally was planning on uploading this chapter tomorrow. I, however, had time to edit today. So, here you go.

And yes, another cliffhanger *insert evil laugh*

I love y'all. Take good care of yourselves!


Xx itsametaphorjoe

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now