Chapter 33

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It's my darlings birthday! Because it's Joe's birthday I'm going to update again. Happy birthday Joey!


"So, my sister just contacted me. She told  me that Paul Prenter is out of jail." Gwil rambles as quickly as he can. Rami's eyes are getting wider with the second.
"They told me that he would have 30 years from alone the incident with me and Afya but there was also another incident so he ended up for a forty-year sentence. How can he be free now?"
"We don't know. He probably got out of good behaviour." Gwil explains. He already talked about it with his sister. This seemed the most logical explanation.
"How does your sister even now about Paul? I asked you guys not to tell anyone." Rami says while his face drops from confusion into suspicion.
"I didn't." Gwil admits. 
"Then how do-" Rami can't even finish his sentence before he gets interrupted by Gwil: "That other incident had to do something with my family." Rami's expression changes back to confusion.
"They never told me exactly what happened." He says as he doesn't want to push Gwil in telling his story. Although, he is very curious to hear more.
"He killed someone on the streets and my parents were at the wrong place at the wrong time." That's all Gwil says. He is no longer looking at Rami but he has found a spot on the floor.
"Gwil, have you ever talked about this?" Rami asks when he sees the difficulties Gwil has with talking about it. The latter shakes his head.
"If it so deep bottled inside of you. Then you need to talk to someone about it. I don't care with who but it's clearly bothering you." Rami has placed his hand on Gwil's back. As he tries to comfort him without moving to close in his personal space.

"Can I tell you? Please?" Gwil looks up at Rami. Tears are slowly forming in his eyes.
"Of course." Rami gives him a reassuring smile before removing his hand from Gwil's back.
"So, they were arrested with a lot of other people as suspects and witnesses." Gwil slips in his own memories while he tries to tell Rami everything.

Gwil was sitting at his desk at school. He was in his first year of high school. His whole notebook was already covered in notes from all of his classes. Which was the reason why most of his teachers liked him so much. He was always listening when the teachers were talking, his notes always looked perfect and he had good grades. These types of children would often get bullied but Gwil had a nice and strong group of friends. Who he got along with pretty well. Just like in all of his classes Gwil was copying down notes while listening to the teacher. A sharp knock on the door interrupted the lecture. The principal opens the door. He steps inside closely followed by a police officer.
"Hello mr. Olusola. What is your reason for visiting?" The teacher asked.
"Yes, I was wondering if I can take Gwilym Lee with me." All the children shifted in their seats so they could look at Gwil. Who can feel his face drain from any colour that it had. Quickly he tries to think of all the things he has done. Nothing came to mind. He wants to stand up from his desk. His legs are already shaking.
"Take your bag with you." The principal says. Gwil is quick to follow the instructions and put everything in his bag. He looks at the teacher who nods at him to follow the two men. The whispers from other people in the room are heard. Gwil ignores them and walks straight out of the door. In complete shock, he follows the two men into the staff room where his sister and two brothers are already sitting. By the looks of it, his sister is crying but Gwil can't see clearly because she has her hands in front of her eyes. He quietly sits down on one of the chairs.
"Sorry for scaring you. But your parents have been arrested as suspects and witnesses for a murder. The investigation just started." Gwil feels his jaw dropped. His head starts to fuzz immediately. He can see the mouth of the police officer move up and down, but no words find their way into his mind. After a while, his oldest brother starts to speak.
"So, who is going to care for us?" He asks as he immediately tries to think in solutions.
"We reached out to your grandmother. She is willing to care for you for the time the investigation is running." The police officer smiles at them.
"Well, I think I am going to take you to your house. There are already some officers searching for evidence in your home. They will also ask you some questions to see if we can get a clearer vision of what is going on."

I'm going slightly mad // HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now