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I take a sip and shake my head at the bitterness "what is in this?" 

He laughs sarcastically "Ricardo's surprise?" 

I take a deep breath and take another sip "it's so bitter." 

He nods and takes a sip "I think you have mine." 

He tastes his and nods "yeah mine has some whiskey in it." 

He hands me the glass in his hand and I shake my head and sit back "I never said I didn't like it?" 

I shrug my shoulders and take another sip. 

"Fine you can have it but only because you never gave up hope with Adrianna." 

I shake my head and look towards her "what do you mean?" 

He laughs nervously and looks down "after her accident she lost all her confidence and never spoke to strangers." 

He looks at me and nods "so when my grandpa told me that you got her to come out her shell around you I was surprised." 

I shake my head and raise my eyebrows "accident?" 

He looks towards the pool at the side of the back yard.

"She nearly drowned 4 months ago and ever since she won't go near the pool or any water and she became quiet." I shake my head in disbelief "I never knew sorry." 

I look towards her and smile "she is a good kid so she will just need time but I'm sure she will go back to herself eventually." 

I look down towards the ground and laugh nervously "being traumatised can change you but you just need time to come back around." I look at him and he smiles "sounds like your speaking from experience?" I laugh nervously and take a long sip of my drink "sort of."

I take another sip of my drink and Ricardo leans back "I don't know what or who you are running from back home where you came from but you helped my sister come back out her shell so I owe you one." 

I smirk and look towards the floor "anything for your grandparents friend right?" 

I laugh softly and look at him "It's not that I don't want to talk about it." 

I shrug and take another sip of my drink "I just want to forget about it I guess but maybe one day." 

I feel his hand touch and squeeze mine and my whole-body tingle in a nice way "well whenever you want to I am here ok?" 

He sits back and drinks his glass in one "and I don't just see you as my grandparents' friend." 

He licks his lips and I laugh nervously "good to know." 

I look at my empty glass and hand him it "another?" 

He smiles softly and nods "you sure you want the same? They are pretty strong?" 

I smile and shrug "yes but it was nice." 

He nods and takes the glass before heading inside.

I take a deep breath and lean back onto the chair and see the girl's running over .

"So?" I shrug and take a deep breath "I don't know." 

I sit up and they raise their eyebrows "wow. You been drinking Ricardo's drink? Can smell the whiskey." 

I laugh nervously and smile "really?" 

Rosie goes into her pocket and smiles "mint?" 

I nod and hold my hand out "yes please." 

She gives me and mint and smiles "just don't drink too much or you will end up like Carlos." 

I look around and shrug "where is Carlos?" 

Adrianna looks towards the house and laughs softly "on the sofa passed out." 

I nod firmly and smile "noted. Slow down the drinking." 

They look towards the door and see Ricardo "speak soon." 

They run of and I smile and shake my head. "More inside jokes?" 

I look at Ricardo and smirk taking my drink "where is your friends?" 

He sits down and nods towards the house "they have work so couldn't stay and Carlos is sleeping for now but I will wake up when the BBQ is finished." 

I look towards the BBQ and smile "when are you going to do the BBQ?" 

Pedro walks out and opens the lid "now I imagine."

Gloria walks out with a large tray of food "bit of everything?" 

She looks at me and I nod "yeah." 

She smiles and places food onto the side of the BBQ and walks back inside as Pedro starts cooking the food. 

She walks back out and smiles "Ricardo?" He looks at me and smile softly "excuse me." 

He runs inside and I take a deep breath and look towards the girl's and they nod towards me "all good." 

I stick my thumbs up and they smile and high-5 each other. 

I shake my head and look back towards the door and see Ricardo walk out with an ice bag "grandma is worried my drink will make you drunk to fast so she asked me to bring these out." 

I look into the bag and see soft drinks and water along with beers "I'm fine." 

Pedro walks towards me and smiles "here you go."

 I stand up and reach other taking the plate and nearly lose my balance but Ricardo holds onto my hips making me steady "fine yeah?" 

I laugh nervously and sit back down and he let's go of my hips. 

He goes into the bag and pulls out a bottle of water "here." 

He hands me it and I take a deep breath "I'm good for now." 

He raises his eyebrow and I roll my eyes "fine." 

I take the water and open it taking a sip "happy?" 

I smirks and reaches over stealing a cocktail sausage "very."

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