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Leticia drives towards a house a few house's up from Ricardo's "we are here." I look at the house and shake my head "why does this look so familiar?" Marcus walks and waves "Marcus?" Leticia nods and smiles "yeah? Did I not say that?" I shake my head and get out the car "I hope you like dogs Abbie?" She laughs nervously and nods "of course. Why?" Dalton and Nate run out and lick my hands "hey boys." Abbie laughs nervously and looks at them "dogs? They are like bears?" I laugh nervously and nod "they are cuddly bears though. Trust me." We walk towards Marcus and he smiles and waves "so this is my new roomie?" He looks at Abbie and takes her hand and kisses it "Hola chica." She smiles and nods "hey." He looks at her face "wow. Craig got you bad." She smiles and nods "yip." He looks at me and smiles "you can stay here with my boys and we will get her stuff?" I nod and smile "ok." Abbie shakes her head and holds on my arm "no. I don't want you to leave me?" I smile softly and nod "ok. I will come?" She takes a deep breath and smiles "thank you." I look at Marcus and nods "ready?" he nods and we get into the car and drive towards the apartment but stop off at Carlos's house.

Leticia honks her horn and the door opens and Carlos and Ricardo walk out "why is she here?" I roll my eyes and lean forward "I can hear you? Abbie didn't want me to leave her." Ricardo rolls his eyes "well stay close." He gets into Carlos car with Carlos and Leticia drives off behind them towards the apartment. We get outside and Ricardo runs towards my door and opens it "are you ok?" He holds his hand out and I take it "yeah. Just weird being back." He smiles softly and squeezes my hand "he won't be here and if he is then he won't get near you." I smile and look at Abbie "we aren't here for me today. We are here for Abbie." She gets out and walks towards me "I'm fine." She walks towards the apartment and Marcus follows her "let's go." I follow them inside still holding Ricardo's hand and Leticia and Carlos follows behind us. We get to the door and Abbie looks at me and smiles "I am so sorry." She opens the door and I see Craig standing holding a gun pointing at me "no!"

Ricardo moves me to the side but the bullet already leaves the gun and I fall to the ground passing out with shock. Carlos and Marcus walk towards Craig but he turns the gun to himself and smirks "I will join you and the baby now Belle." He pulls the trigger and kills himself instantly. Ricardo looks at me and shakes his head "Belle?" He lifts me up and nods towards Carlos "get the car ready." Carlos runs towards the stairs and Leticia grabs her phone "I will call my mum and tell her to get the ready for her coming in." Ricardo looks at me and smiles "you are going to be ok."

A few hours after we arrive at the hospital Ricardo waits in the waiting room pacing up and down. Gloria runs in and hugs Ricardo "sorry I couldn't come sooner." Ricardo hugs her and smiles "it's ok you are here now." A nurse comes in and smiles "Ricardo?" He looks at her and wipes away a tear "that's me." She nods and smiles "we got the bullet out and cleaned her up. She is stable now if you want to see her?" Ricardo nods and follows her into the room. As I lay on the bed unconscious Ricardo walks towards me and holds my hand "Belle? I don't know if you can hear me but please be ok. I can't lose you." He smirks and looks towards Gloria "she moved her hand. I felt it." Gloria walks towards me and smiles as I start to open my eyes "I will get the nurse." She runs out the room and I open my eyes and look at Ricardo smiling at me "hey." He shakes his head and smiles "don't try move. You are in the hospital." I look around and smile "what happened?" I look at him and nod "are you ok?" He laughs nervously and nods "I'm fine. He shot you not me." I look towards my stomach and take a deep breath "the baby?" He smiles and nods "the baby is ok." He looks behind him and I see a nurse walk in "how are you feeling?" I smile and nod "ok? Just a sore side." The nurse walks towards me and smiles "I will get you something for the pain." I nod and look at my stomach "so the baby is ok?" She nods and smiles "the bullet got your chest so it didn't affect your stomach." Ricardo squeezes my hand and I smile "good."

The nurse nods and walks out the room closing the door behind her "so." I laugh nervously and nod "what happened to Craig and Abbie?" Ricardo smiles softly and shakes his head "we don't need to speak about that now?" I nod and sit up "I know but I want to know." He looks at Gloria and she nods "Craig shot himself and Leticia couldn't find Abbie after it. "I raise my eyebrows in shock "really?" He nods and smiles "he thought the child was his and wanted to be with you and the baby on the other side then turned the gun on himself." I scoff and shake my head "wow." He nods and smiles "I know." The door opens and Gabriella and Leticia walk in with a balloon "hey." I smile and wave "hi." They look at my stomach and nod "everything ok?" I rub my stomach and smile "yeah." I look at Ricardo and smile "everything is perfect." I feel my body go cold and I smile "I love you." Ricardo smiles and holds my hand "I love you too."

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