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Ricardo stands by the BBQ and Gloria walks over towards him and smiles "you really like her don't you?" Ricardo locks his eyes onto me and nods "I do."

She smiles and nods "good because we all love her. Just don't hurt he. She's been through enough already." Ricardo shakes his head and looks at Gloria "what do you mean?" Gloria laughs nervously and shakes her head "food is ready."

Gloria walks away and Ricardo looks at me and take a deep breath "guess I will find out myself."

He walks towards me and smiles "can we talk?" I nod and stand up "yeah?"

I follow him into the house but Gloria runs over and smiles "the girl's want you Belle."

I look towards the tree house and see the girl's "I will be a minute. I'm just going to speak to Ricardo?" She shakes her head and I look at Ricardo and see him turn around "what?"

I look at the girl's and nod "I will be two minutes. Girls want me."

I walk towards the girl's and Gloria follows "what's wrong?" Gloria looks back towards Ricardo and shakes her head "I accidently let it slip to Ricardo that you have been through a lot so he might ask questions. Just a heads up." I nod and smile "I will think off something. Thanks for the warning."

We get to the girl's and they look at me and smile "hey."

I look at Gloria and shrug "so I'm coming over for dinner every day this week?" I look at the girl's and shrug "will that be fun?" They hug me and smile "yes." I nod and smile "good."

I walk back towards Ricardo and Gloria follows "good luck." I smile and nod "thank you."

She walks towards the chairs and I walk inside and look around "Ricardo?"

His cousin Rosa walks out from the hallway and smiles "he left." I shake my head and laugh nervously "what? Where?" She shrugs and looks towards the clock "he went out the door and didn't say where." I smile and nod "thank you."

I walk out the backyard and see Carlos walk towards me "everything ok?" I shrug and take a deep breath "I'm not sure? I think Ricardo knows something."

He looks around and shakes his head "what makes you think that?" I look at Gloria and smile softly "just a feeling."

He looks at his watch and take a deep breath "you thought anymore about your living arrangement?" I smile and nod "I will accept your offer but I want to be the one to tell Ricardo. Ok?" He nods and smiles "deal. So will we go get the rest of your stuff?" I nod and smile "yeah let's do it."

I walk towards Gloria and nod "I'm going to head but thank you and I guess I will see you every night this week?" She hugs me and smiles "where are you going? You can't go back to that apartment after what Craig done?" I nod and smile "I'm going to live in Carlos spare room."

She smiles at Carlos as he walks over "you're a good kid Carlos." She hugs him and he smiles "she is one of us now so she is more than welcome to stay." I smile and nod "ready?" He nods and waves "bye Gloria." Gloria waves and smiles "bye guys."

I follow Carlos out the front door and down the street "god I feel like a horrible girlfriend." Carlos puts his arm around my shoulder and shakes his head. "Don't worry. Ricardo will understand once you tell him the truth. Just don't take too long telling him please?" I laugh softly and push Carlos over "don't worry, I won't. I just need to right moment?"

I shrug and take a deep breath "I will Text him once we get home and tell him that we can go for dinner tomorrow and I'll tell him everything then." Carlos smirks and take a deep breath "good."

We get to my apartment and I take a deep breath "I can't."

Carlos cuddles me and nods "ok. We can do it another time. No rush." I nod and smile "can we just go home and order a pizza?" He smiles and nods "sounds perfect."

We start walking down the street and after a few minutes we get to Carlos's house "you don't stay that far from Ricardo then?" He nods and opens the door "we don't stay that far. Welcome home."

I walk in and smile "thank you."

I walk towards the sofa and sit down "I will get you a change of clothes if you want?" I nod and smile "thank you."

He runs upstairs and I look around "needs a girl's touch."

He runs downstairs holding a t-shirt and shorts "what? Why?" I shrug and take the clothes "just tell it's a boys house."

He rolls his eyes and hands me a piece of paper and pen "well write what is missing and I will make sure to get it." I smile and look around "ok."

I start writing down and Carlos rolls his eyes "I will order pizza." He grabs the phone and sits on the other sofa. "What you want?" I look at him and shrug "anything." He nods and smiles "can I get 2 pepperoni pizza's Ali."

He sticks the phone down and nods "that is it on the way." I hand him the notebook and grab the clothes "I'm going to get changed. What room am I sleeping in?" He nods towards the stairs "the room at the end of the hallway."

I walk upstairs and go into the room at the end of the hallway.

I walk towards the bed and place the clothes on the bed "let's hope plan b is better."

I get changed and head back downstairs "pizza is here." I smile and nod "just in time then."

I sit down on the sofa and Carlos turns on the TV and hands me a pizza box "thank you."

We sit and watch a movie and halfway through Carlos looks at me "are you ok?" I nod and smile "yeah why?" He laughs softly and shakes his head "you have been playing with the bottom off your hair for the last half hour? Usually you do that when you are nervous or got something on your mind?" I laugh nervously and nod "just nervous about telling Ricardo everything."

He sits up straight and shrugs "you want to tell me? Might be easier telling him." I smile and sit up "ok?" He raises his eyebrow and nods "really? Ok."

He turns the volume down and smiles at me "I don't even know where to start?" Carlos smiles and nods "from the start maybe?" I laugh softly and nod "ok here goes."

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