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I follow her upstairs and she opens the door and smiles "wow. It's very." I nod and laugh nervously "plain?" She shrugs and smiles "yeah?" I nod and look around "I know but it will be better with furniture. Teddies and photo frames?" She smiles and nods "it will look perfect." She walks back out and I follow her and close the door behind her "it's the thought that counts I guess?" I smile and nod "exactly." Carlos and Ricardo head towards the door and wave "we will be back later?" I nod and smile "ok? I'm just going to go baby shopping with Leticia anyway." He hands me his bank card and smirks "have fun." I stick it in my pocket and smirk "I will now." He rolls his eyes and kisses me "I love you." He walks towards the door and I wave "I love you too."

I look at Leticia and smirk "are we meeting Gabriella at the mall?" She nods and walks towards the door "she is going to meet us after work." I follow her towards her car and get in "you got the list?" I pull out two lists and open one "baby list and." I open the other and smile "Ricardo's birthday list." She drives towards the mal and we walk into the baby store "so do you know what you are looking for?" I shake my head and take a deep breath "no idea but I'm sure when I see it I will know?" She smiles and nods "it would help if we knew the gender." I smile and nod "we will tomorrow so whatever we don't get today we can get Saturday before Ricardo's surprise party." She nods and grabs a trolley "let's go baby shopping then." I smile and follow her.

We get a few white blankets and photo frames "so you have furniture picked out?" I nod and smile "yes so it all depends if it's a girl or boy." She nods and hands the woman behind the counter money "these are on me. A baby gift?" I smile and nod "ok well lunch is on me then? Your food baby gift?" She smirks and takes the bag "deal." We head to the food court and her phone rings when we sit down "it's Gabriella." She answers and smiles "hey. Where are you?" She sticks it on loudspeaker and places the phone on the table "I just got here. Where are yous?" I look towards the entrance door and smile "I see you. We are at the food court." She looks over and waves "coming now." She hangs up and walks towards us "get anything?" I point towards the bag and smile "not a lot. Coming back out Saturday if you are free? Be easier if we will know the sex off the baby." She sits down and smiles "yeah I'm not doing anything anyway." She looks at me and smirks "so?" I roll my eyes and show her my hand "wow." She examines the large diamond ring on my engagement finger "I love it." I smirk and look at it "me too. He outdone himself."

After food Leticia drops me back home and I walk inside and look around "hello?" I roll my eyes and close the door behind me "where are they two." I hear a bang from upstairs making me jump "hello?" I walk towards the sofa and place my bag on it and grab my gun from under the sofa arm and walk towards the stairs. "Ricardo? Carlos?" I walk upstairs pointing the gun in front of me and walk into my bedroom. I slowly open the door and look around "hello?" I hear a bang from behind me and I jump and quickly turn around pointing the gun "Belle? Wow." I see Ricardo standing with his hands up "are you ok?" I take a deep breath and point the gun down "I heard a bang and yous didn't answer so I thought someone broken in." He smiles and walks towards me "sorry we was finishing off the baby's room." She hugs me and smirks "let me show you?"

He takes the gun off me and takes my hand "where did you even get this?" I smirk and shake my head "I kept It after the Southside riot." He smiles softly and squeezes my hand "I won't let anyone hurt you. You know that right?" I kiss him and nod "of course I do. Now let me see what yous done." He opens the door and I smile and walk inside "wow." I look at all the painted animals on the wall and smile "it's amazing." They smile and shrug "so you get anything nice from shopping?" I nod and smile "yes but we are going back Saturday once we know if it's a girl or boy." He kisses me and smiles "a boy." I roll my eyes and smirk "a girl." Carlos hugs his both and smirks "as long as he or she gets Belle's looks." I smirk and nod "and daddy's brains?" Carlos raises his eyebrows "what?" I shrug and walk towards the door "he can be pretty smart when he wants to be." I head downstairs and they both follow "so show me what you go then."

I grab the bag from the sofa and smile "just blankets and photo album." They look at each and smirk "we got something but we wasn't going to show you till tomorrow but why not." Ricardo goes into the kitchen and walks out with a bag "here." I smile nervously and take the bag "what is it?" I look inside and pull out a teddy with 'Baby V' on the middle "I love it." I smile and he pulls out a few clothing items "socks. Vests. Baby grows." I smile and look at them "I love them. Thank yous." I hug them and nod "you will be an amazing god-father Carlos." Carlos raises his eyebrow and smirks "what? Are you serious?" I nod firmly and smile "I couldn't think of anyone better to ask." He hugs me and laughs with excitement "I will be honoured." He looks at the clock and nods "I got to go work but I will see you kids tonight?" I smile and wave "ok." The rest of the night me and Ricardo lay on the sofa and watch movies and eventually I drift off to sleep in his arms.

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