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I have a quick shower and towel dry my hair and start doing my makeup as the rest of my hair dries. 

I look towards my dress and get changed before taking another drink of whiskey. I quickly get dressed before doing the rest of my hair .

I smile at look in the mirror "better."

 I get into my taxi and text Nicola's back "what time are yous heading down?" 

I look out the window as we drive past Ricardo's house but jump when I get a text "just got inside. What time you heading down?" 

I smile and look out the window as we pull into the street where the club is "just pulling up now." 

I see Carlos outside speaking to the other bouncer so I duck down and nod towards the carpark "just here." 

The driver stops and I smile at him as I get out and hide behind a group of girl's 'this is stupid? I shouldn't have to explain why I'm here or who I'm with?' 

I step out and see Ricardo standing a few feet down the street with two girl's "hurry up Carlos."

 I hide behind the girl's again and one of them look at me "my ex is down there?"

 I laugh nervously and the girl's look down the street and huddle around me "we got you girl." 

I smile and stand up straight "thank yous."

I watch as Carlos runs towards the two girl's and Ricardo and they walk down the street. 

"He is gone." The girl's move and I smile and nod "thank yous." 

I smile at them before speed walking towards the club entrance. 

The bouncer smiles at me and moves aside letting me in "enjoy your night Belle." 

He smirks at me and I raise my eyebrow "thanks?" 

I shake my head and head downstairs 'how did the know my name?' 

I take a deep breath and smile 'I don't even care.' 

I spot Nicolas at the bar and I walk towards him and smile 'I'm here to have a good night.' 

I stand beside him and he looks at me and smiles "hey." 

He hugs me and I hug him back "glad you could make it." 

He nods towards a booth and smiles "everyone is over there and we have bottles so help yourself?"

 I smile and nod "thank you."

 I look towards the bartender and nod "a vodka and orange please."

I look over towards the booth as he pours me a drink "who are they?" 

I nod towards the three random boys sitting at the table "Lucas's cousins." 

He nods towards them and smiles "Luis. Enrique and Frankie." 

He looks at me and faces me "they are from the other side of town so don't come here due to gang stuff." 

I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "gang? Best not look at them for too long." 

He raises his eyebrow and I shrug "what? I've seen the movies." 

The bartender walks over with a bottle of vodka and my glass "the movies are nothing like the real thing." 

He laughs nervously and shakes his head "plus I thought you would be used to it being friends with Ricardo and his lot?"

 I laugh sarcastically and follow him towards the table "Ricardo isn't in a gang?" 

He looks at me and smiles "what? Ricardo is the gang leader? I can't believe you didn't know that." 

He stops and shakes his head "Luis's gang and Ricardo's don't get on so try not mention anything ok?" 

I nod and he walks towards the table and sticks the vodka down "look who I found."

Lucas looks at me and smiles "Belle?" 

His cousins all look at me and smirk "so this is Belle?"

 I walk towards the table and Lucas stands up and hugs me "now you can stop speaking about her every five minutes?" 

Lucas punches his o arm and shakes his head "so dramatic." 

I sit down next to Lucas and his cousin in the far-left smirks and looks me up and down "I can see why you are obsessed." 

He looks at Lucas and smirks "good job Lucas." 

I laugh nervously and take a sip of my vodka as he holds his hand out "I'm Luis." 

I shake his hand and he nods towards the two boys next to him "these are my brothers Enrique and Frankie." 

I shake their hands and smile "nice to meets you." 

I look at Lucas and see him smiling "I'm so glad you came." 

I raise my eyebrow and smile "really? You have been avoiding me all week?" 

He laughs nervously and runs his hand through his hair "we can speak later ok?" 

I nod and smile "fine. Since it's your birthday." 

He smirks and hands me a shot "to me being born?" I smile and nod "to you being born."

 I cheers the shot glass with his and drink it.

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