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The car drives off as soon as Ricardo gets out the house. I look towards him and shake my head "I'm sorry." I take a deep breath and reach for the gun behind me and smile "I'm not sorry to you though Luis." He rolls his eyes and looks at me "what are you talking about?" I shoot him and manage to get his shoulder "you bitch." I open his side door and push him out "now stop the car." I point the gun at the drive and he nods and stops the car. I get out the car and run up the street towards Ricardo's house and see him running towards me with 5 off his friends "Belle?" I run into his arms and he looks around "what happened?" I show him the gun and nod "I shot him. I actually shot Luis." He hugs me as tears run down my face and nods "it's ok. I'm not leaving you again ok?" I nod and he holds my hand "let's get you back and we can move yous to another face house."

We walk towards the house and I see Carlos aunt Maria getting out her car "how is Carlos?" He nods and smiles "he's going to be fine." He looks at my stomach and rubs it "how are you?" I nod and smile "I'm ok. He didn't get my stomach." He nods and kisses my forehead "Anthony go get the car ready." Anthony runs down the street and I look towards the house "you stay. I will take the girl's and go somewhere they won't find us." Ricardo shakes his head and sighs "I can't. I can't leave you again." I smile and kiss him "they won't find us. I will make sure off it." He nods and kisses my head "ok but call me every hour on the hour?" I nod and walk towards the car as Anthony pulls up "come on girl's." I look towards Adrianna and Rosie as they walk out the house. Gabriella walks towards us and smiles "we can take the dogs and Leticia is meeting us there with Jose." I nod and smile "ok. Let's go boys." The dogs get in the back with Adrianna and Rosie and I get in the passenger side "bye. See you soon." Ricardo kisses me and smiles "I love you." I smile and nod "I love you too."

Gabriella drives off and I take a deep breath and lean back "so where are we going?" She looks at her phone and smiles "Jose's mum has a lake house in the back woods so said we can use that as she doesn't use it unless it's summer." I look at Adrianna and Rosie and nod "yous ok?" They nod and smile "yeah." I nod and look towards the front "good." When we finally pull up outside the house I spot Leticia's car already "let's get inside before it gets dark?" The girl's nod and grab their bags "come on Dalton and Nate." They run inside the house and the dogs follow them "are you ok?" I take a deep breath and look at Gabriella "I think so? Just doesn't feel real." She smiles and nods "it will get easier to get used too. Especially when your dating Ricardo." She grabs her bag and heads inside and I smile and follow her. Leticia runs out and hugs me "Belle." I smile and hug her "wow careful." Gabriella shakes her head and rubs my stomach "what?" Leticia looks at me and smirks "are you?" I nod and smile "yeah." She raises her eyebrows and hugs me softly "congrats." I smile and hug her "thank you." She holds my hand and leads me inside "come on. I will show you to your room for the night."

She leads me inside and points towards the stairs "you have the second room which also has an ensuite." I smile and nod "thank you." I look towards the girl's and nod "I'm going to go for a sleep so will yous be ok watching the girl's for a while?" Leticia nods and smiles "of course. Go stick your feet up and relax for a few hours." I smile and head upstairs "second door?" I open the second door and walk into the bedroom. I close the door behind me and place my bag on the bed "Belle?" I look at the door and see Gabriella walk in "I packed you a bag off clothes?" I smile and she hands me a bag "thank you." She nods and walks back out the door closing it behind her. I take a deep breath and get changed and head into the bathroom and smile at my stomach "what a day." I wash my face and turn the bedroom light off and get into bed. I place my head on the pillow and take a deep breath before drifting off to sleep.

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