
16 4 0

He looks me up and down and smirks a little still with an angry look on his face "Ricardo?" 

He looks at the fence and shakes his head "Rosie? What are you doing here?" 

He let's go of me before jumping up the fence. 

"We didn't know if you was in so we told Isabelle too climb the fence to get the spare key." 

He looks at me and laughs nervously "you best not have hurt her."

 He rolls his eyes and looks back towards them "I hardly touched her." 

I shake my head and laugh nervously "Belle You okay?" 

Still trying to get my breath back I nod and look towards the wall "yeah I'm fine." 

Ricardo jumps down and smiles awkwardly at me before running his hand through his hair "sorry about that." 

He walks towards the back-yard door and shrugs "I didn't know you was Isabelle." 

I laugh sarcastically and follow him "well I would hope not or is that how you greet everyone new?" 

I look at his bat still in his hand. "No. I just didn't expect you to be so well." 

He looks at his bat and flings it back into the bush "young?" 

He laughs nervously and I roll my eyes.

"Helloooo? We are still out here?!"  Ricardo smirks and nods "I'm coming." 

He runs into the house and I take a deep breath and smile "wow."

I walk towards the back door and the girl's run towards me "did he hurt you?" 

They hug me and I shake my head and look at him as he walks towards us "no I'm ok." 

He leans against the backdoor and rolls his eyes "I didn't mean to hurt her I thought she was a burglar and I already said sorry." 

The girl's look back at me and Rosie whispers into Adrianna's ear and they both look at me and smirk "come on."

 They each take my hand and pull me into the house "where?" 

Rosie looks towards my trousers and smirks "we heard your trousers rip and we cannot let you stay in them so we will get you something to wear." 

I follow them upstairs and into a room with a sign on the door "Adrianna's room. DON'T ENTER." 

I look at Adrianna and she smiles "you can come in and I will do your hair and Adrianna will do your makeup?" 

I look at Adrianna and she smiles "sure why not."

Rosie runs of and Adrianna sits me down on a chair and smiles.

 "What colour do you like?" She looks at the door and smirks "red it is." 

I look towards the door and see Rosie walking towards me holding a red dress.

"What? No I can't wear this?" 

Rosie sits it down on the bed and smiles "grandma doesn't wear it and I'm sure she would want you to wear it rather than they jeans?" 

I look down towards the hole in my jeans and take a deep breath "call her and make sure? I don't want to wear it without her permission." 

Rosie gets her phone from her pocket and smiles as she dials a number .

"Grandma Isabelle got a hole in her jeans so can she wear the red dress you wore for your 10th anniversary?" 

She sticks the phone on speaker and I look at it "of course she can. I will be home in half an hour." 

She sticks the phone of speaker and places it against her ear "ok bye."

She hangs up and looks at me "see? Now let's get your hair and makeup done." 

I look at the dress and take a deep breath "fine but don't make me look like a clown?" 

Rosie pulls me back gently and smiles "never." 

I take a deep breath and relax as they start doing my hair and makeup. 

Rosie smiles and shakes her head "I think Ricardo already thinks your beautiful and that is why he didn't hurt you." 

I laugh nervously and shake my head "I'm sure that's not true?" 

Adrianna laughs sarcastically and looks at Rosie "so you won't mind playing him at his own game?" 

I raise my eyebrows and shrug "what game?"

 Rosie looks at Adrianna and she nods "well Ricardo is known to be a player but Rosie and I have a plan so he won't get the chance to hurt you." 

Rosie looks at me with the biggest grin "and we are done." 

Rosie grabs a mirror and hands me it "what do you think?" 

I look into the mirror and see my makeup all nice "wow." 

I look at them and nod "I love it." 

Adrianna walks towards the bed and picks up the dress "now you just need to get dressed." 

I smile and take the dress and she looks at Rosie and nods "we will see you downstairs." 

They walk towards the door and close it behind them. I look at the dress and take a deep breath "I got this."

I get changed and nod towards the window before heading towards the bedroom door and open it. 

The front door opens and I see three 3 boys enter including the boy from yesterday "nope." 

I quickly close the bedroom door and look towards the dress and take a deep breath "not everyone is like the White's and their friends." 

I shake my head and walk towards the mirror and pull my dress down a bit and see Rosie and Adrianna tackling the boy from yesterday making him fall to the ground before running of behind a tree. 

I laugh softly and they all look up towards me "shit."

 I quickly hide behind the curtain and take a deep breath.

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