I walk towards the car and he follows "Belle?" The girl's run out and Steven shakes his head "I'm guessing you told them about me so use a fake name." I smirk and look at the girl's "I'm just going with my friend but I will be back soon ok?" They both look at Steven and nod "who's your friend?" I take a deep breath and smile nervously "this is my friend Harry Marlow." They both nod and smile "come back soon ok? We still need to talk about wedding plans." I smirk and nod "I will girl's. Promise." Steven nods and I smile "bye girl's." I turn around and drop the ring box in front of me before walking towards the car and getting inside. I see Mr White sitting in the driver side smirking "hello again." I take a deep breath as I get into the car and stick my belt on "what do yous want?" Steve sits beside me and closes the door "you made me lose out on a lot off business." Steve smirks "and I just miss you?" I roll my eyes and lean against the window "just drive and get out of here." Mr White drives down the street and into the town centre "what is going on here?" I look out the window and see a big group off boys fighting 'Ricardo must be here.' I scan them all and spot Ricardo and Anthony at the side off it all on the phone. Steve looks out the back window and sighs "just reverse and find another way out." Ricardo looks worried and runs towards Carlos who punches another boy to the ground and Ricardo whispers something into his ear. Carlos looks around and nods before pulling his phone out and sticking it towards his ear.
My phone rings in my pocket and I quickly grab it and answer "I'm in the black car behind yous." Steve grabs the phone off me and laughs "so one off these are your new toys?" He looks around them and I see Carlos and Ricardo look towards the car and point "I'm guessing them?" Mr White smirks "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Steve nods and looks at me "10 points for everyone you hit." Mr White starts the car and slowly drives towards them so I grab onto his shoulders but Steve pulls me back "nice try." I elbow him in the face making his nose bleed and jump out the car and look towards Ricardo "run." He looks at the car as Mr White rev's his engine and looks at Carlos and nods "now Carlos." Carlos pulls out a gun and shoots the car window making a hole in it. I look at Carlos shocked and feel someone pick me up "no." I see Steve stick my back in the car and hold me down "go." Mr White drives off.
Still in shock that Carlos had a gun all the time and I never knew about it I shake my head and push Steve off me "no. No more." I kick him in the face and open his side door and manage to kick him out the moving car with a full forced kick "now stop the car." Mr White looks at me shocked and looks in the side mirror "wow. This place has changed you." He smirks and I laugh sarcastically "stop the car." I dig my fingernails into the side off Mr Whites neck making him loose control off the car and eventually crash into a pole doing 40 MPH. I hit my head off the back off Mr White's chair making my nose and lip bleed but I get out the car and run towards Ricardo "I need to get out of here."
I see Ricardo and Carlos a few feet down the street holding up Steve "Ricardo?" They look at me and Steve smiles "see? She's fine." I smirk and run towards him and punch him in the face "if you EVER come back here I will kill you myself. Now leave. Now." He laughs sarcastically and I smirk "you think I'm kidding?" I grab the gun from Carlos jeans and point it at his head "try me." Carlos lets him go and he falls to the ground "fine. I'm going." Still pointing the gun at him I wait until he is out of sight and I fall to the ground dropping the gun and cry. Ricardo picks me up and holds me "come on." He kisses my head and smiles "let's get you home." Carlos picks the gun up and I shake my head "I didn't know you had that?" He looks at Ricardo and smiles "I have never used it but yeah I had one for protection." I smile and nod "thank you." I hug him and he laughs nervously "your welcome?" I look at Ricardo and kiss him "I was so scared he was going to knock yous down." Ricardo kisses my head and smiles "I was scared when Adrianna called me and said that some boy came and got you then she found your ring on the floor." I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "you thought I was going to leave you?" He shrugs and hugs me "for a second yes but then when Adrianna told me then name I remember you telling me you used to call them that in your diary and that's when I realised." I kiss him and smirk "I love you." He smirks and kisses my back "I love you too."
Carlos laughs sarcastically "wait. You proposed?" Ricardo nods and smiles "right before you walked in actually." Carlos laughs nervously and runs his hand through his hair "sorry about that." I smile and look at Ricardo "well my answer is yes." He looks at me and grins "really?" I smile and nod "I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. You're my amor." He picks me up and spins me around "well this calls for a celebration." Ricardo puts me down and I smile "let's go tell everyone the great news." I step forward but stop when my vision goes all blurry "are you ok?" I close my eyes and open them again "I." I laugh softly and shake my head "I don't feel so good." I black out and fall into Ricardo's arms just before I hit the ground.

Hate to Love
Romance• completed • If you notice any errors then please let me know When Isabelle losses both her parents and has to move in with her dads friend she thinks not all is bad, Until the day before her 15th birthday that is. When her foster dad Mr White st...