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He gives her the bottle and she falls asleep in his arms. Gloria walks back in with Doctor Alex and he smiles at Ricardo "we are going to try wake Belle up now if you want to come? Be nice if she sees a friendly face?" Ricardo nods and smiles "you ok to watch Baby V?" Gloria nods and walks towards Ricardo "of course." He hands her the baby and Ricardo follows Doctor Alex out and towards the room I am in. He looks through the window and takes a deep breath "ready?" He nods and follows him into the room. As they take the wires off me Ricardo closes his eyes and takes a deep breath "please wake up."

He opens his eyes and looks at me "Belle? Can you hear us?" Doctor Alex looks at me and I open my eyes slowly and nod "yeah I can hear you." Ricardo grins and walks towards me "Belle?" I look at him and smile "Ricardo?" He holds my hand and smiles "I'm here." I smile and look towards my stomach "what happened? Is the baby ok? I feel weird?" He nods and smiles "she was born yesterday." I raise my eyebrow and smile "really? How is she?" He wipes a tear away and smiles "she is perfect." He kisses me and the doctors take all the wires away "how are you feeling Belle?" I look at Doctor Alex and nod "ok? Little hungry but ok." He smiles and nods "ok good. We are going to try get you up ok?" I smile and nod "ok."

I sit up like I wasn't just in a coma and he smiles "good job. Now can you stand?" he holds his hand out and I take it and nod "I feel fine?" He smiles and nods "that's good." I look at Ricardo and smirk "can I meet her?" He looks at the doctor and nods "of course." I walk towards him and hug him "I can't wait." He holds my hand and I follow him out the room and towards the baby ward. He opens the door and smiles "Belle. Meet baby V." I roll my eyes and walk in "Baby V? Is that what yous have been calling her?" He laughs nervously and nods "yeah." Gloria smirks and stands up "Belle?" I smile and wave "hey." I look towards the baby in her hands and smile "she is so tiny?" I sit down and nod "can I hold her?" Gloria nods and smiles "of course. She is your baby." She places her in my arms and I instantly fall in love. My whole face lights up and I feel all tingly. "She is perfect."

Ricardo walks towards me and smiles "my girl's." I lean my head on his shoulders and smile "I love you." He kisses my head and smiles "I love you too." Doctor Alex walks in and smiles "are you ok?" I nod and smile "yeah I feel fine." He nods and smiles "ok well we are going to discharge yous then yous are ok to leave." Ricardo smiles and looks at the baby "even baby?" He smiles and nods "she is doing great. They both are but we would like to see yous both in 3 weeks ok?" I nod and smile "ok." Ricardo looks at Gloria and nods "you bring a car seat?" She smiles and looks at the baby "yeah." He stands up and smiles "then I guess we are all going home." He laughs softly and nods "you want to go get whatever paperwork and I will get her jacket on her?" I stand up and smile "yeah." I walk towards the door and close it behind me and walk towards the front desk where Doctor Alex is.

He hands me a piece of paper and pen "sign here please." I sign it and he nods "and that is yous ready to go home." I smile and nod "thank you. For everything." He smiles and waves "keep yourself safe." I smile and wave "I will." I head back towards the door and nod "ready?" Ricardo picks the baby up and walks towards me "yeah." We walk towards the car and I sit in the back with the baby "so have you thought off a name?" I look at her and smile "I like Camila." Ricardo smiles "like my mum?" I look at him and smile "yeah." He holds my hand looks at her smiling "Camila Villanueva. I love it." Gloria drives back towards the house and as I sit in the back with my finger in-between Camila's finger and looking gat Ricardo I finally feel my life is now complete. I was so happy and I was proud to call this man my fiancé and I loved the bones off him. I finally made it and it was all mine.

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