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He walks out the bedroom and I look at the dress and take a deep breath "only a few more hours and I will be out of here."

I grab my phone and go onto the bus station website and scroll down the locations and click on one "Chihuahua?"

I google it and smirk "Mexico? Perfect."

I fling the dress onto my bed and roll my eyes "just need Mr White to leave now."

I walk towards my bedside drawer and grab my notebook with my plan on it and open it and write down .

"The bus for Chihuahua leaves at 11PM and I get there at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon." I close the book and nod "give me a full 14 hours to find a cheap place to live and hopefully a job."

After a few hours I hear the front door close so I quickly jump up and look out the window hoping to see Mr White walk out but I hear my bedroom door open instead.

"The guests are here." I jump and turn around "ok."

He looks at the dress sitting on my bed and shakes his head "hurry up and get changed."

He leaves the room and I take a deep breath and look towards my clock "I have 4 hours to get out of here before my bus leaves."

I look at the dress and stick it on and hide my phone and notebook under my pillow.

I grab a small bottle of pills and stick then in between my pants and head downstairs.

I walk into the dining room and see Mr White and another 8 men sitting around the large 12 seated table.

Mr White looks me up and down and leans back onto his chair "drinks?"

I fake smile and nod "what would you like?"

He looks at his friends who all have their eyes on me "just bring a few bottles on."

I nod agreeing and walk towards the alcohol cupboard.

I grab a few bottles and open them sticking a pill in each one but place 2 in Mr Whites favourite whiskey before heading back into the dining room.

I place them on the table and smile "Is that all?" I look at Mr White and he nods "for now."

He takes his favourite bottle of whiskey and pours himself some before downing it in one go and pouring himself another.

I smile and turn around and walk towards the stairs and hear the doorbell ring "Isabelle?"

I take a deep breath "I will give get it."

I walk towards the front door and open it and see Mr Whites best friend Steven standing smirking "hey beautiful."

He hugs me and kisses my cheek before looking me up and down "you look nice."

He runs his hand down my back and grabs my bum "can't wait to touch that later."

He smirks and removes his hand away before heading into the dining room.

I take a deep breath and shake my head "I need to get out of here."

I close the door and run upstairs and grab my suitcase and open my window.

I fling the suitcase out the window and in the front yard bushes .

I smirk and walk towards my bedroom door but it opens before I can reach the handle.

I see Mr White and Steven standing with Mr Whites favourite whiskey .

"Steven here needs to let of some stream."

He looks at Steven and smirks "have fun."

He taps his back before staggering back downstairs leaving Steven alone with me. "Now let's make this more relax looking?"

He closes and locks the door and walks towards the window and closes it and closes the curtains "come sit."

He walks towards the bed and sits down and taps the space next to him.

With a million thoughts going through my head my body freezes and walks towards the bed and sits down.

Maybe it was just a normal situation or maybe I knew I wouldn't make it to the bust stop but my body went over towards the bed and sat down.

He moves closer to me and I just sit there as he kisses my neck and pins me down onto the bed and starts to run his hand up my dress.

After a long hour he finally finishes and kisses my lips "I will see you later."

He stands up and buttons his jeans up and heads out the door "no you won't."

I look at the clock and smile as it turns 10PM "you will never see me again."

I rip the dress of me and stick it in the bed as I grab a pair of jeans and a jumper .

I grab my phone and notebook from under my pillow and stick them in my handbag and quietly open my bedroom door and head downstairs .

"Are yous really that drunk already?" I see Steven walk into the dining room and see Mr White falling asleep

"The pills worked."

I smirk and quietly head towards the front door and close it behind me taking a deep breath "I can do this."

I head towards the bush and grab my suitcase and run down the street and towards the town centre.

I smile when I spot the bus station and look around before heading inside.

I walk up to the ticket window and smile "a ticket for the 11PM bus to Chihuahua please."

The man looks at me and nods "one way or return?" I smirk and grab my purse "one way."

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