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The next morning I wake up when I hear a loud bang "Ricardo?" I jump out and realise he isn't beside me "Ricardo?" I grab the baseball bat under the pillow and head downstairs.

Holding the bat close to me I run downstairs and look around "Ricardo?"

Ricardo walks out the kitchen covered in flour "sorry. Did I wake up?" I smirk and shake my head "what did you do?" I walk towards him and he smiles and shake his head "I tried to make breakfast but." He looks at himself and shrugs "It didn't go so well?" I laugh hysterical and he laughs sarcastically "oh is that funny?" He walks towards me and I walk backwards still laughing "no. Don't." He stops and smirks "too late."

He rubs his hands over my hair and it goes everywhere "you have asked for it now." I smile and run towards the stairs but he catches me and rubs the flour all over my face "eww."

I giggle and he smiles and sticks me down "shall we just go out for food?" I turn around and smile "or order it in?" He smirks and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear "sounds perfect." He kisses me and my whole-body tingles. I could get used to this.

We spend the rest of the evening in bed cuddling and talking about everything and anything. The more I got too know him the more I liked him and I knew he is the most amazing and kind-hearted man who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"I can't believe it's 5PM already." Ricardo sits up and smiles "really?" I nod and show him my phone "time really does fly when you're having fun."

A loud bang comes from downstairs making me jump "stay here." Ricardo grabs the baseball bat and heads towards the bedroom door "Carlos?" A shadow appears at the top off the stairs and Carlos appears at the top off them smiling.

"What?" He look at Ricardo holding the bat and shakes his head laughing sarcastically "what is with the bat?" Ricardo sticks it down and rolls his eyes "I didn't know you came home."

I stand up and smile "want to go for dinner?" Ricardo nods and smiles "ok. Get changed and I will go get the car?" I nod and walk towards him and kiss him "ok."

He heads out the door closing it behind him and I look around the room "ok. I need something cute." I grab a white summer dress and smile "perfect."

I run back downstairs and see Carlos smiling "what?" He shrugs and nods towards me "you look nice. Have fun." He bites into an apple and I smile "thank you."

The front door opens and Ricardo walks in smiling "shall we?" he wraps his arm around mine and I smile and nod "yes please. I am hungry."

We walks towards the door and he waves towards Carlos as he opens the door "see you later Carlos." He opens the car door and I smile "thank you. What a gentleman."

I get into the car and he smiles and runs towards his side and starts the car before driving down the street.

We pull up outside an Italian restaurant and I get out the car and follow Ricardo inside. "Table for 2?" Ricardo nods and a waitress leads us towards a table and set's some menus down.

"Can I get yous a drink?" I smile and nod "can I have a cola please?" She nods and looks towards Ricardo "can I get the same?" He nods and smiles "just let me know when yous are ready to order food."

She walks away and I look at the menu .

"I wonder if they do pancakes here." I smirk at Ricardo and he rolls his eyes and picks his menu up "mine would have been better." I smirk and look back at the menu "ok boo."

He looks at me and rolls his eyes "sorry Amor."

I raise my eyebrow and scoff "what does that mean?" he smirks and leans back picking his menu up "we are ready to order." The waitress walks back over and smiles "what can I get yous?"

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