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The next morning I see Ricardo looking at me smiling "what?" I stretch and sit up "did you take Carlos's car?" I smile and nod "yeah why?" He sits up and shakes his head "my Abuelo thought he was here but I told her that you came over last night." I laugh softly and nod "I should probably take his car back before he wakes up. He was pretty drunk last night so I'm guessing he is still sleeping." I get out of bed and grab my jeans "what? Carlos was drunk?" I nod and smile "yeah why?" He shakes his head and grabs hiss phone "Carlos doesn't drink at work. Something must be wrong." I grab my jumper and he gets dressed and grabs his phone "let's go."

I follow him downstairs and out the front door "how did he seem?" I shrug and smile "ok I guess? Like Carlos." He gets into the car and drives down the street "it's his dads' anniversary tomorrow so maybe he is just upset about that." We pull up outside and Ricardo runs inside "Carlos?" He runs upstairs and opens his room door "he is still sleeping." He runs back downstairs and I nod "ok well I will make him breakfast and keep an eye on him all day?" He nods and smiles "ok. I will get a few boys around mine tonight since everyone is away and we can have a small party to try get his mind off it." I smile and nod "ok. See you soon?" He kisses my and walks towards the door "ok." I look towards the stairs and take a deep breath before heading into the kitchen and start making breakfast. After a few minutes Carlos comes down and rubs his head "morning." I smile and hand him a plate of food "good morning." He raises his eyebrow and smirks "what is this for?" I shrug and place a glass of orange juice in front of him "why not?" I raises his eyebrow and shakes his head "thank you. I'm just not used to it." I smile and sit down "well get used to it roomie."

I walk towards the fridge and my phone rings from inside my bag "Belle your phone." Carlos reaches for my bag but knocks it down from the table making everything fall out. "What's this?" I panic and quickly walk back in "what?" He picks something up and turns around "your pregnant?" He holds the baby scan and smiles "yes but you can't tell Ricardo ok? He doesn't know yet and I wanted to tell him at the perfect moment." He smiles and nods "ok but make it fast because I can't hold my water." I laugh nervously and walk towards the stairs "speaking off holding your waters." A bang comes from outside making my jump "what was that?" I look at Carlos and smile "probably just a rat? I will go check." I walk towards the back door and see someone wearing a baseball cap climbing the fence "what is it?" I shake my head and smile "noting there." I walk back towards the living room and nod wave "I got to go." I head out the front door and close it behind me before he can say another word. I speed walk down the street and look behind me before grabbing my phone and look at the number that texted me last night and text them 'meet me at the mall' I send the message and stick my phone back in my pocket "this ends now." As I speed walk towards the mall I wipe away the tears the run down my face that I didn't even notice the black SUV come towards me and grab me into the back off it.

I kick and punch but the two men holding onto me are stronger "who are you?" A familiar face looks at me from the passenger side "oh dear sister. Haven't forgotten about us already have you?"." Y sits in front of me smirking "you." Adam looks at me from the driver side and shakes his head "of course she hasn't. We are family after all." I shake my head and look at them both "family? Yous are animals and I want nothing to do with your family."." Y smirks and places his hand on my knee "oh come on sister." He looks at the boy beside me and he pulls out a knife "don't make this harder than it has to be?" I look at the boy and he smiles at me and I see a shiny diamond tooth on his front teeth "you." I shake my head and look at the other men "I remember both off you. Yous were there that night Mr White done this?" I tilt my head forward and they look at the scar on the back off my neck "yeah that was us." I laugh sarcastically and pull my arms away managing to free them "stop." I feel a sharp pain go into my arm and I take a deep breath and look towards it and see blood running down my arm "did you just stab me?" I look at the boy holding the knife and laugh sarcastically before passing out with all the blood.

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