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I gain conscious again and realise I'm in Ricardo's bedroom.

Looking around I spot Ricardo on the floor sleeping.

I lean over the side of the bed and smile at him "morning."

I jump and laugh nervously "you awake then?"

He sits up and smiles "I never really slept."

I smile softly and tap the bed and he joins me.

"Are you ok?" He raises his eyebrow and smiles "me?"

He points towards my head and laughs softly "are you ok more like? You hit your head twice yesterday."

I rub it and shrug "I'm fine."

I look around and take a deep breath "what did you do? Carlos didn't say much when he dropped you off."

I laugh nervously and shake my head "I hit it off the side of my bedroom drawers."

Ricardo raises his eyebrow "what? Why was Carlos in your room?"

I smile softly and shrug "he came to look for me and found me there?"

He nods and smiles "I'm sorry about last night."

I shrug and hug him "forgiven."

I spot my suitcase at the bottom of the bed and smile "what is that doing here?"

Ricardo looks at it and shrugs "Carlos said that he thinks it's best if you keep clothes here? Maybe he thinks you are planning on staying a few nights."

I laugh nervously and nod "probably."

He kisses my forehead and walks towards the door "get changed and I will make breakfast?"

I nod and grab my suitcase placing it on the bed.

I get clothes and get changed before heading downstairs.

I see Rosie and Adrianna in the kitchen eating already "Belle."

I sit down and Ricardo bring over a plate of pancakes "Abuelo said you can head into work whenever your head is better."

I nod and smile "what time is it now?"

He looks at his water and smiles "10AM."

I eat a pancake and wave "I will head in now."

I walk towards the door and Ricardo runs after me "what?"

I laugh nervously and shrug "what?"

He raises his eyebrow and scoffs "he meant in a few days or so?"

I roll my eyes and grab my shoes "I'm fine. Ok? I will see you after."

I kiss him on the lips and head out the door closing it behind me.

I get to work and Pedro looks at me with shock "what are you doing here?"

I roll my eyes and walk towards him "it's Monday? I work Mondays?"

He smiles and stands up offering me his chair "I know but I told Ricardo you could have a few days of because your head was really bad last night? Don't want you fainting."

I shrug and grab the stock folder "and I told Ricardo I am fine." I

start checking the stock and hand the folder back to Pedro "we need more crisps."

He nods and looks through the folder "will you be ok for a while? I will go get them."

I nod and smile "yeah , 'm fine. Go."

He grabs his keys and heads towards the door "I won't be long."

He heads out the door closing it behind him. I take a deep breath and sit down on the chair.

"Hey." I jump up and see Gloria "hey."

She walks towards me and smiles "how are you feeling?"

I smile softly and nod "I'm ok."

She smiles and nods "ok good."

She looks around and rolls her eyes "no Pedro?"

I smile and shake my head "he is away getting more stock."

She nods firmly and smiles "I will come by later. Bye."

She walks towards the door and smiles at someone on the other side "hello you."

Carlos walks in and smiles at me. He turns around making sure the door is locked and looks back at me.

"Are you ok?" I nod and smile "I think so? What did you tell Ricardo?"

He shakes his head and grabs a packet of mints and eats one "that I dropped you off and said that you hit your head pretty bad so to keep an eye on it then I left. Why what did you say?" I laugh nervously and shrug "that you found me in my bed unconscious."

He rolls his eyes and laughs sarcastically "this is going to be a fun convo."

I smile and shake my head "I told him that you came by to check on me and you found me like that."

He nods and smiles "I will tell him that then."

I laughs nervously and look down "so what happened to Craig?"

He takes a deep breath and shrugs "not enough unfortunately but yet again Ricardo doesn't know. I hit him a few times and left him lying on the bedroom floor with blood over his face and took you to Ricardo's so I'm not sure what he done after we left. I didn't go back."

He hands me a key and smirks "well this might be one less stressful thing to worry about?"

I raise my eyebrow and smile "what is this?"

He writes something down and hands me it "a key to my house? I have a spare bedroom ever since my mum moved in with her boyfriend and you need a place to stay so you can live with me for as long as you need."

I smile and hug him "thank you." I stick the key in my pocket and sit down "just don't tell Ricardo. Ok?"

I raise my eyebrow and smile "what? Why?"

He leans over the counter and shrugs "I don't want him asking why you can't stay at your own place yet. He will make things worse and I can already see that you are upset about it already."

I smile and nod "ok."

He walks towards the door and waves "I will help you move stuff in after if you like?"

I nod and smile "thank you. I will meet you later then."

He nods and smiles "but don't go back yourself. Ok?" I roll my eyes and smile "fine."

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