I wake up again when I feel water go over my "Ricardo?"
My vision if blurry and I just feel two hands grab onto my arms and pull me up "are you ok?"
I hear a woman's voice and I rub my eyes and my vision starts to come back and I see that woman from earlier and another woman "yeah thank you."
I rub my head and shrug "I don't know what happened."
They look at each other and smile "we know."
I raise my eyebrow and they look at me "we saw you with Lucas and we both know what he is like."
The other girl nods and rubs my arm "every girl in town knows what he is like. I guess he seen you as an easy target because you're not from around here."
I smile softly and nod "well thank you."
I walk towards the door and they chase after me "wait."
They stand in front of me and shrug "you are Ricardo's fancy woman are you not?"
I laugh sarcastically "no that would be Alicia. They have been all over each other all night."
One of the girl's holds her hand out and smiles "I'm Gabriella and this is Leticia."
I shake her hand and smile "I'm Belle."
Leticia smiles "Alicia and Ricardo used to date but he ended things with her weeks ago and they are just good friends now because she is his sisters dance teacher."
Gabriella nods "exactly. He doesn't want things awkward for his sisters because they love dancing so he must have just kissed her because she is an easy option and wanted to make you jealous?"
Leticia smirks "which clearly worked?" I
shake my head and try push past "I need to go."
They shake their heads and keep me in "you can't."
Leticia nods "Lucas will see and follow you?"
I take a deep breath "so what? I just stay in here forever?"
They look at each other and smirk "let us distract him?"
I smile softly and shake my head "yous don't have to do that?"
They shrug and open the door "we just want to help you."
I smile and hug them "thank you."
With a tear running down my eye I let them go and smile before heading out the restroom.
After a few seconds I slightly open the door and see them sitting on each side of Lucas speaking to him flirting 'ok. Go.'
I quickly sneak towards the exit and smile when I feel the air coming from the top of the stairs.
I run up the stairs with my body all numb and my body feeling like 100 degrees.
The air hits me and my whole body feels better.
I take a deep breath when I reach the top of the stairs and I run towards the side of the building and lean against the wall "thank god."
I sit down on the floor and close my eyes for a few minutes but they open when I hear someone call my name.
I look towards the street and see someone walk towards me and when they get closer I realise it's Lucas.
I quickly stand up, a little too fast that I lose my balance "wow there."
Lucas holds me up and smiles "are you ok?"
I take a deep breath and look towards the sky "just needed some fresh air but I'm not feeling so good so I'm going to just go home."
I spot Leticia and Gabriella standing behind Lucas and they look towards me and mouth something before running down the street behind the building.
I look at Lucas and he smiles "you want a lift home? We can finish that kiss."
He kisses me and I shake my head and move so he kisses my neck instead. "Not tonight Lucas."
Still kissing my neck he moves his hands up my leg and pins me against the wall "stop."
Trying to get him of me but I freeze when he grips onto my wrists and continues to kiss my neck. I hear someone call my name so I shake my head and knee him in the nuts and run towards the street.
Bumping into Ricardo at the corner of the club I fall into his arms and hug him and he holds onto me tight.
He looks behind me and spots Lucas "you."
I shake my head and grab his arm as he tries to move towards him "no. Don't leave me. Please."
He holds me tight and I cry into his chest "I'm sorry."
I shake my head and hug him tight "me too."
I see Leticia and Gabriella walk around the corner with Anthony and Marcus "he got him."
Marcus avoids my eye contact and nods at Ricardo "it's your call what happens now."
Ricardo looks at me. At my ripped dress and the marks on my wrist and neck that Lucas had left. He looks at me and smiles softly "I'm sorry."
He kisses my forehead and runs of with Marcus and Anthony without even looking me in the eye "no."
I fall to the ground crying "let's get you home." Leticia and Gabriella pick me up and lead me towards the club entrance "can you take her home?"
Leticia looks at one of the bouncers and he nods "don't leave me?"
I look at them and they nod "we won't. Promise."
The bouncer nods towards a car across the road "ready?"
I smile and follow him towards the car with Leticia and Gabriella beside me holding onto me.

Hate to Love
Romance• completed • If you notice any errors then please let me know When Isabelle losses both her parents and has to move in with her dads friend she thinks not all is bad, Until the day before her 15th birthday that is. When her foster dad Mr White st...