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We get to Carlos house and he opens the door "you want pizza?" I laugh nervously and nod "pizza sounds perfect."

He walks towards the phone and I walk toward the stairs "I'm going to get changed." He nods and dials the pizza place "ok. What pizza you want?" I run upstairs and shrug "any."

I head into the bedroom and grab my pj's and turn around when I hear the door open "sorry are you getting changed?" Ricardo looks towards the door and I can't help but giggle "you are such a gentleman."

I walk towards him and wrap my arms around him "what you doing back anyway?" He turns around and kisses my "didn't feel right leaving you so I sent Anthony out." I nod and smile "ok."

I take his hand and lead him downstairs and sit on the sofa cuddling into him.

"Did Anthony order pizza?" Someone knocks on the door and I jump up "take that as a yes."

I walk towards the door and hand the delivery man money and walk back towards Ricardo. I hand him a pizza box and sit down beside him.

The rest of the night was relaxing considering everything what just happened and Ricardo made everything so easy. We are so alike so it's easy for him to take my mind off everything bad and makes me feel so special and safe. I can't help but look at him and smile at how lucky I felt. "I can't believe after everything you're still smiling." He looks at me and pulls me close to him "If I don't then it means they win and I won't let that happen." He kisses my hand and smirks "I'm just happy you are safe now." I smirk and cuddle into him "me too."

That rest of the night we watch a movie and I tell him everything. About my past and Mr White and his friend. I could see him getting angry the more I go on and his leg starts shaking so I place my hand on it and it relaxes instantly "I remember reading a book and these two men in it called Harry and Henry Marlow and they done all these bad things so I called them that whenever I wrote about them in my diary."

He hugs me from behind and starts playing with my hair as we watch the rest of the movie.

I turn around and see Ricardo sleeping so I slowly get up and cover him with the blanket and smile "goodnight."

I head upstairs and close the bedroom windows but stop when I see 2 shadow figures standing outside beside the tree looking up at me. I can't see their faces but they point at me and move their fingers along their throats. I step back from the window and shake my head "ahhhh."

I hear Ricardo fall downstairs "Belle?" I look towards the door and see him run into the room "what's wrong?"

He looks out the window and spots the shadows "stay here."

He runs back out the room before I can stop him and runs downstairs. I look back out the window and see the figures have gone. I shake my head and walk towards the window and see Ricardo run out holding a baseball bat looking around for a few seconds. He look at me and shrugs before running back in the house.

I take a deep breath and walk towards the bed and sit down "Belle?"

Ricardo runs in the room and sticks the baseball bat under my pillow and smiles "are you ok?" He sits down and holds my hand "I'm sorry." I look towards the floor and Ricardo shakes his head and pulls me into his chest "don't be. It's not your fault."

I wipe away the tears running down my face and nod "danger follows me and I don't want to bring you into it."

I look towards the window and shake my head "what if we was in yours? And the girl's where outside playing and got hurt?" Ricardo laughs sarcastically "then good luck to whoever tries to mess with them." I shake my head and stand up "I'm serious Ricardo. I don't know what I would do if you or the girl's or anyone got hurt because off me."

He stands up and walks towards me. Wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the back off my head "we won't. I promise I will protect them all and you."

I turn around and kiss him "you're so sweet." He shrugs his shoulders and laughs nervously "let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." I raise my eyebrows and laugh sarcastically "what? Why what have you planned?" He smirks and walks towards the door "just need to wait and see tomorrow." I smile and nod "I can't wait."

He waves and opens the door "night." I shake my head and walk towards him "where are you going? Please stay with me tonight?" He smiles and closes the door "ok."

He walks towards the floor beside the bed and sits down "up here." He stands up and lies on the bed "better?" I smile and lie next to him "much."

I cuddle into him and he kisses my head and turns the lamp off "goodnight Belle." I smile and kiss his stomach "goodnight Ricardo."

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