I walk towards the ordering counter and see a woman coming towards me smiling .
"What can I get you?" I look at the menu and smile "three double chocolate shakes with cream please."
The woman nods and grabs three large cups before walking away.
I look over towards the booth and see someone with their hood up sitting with the girl's speaking too them.
"Hey" I run towards them and stand beside the girl's "what do you think you're doing?"
He takes his hood down and laugh sarcastically looking me up and down "excuse me?"
Rosie shakes her head and holds my hand "Isabelle this is Carlos. Ricardo's friend."
I laugh nervously and feel my face blush up "oh sorry."
He looks me up and down again and smirks "it's fine." He looks towards the girl's and smirks "who's the babysitter?"
He looks back towards me and Rosie shakes her head "no1"
Carlos looks at Rosie and shrugs "what?"
I roll my eyes and look back towards the counter and see the woman sticking the cups on a tray and waving towards me "shakes are ready."
I smirk at Carlos and wave "nice meeting you."
I walk towards the counter still blushing and pick up the tray 'please be gone.'
I turn around and see him standing up "by girl's."
I reach the table and he lets me into the booth "see yous tomorrow girl's."
He smirks at me and nods "and I hope I see you soon."
I roll my eye and sit down "well I plan on sticking around so we might pass each other."
He looks at the girl's and smirk "I like this one."
Rosie shakes her head and pushes him "go."
He nods and waves "I'm going. I'm going." He walks towards the door and sticks his hood back up before running down the street.
I hand the girl's their milkshakes and laugh nervously "so are all the boys here like that?" Rosie smiles and nods "they are all flirts but don't take notice because they never stick to the same girl."
I laugh sarcastically and nod "noted."
The next hour we drink more milkshakes and talk about the town and what the girl's like to do around it.
"We go to dancing every Thursday." I smile and sip my milkshake "yous like dancing?"
Rosie nods and smiles "we love showing our new moves to Papa and grandma and Ricardo."
I smile and shake my head "who is Ricardo?" Rosie laughs softly and nods "our..."
She stops and looks towards the door behind me and smirks "Grandma. Abuelo."
I look behind me and see Gloria and Pedro walking towards me so I smile and move over.
They sit down and smile "was they good?"
I smirk and look at the girl's "good as gold."
Gloria grins and shakes her head "ok ,so." She look at me and nods "my friend said that you can move into the apartment tomorrow and she will leave the keys with me tomorrow when I see her for brunch so they are yours."
I smirk and nod "really?"
She takes a deep breath and smiles "so does this mean you will be staying?"
I look towards the girl's and see Adrianna looking at me "yeah."
She smiles and nods "good."
Gloria shakes her head and looks at me "what did you do to her?"
I shrug and smile "had fun."
She looks at Adrianna and smiles "would you like it if Isabelle stayed?" Adrianna looks at me and smiles "yes please."
I smile softly and nod "of course I will stay."
Pedro looks at the girl's and shrugs "why don't you come over tomorrow for our Thursday BBQ?"
I look at Pedro and nod "If you're sure it's not too much trouble?"
Gloria stands up and shakes her head "of course not. I will make space for you then Pedro can help you move stuff so make sure you pack."
I smile and nod "I never unpacked so that will be easy."
Gloria looks towards the girl's and smiles "come on girl's let's get yous home."
She looks at me and smiles "you want a ride home?" I laugh nervously and nod "that would be lovely as I don't actually know the way back."
She laughs softly and nods "ok well Pedro can drop us of first and we can give you a tour of the town as we drive?"
I smirk and nod "sounds perfect."
I stand up and follow them towards the car park and into a car.
As we drive through the town Rosie points at everything and tells me a little something about each thing.
"That is where I fell when I was 5 and cut my knee."
Gloria shakes her head and points towards a large building "that's the club everyone goes too."
I look towards the building and smile "Club 639?" She smiles and nods towards another building "and that is where you will get the best clothes."
She points towards the clothes shop on the corner and I look over and see a woman closing the shutters before waving towards the car and Gloria waves back towards her.
"Does everyone know everyone?" She nods and laughs softly "it's a small town so it's hard not to but yeah we are all a close community."
I sit back and nod "that's what I want to be a part of."
We pull up outside a house and Gloria looks towards the girl's "what do yous say?"
The girl's look at me and smile "thank you."
They both hug me before getting out the car and run towards the front door.
"Thank you for today." I look at Gloria as she smiles "they are good girl's so anytime."
She waves and gets out the car "see you tomorrow." I wave at her as she walks into the house.
"You want to ride in the passenger side?" I smile and open the back door and quickly run into the passenger side and stick my seatbelt on.
"I see you have caught my grandsons' eye." He nods towards the house and I follow his eyes and see the curtain in the top window move "what?"
He smirks and drives down the street "his friend texted him calling you cute and he was curios and was asking 101 questions."
I laugh nervously and shrug "really?" He nods and smiles "I'm sure you will meet him tomorrow."
We pull up at the motel and Pedro smiles "so I will see you tomorrow at 11?" I nod and smile "thank you."
He shrugs and nods towards the motel "I'm just glad to help."
I get out the car and wave as he drives of before heading towards my room closing the door behind me and star fishing the bed "what a day."
I take my jeans of and roll over turning the lamp of before closing my eyes and drift off to sleep straight away.

Hate to Love
Roman d'amour• completed • If you notice any errors then please let me know When Isabelle losses both her parents and has to move in with her dads friend she thinks not all is bad, Until the day before her 15th birthday that is. When her foster dad Mr White st...