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He drives off and looks around "do you even know who you are looking for?" He nods and continues to look out the window "I saw him on the CCTV and I never forget a face." He smirks and nods towards a group off 3 boys about to walk down a quiet street "bingo." He pulls up and smiles "now remember. Stay here." He grabs a baseball bat from the back and gets out the car "oi." The boys turn around and walk back towards Carlos "you." He points towards a boy in a white t shirt "you hurt you cousin last night?" He laughs nervously and shrugs "and unfortunately for you. I need to hurt you now." He swings the bat and knocks the boy out. The other two boys jump him and manage to get him onto the ground "shit." I look around and spot another baseball bat "for someone who doesn't do baseball he has a lot off bats?"

I grab it and head out the car and run towards them "hey." I swing the bat at one off the boys as he turns around and he falls to the ground with a bloody nose "you bitch." I hit the last boy standing but he grabs the bat and smiles "nice try chica." I smirk and punch him in the throat with my other hand and he falls to the ground holding his throat. I look at Carlos and smile "are you ok?" I hold my hand out and he takes it and pulls himself up "yeah." With blood running down his nose and out his mouth he still manages to crack a smile "thank you." I shrug and grab his bat "anytime." I laugh nervously and walk towards the car "good job I came now wasn't it?" He smiles and nods "I suppose it was." He follows me towards the car and takes a deep breath "not let's go get changed and head to this BBQ. I can speak to Leticia then too."

I smile and get in the car and he drives back home. I get a text from Leticia and open it "Leticia said she will tell me everything later so I will ask her to tell you but if she doesn't then you can't put that on me to tell you because I won't?" He smiles and nods "I won't. I just want to know she is ok." I rub his arm and nod "I know you do and she will be." We get into the house and head toward the stairs "I'm going for a shower and get changed before we go for this BBQ." Carlos sits down and nods "ok. I'm just going for a nap." I roll my eyes and laugh softly "enjoy." I head upstairs and grab clothes from the bedroom before heading into the bathroom. I take a deep breath and look at the text from Leticia and text her back. "Ok. See you tonight x." I send it and start the shower. I get into the shower and close my eyes as the water runs down my face. I turn the water off and wrap a towel around me. I head into my bedroom and get changed before heading back downstairs "ready?" Carlos sits up from the sofa and turns the TV off "yeah." He grabs his car keys and follows me out the front door and towards his car.

We get to Ricardo's and I spot Anthony speaking to a woman "who is she?" Carlos looks over and smiles "his ex." I nod and look towards the front door when it opens "Belle." The girl's run out and cuddle me when I get out the car "we have a surprise for you." They take my hand and lead me inside "nice to see yous too girl's?" Carlos laughs sarcastically and the girl's smile "don't worry Carlos. You will get yours after." They lead me upstairs and into Adrianna's bedroom "ok. Sit down on the bed?" I nod and sit down "so what is this surprise?" They look at each other and smile "close your eyes." I close my eyes and giggle "I'm nervous now." I feel someone hold onto my hands and I open my eyes "Ricardo?" I look at the girl's confused and shake my head "this is the surprise?" They smirk and walk towards the door "bye." I look at Ricardo and raise my eyebrows "what's going on?" He laughs nervously and sits beside me "Belle. I know we have only known each other for a few months but to me that is all I needed for me to know." I smile and shake my head "know what?" He laughs nervously and pulls a box out from his pocket "that you're the girl I want to marry?"

I grin from ear to ear as he opens the box and I see a beautiful shiny engagement ring "oh my god." He smirks and nods "so will you marry me?" The bedroom door swings open before I can say anything and Carlos runs in "Southsiders are here." Ricardo hands me the box and smiles "don't move ok?" He runs out the bedroom door with Carlos and out the front door "Ricardo?" The girl's run in and smile "so?" I laugh nervously and shrug "Carlos ran in before I could say yes." They roll their eyes and sit beside me "well go get him? Tell him yes." I smirk and nod "I think this one can wait until he is back girl's." Gloria walks into the bedroom and smiles "there is someone outside for you Belle?" I raise my eyebrows and stand up "excuse me girl's." I head downstairs and out the front door "hello?" I feel hands grab me from behind and wrap around my mouth "don't scream or we will kill everyone inside." They let go and I turn around and see Steven. Right in front of me was the evil man I tried to escape but he had found me and I knew I had no choice but to go with him. He nods towards a black car behind me and smirks "now get inside."

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