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I get changed and place my dirty clothes in the washing basket and open the door.

 "Ricardo?" I see him sitting down at the side of the door "done?" 

He stands up and I smile "yes thank you." 

He looks me up and down and laughs nervously running his hand through his hair "you look good."

 I look down at the large jersey that fits me like a dress and the large men's socks that go up to my knees "it's mine now." 

I walk back into the bedroom and sit on the bed "looks better on you than me." 

He follows me in and sits at the bottom of the bed. 

I look into his eyes and I see him looking into mine and I knew that in that moment I wanted to know him more. 

I laugh nervously and look away as the door opens and Gloria Walks in "let me have a look at that ankle." 

She sits down on the bed and places the first aid box down and taps her knee "stick it here." 

I take my sock of and place my ankle on her knee and she smiles "it's just needing rest and an ice pack." 

She hands me an ice pack and smiles "get some rest and I will see you tomorrow." 

I nod and smile "thank you." 

She walks out the door closing it behind her and Ricardo picks the icepack up and smiles "may I?"

 I nod and place my ankle beside him and he places the ice pack onto my ankle "god that's cold." 

He laughs sarcastically "you would only complain if it was warm." 

I roll my eyes and shake my head "true."

After a few minutes he removes the icepack and looks at my ankle "looks better already." 

I smile and stick the sock back on "good." 

I get under the covers and smile "you want me to move over?" 

He raises his eyebrow and shakes his head "no. I will sleep on the sofa." 

I smile softly and shake my head "can you stay with me for the night?" 

He nods towards the pillow next to me and nods "give me the pillow and I will sleep on the floor." 

I look at the floor and shrug "ok?" I

 hand him the pillow and he places it on the floor and goes into his cupboard and gets a large fluffy blanket . He turns the light of before laying on the floor "better?" 

I lie down and smile "yes thanks."

 He turns the lamp of and rolls over "goodnight Belle." I roll over cuddling into a black fluffy heart pillow and close my eyes smiling "goodnight Ricardo."

I get woken up the next morning by Adrianna "hey." 

I open my eyes and see her smiling over me with a glass of orange juice "morning." 

She sits down beside me as I sit up and smiles "there is pancakes downstairs if you want them?" 

I smile and nod "thank you." 

She walks toward the door and points towards the chair at the bottom of the bed "grandma got you clothes too." 

I look towards the chair and see folded clothes "oh good." 

She closes the door behind her and I get out of bed and get changed and head downstairs. 

Gloria smiles as I walk in and hands me a plate of pancakes "morning dear." 

She points towards an empty chair by the table "how is your ankle?"

 I look down and nod firmly "it's good thank you." 

I sit down and look around "where is everyone?" 

Rosie smirks and sips some of her orange juice "where is Ricardo more like?" 

I look down and blush "he's away to the gym with Carlos to sweat of their hangovers." 

I nod firmly and eat into my pancakes.

Gloria sits down and eats a slice of her pancakes when the front door rings "I just sat down." 

Rosie stands up and smiles "I will get it." 

She runs towards the door and opens it "it's a gift bag?" 

She runs in with it and hands me it "for Belle?" 

I raise my eyebrow and look inside "there's a card." 

I grab the card and read it "sorry about last night. I got you jeans. R." 

I smirk and look at the jeans inside the bag "that's sweet." 

Adrianna and Rosie giggle and I shake my head "that was sweet of him." 

I eat the rest of the pancakes and look towards the bag smirking "yeah it was." 

I stand up and place my plate in the sink "I should head home and get changed for work." 

Gloria looks towards the girl's and nods "we can drop you of if you like?" 

I smile and nod "if you're sure?" 

She nods and I smile "ok. I will just go get my stuff from upstairs." 

I run upstairs and into Ricardo's room and get changed. 

I grab my bag and walk back towards the door and run back downstairs. 

"Ready?" Gloria stand at the front door smiling at me "yeah." 

She opens the front door and I follow her towards the car.

We drive the park I ended up last night and I spot my apartment.

"I didn't realise how close I stayed to yous." Gloria nods and smiles "yeah it's handy." 

I smile as she stops the car outside the building "thank you." 

She hugs me and waves "keep an eye on that ankle." 

I get out the car and smile "I will." 

I close the door and run into the apartment and upstairs to mine. 

I open the door and look around smiling before closing the door and walking towards the bags that Pedro brought in with him and go through them. 

I hang a few things up and make the place look more homely "perfect." 

I look around and take a deep breath "just missing one thing." 

I look towards my suitcase and grab the photo frame of me and my parents and place it on the table beside the sofa "now it's perfect."

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