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I get home with a large pizza for myself and head into my bedroom. I place the pizza box on my bed and walk into the bathroom and run a shower. After my shower I head back into the bedroom and get changed and sit on the bed and eat the pizza. I look at my phone and see a text from Ricardo 'are you ok? X' I smile and eat a bite off the pizza and text him back 'yeah. Just got back from self-defence so I'm actually good. I can't wait to see you tomorrow x' I smirk and lean back when I see a text from Ricardo 'Jose told me you was good at it. That's my girl. See you tomorrow amor. Goodnight x' I take a deep breath and nod "I hope that is all he told him." I eat another slice off pizza and stick the pizza box at the side off the bed and lay down turning on the TV but drift off to sleep within 20 minutes.

I wake up a few hours later when I hear a loud bang "Carlos?" I look around the room and see a baseball bat at the window. I look back towards the door and take a deep breath before standing up and walk towards it "hello?" Carlos falls out the bathroom door and I jump and scream "Carlos?" I run towards him and shake him "are you ok."? He laughs sarcastically and nods "I'm fine." I roll my eyes and stand up "are you drunk?" He shrugs and stands up "maybe?" He hugs me and smiles "I'm sorry I scared you." I hug him and sigh "it's ok. Now get to bed." He nods and walks towards his bedroom "goodnight." I smile and wave "goodnight."

I head back into my bedroom and check my phone and see two new text messages. One from an unknown number "." I look towards my bedroom door and take a deep breath before looking at the other text from Adrianna 'are you awake? X' I raise my eyebrow and look towards my alarm clock "2.45? Why is she awake at that time?" I look at the other text and shake my head "no." I grab jeans and stick them on and run downstairs and grab Carlos car keys before heading towards his car. I drive as quickly as I can to the house and knock on the door. After a few minutes no one answers so I go around back. I check for the spare key but it wasn't where it usually is "typical." I look towards Adrianna's room and see her light still on "Adrianna?"

After a few seconds the window opens and I see Adrianna "Belle? You came." She smiles and I nod "of course I did. What's up?" She smiles and holds her finger up "I'm coming down." She closes the window and I nod "ok?" I wait by the back door and see her run towards it and unlock it "are you ok?" She grabs me in for a cuddle and shakes her head "no. I had a bad dream." I smile and hug her "it's ok. I'm here now." I nod towards the chairs and smile "go sit down there and I will get us a blanket and a glass of milk and we can talk about it?" She smiles and nods "thank you." She runs towards the chairs and I head inside and grab the milk and pour two glasses and grab the blanket from the living room and head outside and join her. I wrap the blanket around us and she takes a sip off her milk and takes a deep breath "I had a dream that you left." I hug her and smile "really? Well don't worry. I don't plan on leaving." She smiles and nods "good because we really love having you here." I smile and nod firmly "and I enjoy being here."

She looks at my engagement ring and smiles "I'm so glad I get to have a big sister like you." I smile and can feel a tear run down my face "ohhh Adrianna." I hug her and smile "I'm really glad to have little sisters like you and Rosie." I look up and point towards the stars "how pretty are the stars tonight." Adrianna looks up and smiles "that one looks like an elephant's trunk." She points toward the stars and I nod "yeah it kind off does." After a few minutes I look at her and smile as she cuddles into me and falls sleep "goodnight Adrianna." I cover her with the blanket and take a deep breath and look back towards the stars for a few minutes.

The back door opens making me jump "Adrianna?" Ricardo walks out and smiles "what are you doing here?" I smile and nod towards Adrianna "she had a bad dream?" He laughs sarcastically "you didn't come over here because she had a bad dream did you?" I smile and nod "of course I did." He rolls his eyes and walks towards me "your amazing." He pulls the blanket off Adrianna and picks her up "you want to stay?" I smile and nod "ok." He carries Adrianna upstairs and tucks her into her bed and kisses me "I can't believe you came all the way over here because she had a bad dream. You are going to be an amazing mum one day." He kisses my head and I laugh nervously "let's go." He holds my hand and leads me into his bedroom.

He walks towards his drawer and nods "you want something to sleep in?" I shake my head and take my jeans off "I just stuck these over my pjs." I take my jumper off but feel my top come off with it "help?" Riccardo laughs nervously and walks towards me "come here." He pulls my t-shirt down and I smile "thank you." I get into bed and he lays next to me and cuddles me "do you want kids?" He smiles and nods "of course." I nod and smile "when?" He shrugs and squeezes me "I don't believe in the right time. Just the right person." I look at him and smirk "that's sweet." I laugh nervously and shrug "so you think you have found the right person?" He nods and laughs softly "yeah." He kisses my head and kisses my head "and I don't plan on losing her. Goodnight Belle." I smile and kiss his chest "goodnight boo." I cuddle into him and fall asleep instantly.

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