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"Hey." I jump and look towards the door and see Carlos and Anthony standing .

"You scared me." They walk towards me and look around "where's Pedro?" 

I sit down and smile "at the mall getting lunch."

 Antony walks up an aisle and Carlos walks towards me smiling "so you got anything exciting planned tonight?" 

I laugh nervously and look towards the floor 'does he know Lucas? Does he know I'm meeting him?' 

I shake my head and look at him "nope. Yous?" 

Antony walks over toward the till with a packet of beers "we are going club 639 if you want to come?" 

Anthony hands me money and nods "keep the change." 

I stick it in the till and shrug "maybe." 

I look at my phone when it dings and see a text from Lucas "me and a couple of friends are heading Club 639 so meet you there?" 

I text back and nod "see you then."

 I look at Carlos and Anthony as they look at each other and smile "Ricardo?"  I shake my head and laugh nervously "no." 

I nod and smile "Club 639 sounds perfect."

Pedro walks in and I smile and wave "some girl came by earlier and said that Ricardo won't be home tonight?" 

Carlos laughs nervously and shakes his head "was she ginger?" 

I nod and smile "yip that's the one." 

Pedro nods and smiles "how can I help yous two?" 

They walk towards him and whisper and Pedro looks at me and nods "really?" 

They nod and walk towards the door "see you tonight Belle."

 They leave the store and I smile nervously "what was that about?"

 Pedro shakes his head and smiles "just boys being boys." 

He walks towards me and looks at the list of things "what is that?" 

I hand him it and smile "just a few things I need to get for the apartment." 

He looks around and shrugs "the place is quiet so why don't you go get them now and just head home for the day?" 

I shake my head and he rolls his eyes and grabs my bag "go." 

I take the bag and take a deep breath "are you sure?" 

He nods and smiles "yes. Now go." 

I walk towards the door and wave "see you Monday?"

 He waves and smiles "have a good weekend."

 I walk out the door and head towards the mall.

I get to the mall and get a text from an unknown number "can we speak? Ricardo x." 

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath before sticking my phone back into my pocket and enter the mall. 

After a few stores I pick up what I need for the house and treat myself to a few new outfits including a red skin-tight dress with a slit in the leg before heading back home. 

I walk down the street and see club 639 with people already waiting outside 'I'm guessing tonight is going to be busy.'

 I smile and keep walking. 

Once I pass Pedro's store I see Ricardo standing outside on the phone looking worried.

 I take a deep breath and keep walking. 

Once I get home I see a gift bag by the door with my name on the front so I open it and see a letter and a bottle of whiskey. 

I open the door and stick the whiskey in the kitchen counter and rea the letter. "Just wanted to make sure you get settled in ok. I have attached my number at the bottom if you ever need anything. Craig." 

I smile and stick the letter on the sofa and look at my bags "I will text him after." 

I pull out the red dress and smirk "time to get ready for tonight." 

I grab the bottle of whiskey and a glass and head into the bedroom.

I stick my clothes away and leave my dress on the bed before heading towards the dressing table and start doing my hair and makeup. 

I look at the clock and nod "still got an hour left to meet Lucas." 

I look around and pour myself another whiskey and grab my dress and stick it on "I'm sure I can just meet him there?" 

I smirk and stick the dress on and head towards the living room. 

Placing the whiskey in the kitchen cupboard I fix my hair and grab a lipstick and place it in my bag and head out the door. 

I order an taxi which comes right away.

I get into it and text Craig "hey Craig. I settled in fine but would you recommend any good take out places that will be open late? Going out tonight and usually get hungry after a few drinks. Belle.' 

The taxi pulls outside and I get out and look at my phone '8PM' 

I look at the que and nod 'half an hour early so let's find out where Lucas is.' 

I text him and look around and get a fright when I feel someone lift me from behind. 

I turn around and see Anthony and Marcus. "No Ricardo or Carlos?" 

They nods towards the doors and smile "Carlos is working on the door later on but Ricardo is already inside." 

I smirk and shrug "himself?" Marcus laughs nervously and looks down "he is inside with Alicia." 

I raise my eyebrow and smirk "who?" He shrugs and takes a deep breath "that girl you saw earlier in the store." 

I nod firmly and smile "ohhh." Anthony smiles "but he was looking for you earlier so he will be excited to see you." 

He walks towards the door and smiles "you coming?" I look at my phone and shake my head "I am actually waiting for someone." 

They look at each other and raise their eyebrow "who?" 

I feel someone hug me from behind and I turn around and see Lucas "him." 

I hug him and he laughs nervously "hey." 

I smile and nod "ready?"

 He looks around and nods "I'm just waiting for my friends but they are a few minutes away." 

I look back towards Marcus and Anthony and smile "see yous later?" 

He look Lucas up and down angrily and nod "bye."

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