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I laugh nervously and shake my head "are you ok?" He nods and looks towards my head "are you?" I see blood fall into the water and touch my hand "yeah?" I look at me hand and see blood "I will get a bandage." He quickly gets out the pool and helps me out before running of into the house. The girl's run over and shake their heads "are you ok?" I smile and nod "I'm fine." Gloria runs over with a towel and smiles "go sit by the fire and I will get you dry clothes?" I nod and walk towards the fire "nice left feet." I roll my eyes at Carlos as he laughs "thanks. Love to see you do better?" I shove him making him fall out the chair "thanks for the chair." He stands up and starts salsa dancing himself before falling over a gnome. Gloria opens Adrianna's widow and hangs her head out "Carlos? You break another gnome? That's the 3rd one this month." I laugh sarcastically and stand up "I'm going to get changed so you can have your chair back." Anthony stand's up and smile "Rosa is in Ricardo's room sleeping so don't go in." I raise my eyebrow and nod "ok." I shake my head confused and walk past him and head upstairs.

"Here you go dear." Gloria hands me a t-shirts and shorts "thank you." She heads downstairs and I see Anthony and Marcus standing at the bottom of the stairs whispering 'what are they up to?' I shake my head and walk into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I look into the mirror and shake my head "water." I grab a glass and drink some water before splashing some onto my face. I shake my head and take a deep breath as I take my shoes of. I slip and open the bathroom door and see Marcus and Anthony standing outside Ricardo's bedroom speaking about me. I quickly close the door. Leaving it open a little I listen to their conversation "Belle is a nice girl but if what Alicia said is true and she did go home with Lucas after that night then Ricardo need's too know?" I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "what?" I look at them and scoff "yous can't be serious? Do yous really think I would do that?" They look at each other and shrug "we don't know you so maybe?" I roll my eyes and walk towards them "let's find out the truth then shall we?" I push past them and open Ricardo's door to see Alicia kissing Ricardo.

My stomach turns and I feel faint as soon as I see it. 'Why would he do this? I thought he cared?' Ricardo pushes her away and looks at me but I run down the stairs before he could say anything. I grab my bag and out the front door. Running down the street wet and drunk with no shoes on I feel the tears run down my face. I run to my apartment without looking back and slam the door when I get in and lock it. I run into my room closing the door behind me and fall on the floor at the bottom of my bed with floods of tears running down my face. My phone rings and I look at it and see Ricardo's number so I instantly decline it and stand up "no." I wipe away the tears and take a deep breath "I will not cry for another boy." I walk towards my drawer and get my pjs out and stick them on. I walk into the living room and grab a drink and my phone rings again.

I look at it and see Gloria's number so I answer it and take a deep breath "hello?" I hear Carlos on the other end and I shake my head "don't hang up please? Let me explain?" I take a deep breath and nod "what? How can you possibly explain why Ricardo was kissing Alicia?" After a pause Anthony comes on the phone "I'm sorry Belle. Alicia told us that you went home with Luis the night the Southside were in town but Carlos just told us that you went to his with Ricardo?" I laugh sarcastically "and you couldn't ask me before you let her kiss my boyfriend?" I shake my head and smirk "ex-boyfriend now." Someone knocks on my door making me jump "that is probably him now." I walk towards the door and look through the spy hole "it's my landlord?" I shake my head and look out again "he is drunk I think? He has a bottle of whiskey." I look around and laugh nervously "what do I do?" I look back out the spy hole and he leans against the door and fix's his hair "don't let him in? He might just have the wrong door if he is drunk?" I nod and walk towards the sofa "your right." He bangs on the door and I jump "Belle? Are you in there?" I panic and lock my eyes on the door "he is calling my name." I head towards the door and look through the spy hole again and see him finish the bottle of whiskey before smashing it against the door "Belle." I jump and freeze in shock. "What was that? Belle?"

I shake my head and run towards my bedroom. "He flung the bottle of whiskey at my door and it smashed. He knows I'm in Carlos? What do I do?" I look around the room and hide at the side of the bed and I hear the front door kick in "he is in." I hide under the bed still on the phone "I'm outside. I will be there in a minute. Stay hidden." The phone line goes dead and I lock my eyes onto the bedroom door and it swings open and I see Craig walk towards the bed and bend down looking under it "found you." He drags me out and flings me onto the bed and smirks. Frozen and unable to move he pulls me down and pulls my shorts of. Forcing himself onto my I hear footsteps from outside "Belle?" I look towards the bedroom door and nod "in here." Craig grabs my hair and hits the side of my head against my bedside drawers knocking me out.

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