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I take a deep breath and hear my phone ring "hey Ricardo." I grab a pink fluffy pillow and get new pink bedding "where are you?" I walk towards the checkout and smile "at the mall why?" I hand the woman my card and she hands me the bag off my things and smiles "I just got back and you wasn't in so I panicked." I roll my eyes and walk towards the exit "you can't always worry every time I go out." I see Ricardo at the car park walking towards me "I know. I can't help it." I hang up the phone and kiss him "it's sweet but I'm ok." He smiles and holds my hand "ok." He looks at me bag and smirks "so what did you get me?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "nothing. I got myself new bedding." He smirks and I roll my eyes and shove him softly "down boy." I walk towards his car and smile "I saw the girl's and Pedro. They are getting food for the BBQ tonight." He nods and smiles "I know he texted me about an hour ago. I didn't know if you was up for it so I didn't reply." I shrug and get in the car "well I told them we would be there." He smiles and nods "ok." He drives off and I look out the window and take a deep breath "I saw Lucas." Ricardo looks at me that fast he nearly crashes "wow. Watch the road." He laughs nervously and nods "sorry. What did he say?" I shrug and look at him "just asking how I was." He rolls his eyes and scoffs "the dick has to move on." I laugh nervously and nod "he did. He was with another girl anyway. Not sure who she was and I didn't really care." He smirks and nods "I'm glad. Then maybe he will back off." I lean towards him and smile "are you jealous?" He rolls his eyes and looks at me "off him? Please. I have you so I can't be jealous anyway." I smile and hold his hand "good because I choose you and I will keep choosing you." He kisses my hand and smiles "good." We get back to Carlos's and I see Leticia sitting on the steps crying "I will leave you too it." I kiss Ricardo and smile "see you later?" He nods and smiles "I will come get you." I get out the car and wave at him as he drives down the road.

I take a deep breath and look at Leticia "hey." She stands up and hugs me "Belle. Thank god your back." I smile and hug her "what happened?" She looks around and nods "ok so you know that boy from the mall?" I raise my eyebrows and nod "you mean the one who tried to kidnap me? Yes." I open the door and she follows me inside the house. "Well he turned up at my house last night and well." She rolls up her dress and I see marks all over her stomach and arms "did he attack you?" She starts crying and nods "yes." She hugs me and I smile and hold onto her tightly "I'm here for you. Ok? Always." As she cries into my shoulder I hear a bang from the kitchen and I jump "stay here." I grab the baseball bat from the sofa and walk towards the kitchen and see house "ahhhh."

I scream and run towards the sofa "it's a mouse." Leticia laughs sarcastically and walks towards the kitchen "I will get it." She walks back out a few seconds later and smiles "here you go little guy." She opens the front door and sticks it down "eww." She closes the door and I take a deep breath "I can't believe you just done that. Eww." She smiles and shrugs "my ex used to love rodents so I got used to them." I shake my head and smirk "nope. I would have been straight out his room and life." She smiles softly and sits beside me "so what do I tell Carlos?" The front door opens and Carlos smiles "tell me what?" Leticia laughs nervously and shrugs "about?" she looks at me and shrugs. "About us having mice." I smile at her and she rubs my hand "mice?" Where?" She rolls her eyes and strands up "I got rid of it don't worry." She walks towards the door and waves at me "I will text you after ok?" I smile and wave "good. We need to finish that conversation?" She smiles and nods "I know and we will. Bye."

Carlos looks at me and smiles "what convo?" I raise my eyebrows and scoff "girl's stuff Mr Nosey." He smiles and walks towards me "sorry. I'm just worried about her." I sit down and shake my head "what? Why?" He sits on the other sofa and shrugs "she was in a car accident a few years ago and she had really bad dreams where she would scream during the night but she stopped for a while until last night. Gabriella called me and said that she was screaming last night again." I laugh nervously and shake my head "I got to go." I walk towards the door but Carlos stands in front of me "not until you tell me what you know?" I take a deep breath and smile "Leticia got attacked last night by one off the boys who kidnapped me last night." I watch Carlos's face expression change quickly and he punches the door "dammit." He opens it and runs out "where are you going?" He gets into his car and shakes his head "to find whoever hurt my cousin and kill them." I close the door behind me and run after him "wait. I can't let you go yourself." He laughs sarcastically "I can't help you come with me. Ricardo will kill me. Literally." I shrug and get in the car "he won't plus you don't have a choice." He sighs and nods "fine but you stay in the car. Deal?" I smile and nod "ok."

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